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"I will do whatever you ask for"

"Why are you running this slow? Run more faster.." Jungkook says to Jimin who is already huffing. Obviously struggling with taking breath.

Jimin just ignore his brother and ran how he can right now... He is tired from running already. Though it have been barely 10 minutes.

Jungkook stops a little and waits for Jimin who is lagging behind right now. Jimin ran towards him and ran passed Jungkook ignoring him.

"Yah wait for me! Why do you look like a tomato? Are you perhaps angry?" Jungkook asks.

"I am!" Jimin yelled a little and just jogs.

"Huh why? Did I done something bad?" Jungkook asks.

"Yes you are!! Min is tired. " Jimin whispered down the last sentence with a pout.

Jungkook still heard his whispering and found himself smiling at Jimin's cuteness. He let out a loud chuckle and says "Just because you are tired that doesn't mean its my fault. You aren't that good then now. I shouldn't have make you stop going on morning exercise. "

"What!! Who says I am not good! I am better than all those omegas who are now home sleeping!" Jimin yells back at Jungkook.

"Huh really? Then catch me first!" Jungkook says and increase his pace a little more and ran past Jimin leaving him behind.

"You will do whatever I ask for later!" Jimin says.

"Yeah my prince. I will do whatever you ask for. First catch me!" Jungkook replies back.

"Really? Don't betray me later than! Or even regret that!" Jimin says and speed up his own pace too.

Jimin runs behind Jungkook and Jungkook continues his jogging. Because he knows Jimin won't be able to catch up with him soon. But he did have plan to make Jimin win so that at least he can be happy. But not too soon.

When they were close to their mansion, Jungkook slowed his pace and Jimin took this as a chance and ran quickly and jumped on Jungkook's back while breathing heavily.

"Yayyy! I have won! You said you will do whatever I ask for!" Jimin says happily as he had won now.

Jungkook grips on Jimin's back protectively while Jimin hugs Jungkook's neck not to fall down.

"Yes you did great baby. So what do my baby wants?" Jungkook asks.

"Omg its really happening? Then I should ask for something after thinking." Jimin replies with a giddy feeling inside of him.

Jungkook laughs at Jimin's excitement and waits for his reply while heading towards their mansion.

"Ah! I have decided. Promise me you will get me what I will ask for now!" Jimin says while helding his pinky in front of Jungkook's face.

"I can't hold your hand now. But if I can then I will bring you whatever you want." Jungkook says softly.

"You look so chessy this days! My brother-in-law must be that good to change you. I can't wait to meet him. I am sure we will get along very well..." Jimin says happily. Jungkook chuckled lightly.

"Oh wait! What I want is .......................... A cat. Can I? Pleaseeeeee. I want a pet cat. Mom won't let me get one. Can I get one hyung?" Jimin asks with a whine.

Jungkook smiles and says with a soft voice "Jimin you know we can't have any pet as Mom is allergic to furs. Right? "

"But I want a cat hyunggg~ Sunho has one cat too. Kyeokie is so cute! I want one too." Jimin whines..

"Hm. I don't know Jimin. When you find your mate ask him to get one for you. You can live with him and play with cat too. " Jungkook suggests.

"I don't know. I am sad that I don't have any pet." Jimin says with sad whine.

"You will get one in future. Now lets get ready for school or we will be late.." Jungkook says.

"Yeah. I will get ready now. See you at breakfast. " Jimin says with a sadness in his voice as anyone can feel his down feeling and with that He left to take bath and change his clothes.

Jungkook of course noticed Jimin's reaction. But he can't do that now. When their mom will be sick. Jungkook thinks of a way, his face lit up a little thinking about the plan. He went to take bath as well.

After they had breakfast, Jungkook give Jimin a lift to his school. Jimin didn't talk that much but Jimin also understands a little why Jungkook can't buy him one. Their mom will be sick then. Jimin doesn't want that also.

When Jimin getting off of his seat to leave Jungkook says...

"Jimin-ah, Don't be sad. Okay?"

"Hmm. See you later hyung.." Jimin left.

Jungkook sighs and drove to his work place. While Jimin continues his classes.

"Why do you look so tired Jimin? Didn't you get to sleep well?" Niho asks worriedly.

"Nah. I had to wake up for morning exercise with hyung." Jimin shrugs with that.

"Ah that's why. You must be sleepy then. But you can't sleep now. We have class now. What about coffee? I have some. Want some?" Niho offers as he had his coffee with him now.

"Yeah that would be good. Thank you Niho..." Jimin replies and drank Niho's half coffee for clearing his sleepiness.

"You are welcome Jimin!" Niho replied with a smile.

Their teacher came and start their class. In the end of the school end, as usual Jungkook picks him from school. They reached their mansion quick as well.

"Go to your room and get fresh. Then come downstairs. " Jungkook says. Jimin nodded and went upstairs to his and his hyung's room.

As soon as he entered the room, he froze seeing the huge box. That might be almost twice his size. He approaches the box slowly and start unwrapping it then.

When he sees whats inside of the box, he squeals literally. Its a huge teddy bear. Jimin was in Aww. Seeing the bear that looks so soft and squashable. Jimin hugs it and felt himself drowning into it. Its so soft.

Jungkook smiles at Jimin from outside. He has been looking at Jimin from the little expose sight of the door.

Jungkook says with a chuckle 'What what Type of things I need to do just to see you this happy'

To be continued...

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