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"I want to be an Alpha!"

Next day Jimin went to school and stayed alone without talking to anyone. At the time of tiffin time, he sat at a table alone without his friends..

He notice some boys are disturbing a girl who looks like a little weak. He wanted to say something against them. But he knew well than to do something to them.

So he went to his teacher wisely and told them some boys are disturbing girls. Teacher went to the location and separate them.

Though Jimin is angry but he couldn't do anything against them. At least not now he can say. Because he is still small than others. And doesn't know how to protect one.

Soon the school finished. He still a little angry about the early situation. He waits for his brother while being angry.

As usual Jungkook came to pick his brother, but notice Jimin's angry scent..

"Why? What happened?" Jungkook asked his brother while setting him in the seat. And checking the seat belt.

"Nothing happened!" Jimin yelled a little.

"Why are you so aggressive today? Huh?" Jungkook frown asking that.

"I want to be an Alpha!" Jimin said.

"Whats with being Alpha? You can be an Omega. Who looks always pretty and cute.." Jungkook replied.

"No! Omegas are weak! I want to be an Alpha!" Jimin replied quickly with a whine..

"Did something happened in school?" Jungkook asked raising a brow at Jimin but looking at front as he was driving as well.

"Nothing happened!" Jimin replied stubbornly.

"If you don't tell me anything then I can't help you!" Jungkook pointed out.

"Some boys were disturbing a girl who looks weak and sick may be! At school. I didn't went to them to help. I needed to go to our teacher. The boys were big from me at school!" Jimin replied all of these at a once whining to his Jungkook.

"Oh. You did good. But why you need to be an Alpha to protect others? You can be an Omega and still fight them. You will fit for a Omega leader. Hehe" Jungkook said with a chuckled.

"Stop with your nonsense! I want to be an Alpha! AN ALPHA!" Jimin shouted in the car.

"Gezz! Cool down little devil. I will train you for to get stronger when you became a little old. " Jungkook said.

"Why? Why can't teach me now?" Jimin asked back.

"Uhh.. You are really an advanced kid. Tsk. Okay I will teach you when my exam is finished. " Jungkook replied in defeat.

"Yay.." Jimin cheered.

Jungkook scoffed and replied "You are happy now? All wants to be an omega looking pretty and cute and look here you want to be an Alpha. Aish.."

"Thats not your problem! And When I became Old, i will become more stronger than you. You will see then!" Jimin said with his sharp eyes.

"Really? You will learn from me and trick me as well?" Jungkook asked playfully..

"Yes! Thats what I told now!" Jimin sassed. Jimin and Jimin's sassy character doesn't wants to leave each other at all.

"Tsk. Okay. You became moddy staying with me! Oh wait I have something to discuss with you... " Jungkook said. He wants to talk about the Alpha,Omega things.

"I am not listening until you buy me some Ice-Cream.." Jimin stated.

Jungkook side eyed Jimin. Now he needs to buy an Ice-Cream to speak with him.

"I can buy you next time. You can listen to me now." Jungkook tries. Jimin shook his head and replied with a small 'not listening then'. Jungkook gave up his tries. And drove to the ice-cream parlour near their house.

Who he is to ignore Ji's demand. Because He is the one who spoiled baby Ji much and doesn't listen to their parents. So Jimin loves to stay with jungkook more than with his parents.

They drove to ice-cream parlour. Jungkook said to Jimin to wait for him in the car. When Jimin nodded, Jungkook walk inside and bought Ice-cream for the little devil. And came back to the car again.

He give the ice-cream to Jimin who didn't think a little to snatched the ice-cream and start eating happily. Jungkook starts the car with a smile. He loves happy Jimin more than a grumpy Jimin.

"So, I am saying You know that We have Alpha, beta and omega status. Right?" Jungkook waits for Jimin's confirmation. Jimin nodded while eating. Good thing. That means he is listening.

"Okay. The thing is there is a mate for everyone. You need to wait for your mate to find you. An alpha always get to know about their mate early. But still it needs time. However, what is the main point is. There is always a soulmate or partner for each of us. You have your mate already decided by the Luna. Just like me. So You can't exclaim that you love others.

You can like others when you get older but you will feel more love towards your mate than the others. So Wait for your mate without thinking about any bad thing. Okay?

And also if you became Omega or an Alpha. That doesn't matter to us. Even if you became an Omega, I will be always there for you. And I had always thought about it to make you strong than others. So you don't need to think about that. Okay? I will make progress on you at right time. You just enjoy the childhood for now. " Jungkook said while driving towards their house. At the end of the speech, they reached the mansion.

"Okay Kookie. But Don't leave me alone. Promise me." Jimin said holding his pinky to Jungkook. Who chuckled and held Jimin's pinky and said 'Promise. Who Am I to leave my little baby Ji'

"Look at your pinky, how small are they.." Jungkook teased Jimin knowing Jimin doesn't like it at all.

"They are Not! When I became older, it will get bigger like you!" Jimin shouted.


"Yes! REALLY!" Jimin shouted to his playful brother. Jimin get down from the car  and ran inside the mansion to his mother. He didn't even care about the yelling of Jungkook's from behind who is telling him to slow down or he will fell and get hurt.


To be Continued...

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