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"Jungkook is only Jimin's"

At the end of the day, Jimin was about to walk out of the classroom but he was stopped by Choi Lin.

"Hello Jimin!" She greets with a smile.

"Oh Hello Lin.Do you need anything?" Jimin asks politely.

"Ah I am just curious about it. But What is your relationship with Mr. Jeon?" Lin asks.

"Oh Jungkook hyung! Thats my hyung and my--"  He was cut off by Jungkook who came to inform him something.

"Jimin! Go home with Niho today, he is waiting for you outside.. I need to go to hospital for a moment. I will meet you at home. Bye bye."  Jungkook says quickly and left for the hospital. Lin was checking Jungkook out.

"Oh sorry Lin. I will see you tomorrow. Bye bye. " Jimin bid her and runs away to meet with Niho.

Inside the classroom, Lin was looking at the blank door while mumbling to herself " Interesting.. I like this Jungkook. Lets see.." With that she walks away.

On the other side, Jimin has already found Niho outside waiting for him as Jungkook said. Niho is going to give him a lift to home. So Jimin is now inside Niho's car. Niho has finally get his car license and a new car from his hyungs.

"Can you believe that he is now my teacher!??" Jimin says in disbelief to Niho who was now driving.

"Thats good for you... But also little bad. " Niho comments.

"Why its bad? I get the good thing but what is the bad?" Jimin asks confusedly.

"Well, you will get so many revals but the only difference between them and you is you are his mate who love you and them who just can't get your hyung's attention like you. So its a good and bad thing. Don't get offended so quickly. Okay?" Niho says.

"Oh. Yeah thats true. Wherever he goes, he attracts people even puppies! Why puppies love him so much but not me!!" Jimin whines.

"Jimin, you are afraid of pets!" Niho says like a matter of fact.

"What no! I like cats! And little dog puppies!" Jimin defends himself quickly.

"Then ask your hyung to buy you cat or something and then love that pet." Niho says with a shrug.

"Thats a good idea Niho. I will ask hyung. You are so genius Niho!" Jimin exclaims.

"You are also genius Jimin. " Niho says back.

"You are more. "

"No you are."

"No you"

"Alright!! We both are!" Niho says loudly to stop this childish quarrel.

"Okay." Jimin accepts with a sigh.

Soon they reached Jeon Mansion. They bid each other and Niho drives away to his own house.

Skip to Dinner Time

"Where did you go at morning Jungkook?" Mrs. Jeon asks .

"I got myself a part time Job. " Jungkook replies indifferently.

"Part time job? What type of job?" Mr. Jeon asks now.

"Aha wait! I will tell you. He became my teacher at university!" Jimin said before Jungkook can reply anything.

Their parents just look at him with a face like they didn't believe him. Mrs. Jeon shook her head and look at Jungkook to ask again "What type of Job, kook?"

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