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"Jungkook is strange today"

In just 2 weeks Jimin's final exam has finally finished. Today was the last day of final exam. After finishing his exam, Jimin and his best friends are walking together through the hallway.

"Ah man! Today's exam was so hard.. " Jean complains.

"Huh? Only to you then.." Niho replies.

"You are no fun. " Jean pouts and punches Niho's arm lightly.

"Not my fault that you didn't study well. " Niho defends.

"Yup. I agree! " Sungwon replies from beside.

"You were always weak in history. You should have read more" Jimin comments.

"As much I remember you were also bad at history. How are you so confident now?" Jean gives him side eyes.

"Thats easy. He worked hard and you didn't!" Sungwon says with a shrug.

"I guess. But its good that I won't fail in the subject. Haha.. " Jean says with a laugh.

"Good thing." Sungwon comments.

" Hey guys, why don't we go somewhere to enjoy tonight ? As our exam has finally finished.. " Jean says.

"Yeah not bad idea. But where can we go?" Niho asks.

"How about we try street food today?" Jimin asks while raising his hand a little.

"Yay~ we can try that. So anyone objects?" Sungwon asks. All shook their head saying that they don't have any problem with that.

"Okay. Then lets go home now. We will meet at evening in front of Jean's apartment. Because night time is the best time to enjoy street food for me.. " Sungwon replies.

"Okay" they all agreed and went to their own house.

Jimin was in the car with Jungkook at backseats. Jungkook was watching Jimin's expression from beside while Jimin is chatting with someone in his phone.

"Why are you so happy?" Jungkook asks finally while poking inside of his mouth with his tongue.

"Ah me??" Jimin asks looking at Jungkook one time.

"Yes you. Mr. Jeon. " Jungkook confirms.

"Oh I am just excited to go for street food tonight.. " Jimin says.

"With whom?" Jungkook asks.

"My friends of course.. What's wrong with you today?" Jimin asks confusedly.

"Nothing.." Jungkook says sulkingly a little and look outside of the car.

"You are a baby, hyung. Hehe.." Jimin giggles.

"Really? Whose baby I am then?" Jungkook asks teasingly with a smirk.

"Whose??" Jimin asks raising his eyebrow.

"Yep. Whose?"

"Of course, Mom and dad's..." Jimin replies with a laugh. Jungkook smirks vanishes and replaced with a pout.

"Then who I am to you?" Jungkook asks.

"You are ......."

"Yes, I am...... "

"My slave" Jimin replies playfully.

"Really? Then I should carry you from now. everywhere too. " Jungkook says.

"Why?" Jimin asks confusedly.

"So that you don't trip at nothing and fall down as you are a little clumsy. I should take well care of my master. Right?" Jungkook says with an innocent look.

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