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"Jimin is sad but not anymore"

The next time Jimin wake up from his sleep, he was sweating a lot. And his body was also hot. That makes him feel uneasy too.

"Hyung.." He was yelling for his brother but all his voice sounds like a whine.

Soon Hannah enters the room worriedly. She was passing by Jimin's room to check him. But he heard Jimin's whine.

"Min baby, you will be fine. Don't worry. Wait a little more.." She whispers to Jimin who was looking shock.

"Why I am feeling so uneasy Eomma? There is also some liquid, which is getting out from lower region. WHAT IS IT MOM!! Does it mean that I am an Omega?" Jimin asks his mother cryingly.

"Jimin! Being an Omega isn't bad! They might look weak but if they try a little, they can be strong as an Alpha! There is nothing bad being an omega baby. " Hannah explains Jimin..

"No! NO! I can't be an omega. Its hurt! Mom stop this.. "Jimin yells through his cry.

"It will be alright baby.. Bear with this for now. You will be fine later. Take rest. Wait I will give you some clothes for scent. It might calm you down a little." Hannah says as she gets up and walk into Jungkook's closet and came with some clothes and give those to Jimin, who immediately went sniffing the clothes to take all the scents..

"I will go out now, I will again come after 1 hour to check you later.." Hannah says but Jimin doesn't listen to her as he is busy with the scents.

Hannah went downstairs after that. She saw Jungkook sitting on the sofa in living room. Her husband is currently out of the town because of business.

"Jungkook, You can stay at your penthouse if you want! I don't want you to lose your control over you and attack Jimin or so.." Hannah says..

"Mom! I won't do it ever.. I have take control over it for 10 years or so.. I can take control of myself. Not that I am not affected by his strong orange scent, But I can take control. Moreover I need to stay here, what if he or you need somwthing. Dad isn't here because he is unfortunately out of town.  Don't worry. I will be in guest room. That is far away from ours. Okay.." Jungkook assures His mother.

Hannah give a pointed look towards Jungkook, before nodded at Jungkook and says "Okay. But If I see you around his room one time, you are going out of this mansion for days.."

"Yeah Okay. " Jungkook nodded quickly.

The days went somehow fast.  Jimin finally felt he is good now other than he felt like shit. Jimin get up from bed and went direct for shower. After he feel fresh, he went downstairs for the breakfast.

"Good morning.." Jimin mumbles slowly.

All of them are quite shock to see him but compose themselves quickly. Jungkook was the first one to break the silent.

"Morning Minnie." Jungkook offers a smile. But Jimin doesn't looks at him as He keep his head down and sat on his seat.

Hannah serves him food and sat down on her own seat.

"Jimin? Do you need anything? Aren't you liking this foods?" Their father asked as Jimin was playing with his food rather than eating those.

Jimin stopped playing and look at his parents and his hyung with teary gaze and says "Why are you guys not sad?"

"Why would we be sad Min?" Hannah asks.

"Because I am sad. Thats mean you all should be sad.." Jimin whines.

"No Jimin, you aren't sad. You just don't want to accept you subgender.." Hannah starts..

"Yes Jimin! This is not out the sub gender! Alpha omega ranking isn't worth anything. Because our first gender is we are person! Thats the thing. Its not sad that you are an omega. You are one of the most strongest omega in the world we know about.

Do you not feel proud about our mother? She is an omega right? We are nothing without her. She was the main reason we are here. Otherwise, How could we form this universe?

There is and always will be some Alphas who always look down at omegas. But We good one and even you should change that. I thought my Min is strong! Aren't you?" Jungkook says.

"No.." Jimin whispers.

"What!! That hurt me! You can't say that! " Jungkook says dramatically with a gasp. That make Jimin giggles. Finally. They all smiles at Jimin.

"But you really shouldn't be sad about this! Its natural order! But you shouldn't think of yourself as this low. Do You think that I am also low people like those bunch of Alphas who don't treat others nicely?" Jungkook asks.

"What! No! You are good!" Jimin says a little quickly. Jungkook is a little taken aback at the response.

"Then you should know that what I say is also good for you. You should listen to me!" Jungkook says.

"I will see." Jimin mumbles and start eating to avoid talking..

They finished eating and Went to Jungkook's car. He feels good coming outside after a long period of time.

"Wait, Why do smell so strong? Like Vanilla? " Jimin asks looking at Jungkook.

"Its how you will feel now. You will get more scents at one time. It might make you feel also dizzy before you cope with that! " Jungkook says starting his car.

"Ah, Then you already can smell my scent this strong? " Jimin asks curiously.

"Um yeah.. I like your scents. Its Orange if you don't know about.." Jungkook replies with a smile.

"Oh. " Jimin is a little surprise. There is unknown feeling inside him. He can't figure it out. The air is also feels like awkward to Jimin.

"But Jimin consider my advise. You are the best. Everytime you say to yourself that you can do it and you are the best. No one can beat you other than yourself! Okay? Don't worry about anything. If anyone dares to bully you, then show you what you have! What I taught you. You can do that right? Otherwise Niho is also there with you. Also Jean and Sungwon. " Jungkook says.

Jimin nodded quitely listening to Jungkook. He can't really change everything what has already done. It was not the thing he was expecting either. So he should at least try. Right?

Jungkook pulled the car in front of the school and looks at Jimin and says holding his scarf to Jimin "Here keep this with you. I am sure it will keep you calm"

Jimin eyes the scarf at Jungkook's hand and looks at Jungkook with curious gaze and asks "How do you know that?"

"Aren't you feeling comfortable with me here? Don't you like my scent?" Jungkook asks dumbly.

"Ah No! i mean yes I do like your scents. Its help me to keep calm also." Jimin admits with red cheeks and takes the scarf from Jungkook's hand. Jungkook just smiles at him in return.

Jimin quickly open the door and ran inside the school before Jungkook can say another thing. Jimin pants heavily when he walked inside his school. He really need to compose himself first.

He can already smells more scents that making him dizzy a little. He thought about the scarf and brought the scarf up and sniffs a little. Its indeed true that it keeps him calm. He puts the scarf around himself with a smile and walks towards his class.

To be continued...

He guys, I can't update daily from now. I have exam in some days. I am little busy with my study. I will try to update soon. Thank you..

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