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"A little bit of secret about Jungkook's delicate mate"

"Why do you look like so excited? Its your hyung's birthday not yours! You have school to go." Hannah says to Jimin.

"Nooo! I am not going. Hyung said we will have fun outside today!! Hyungg tell mom what you said.." Jimin whined and pocked Jungkook from beside.

Jungkook gluped down after chewing his food and nodded. "Yes, You will be spending the day together. Don't worry mom. Jimin will be catch up with study with Niho." Jungkook assured.

"Can I be really?" Hannah asked with her hand crossed on her chest while giving side eye to Jimin who is sulking.

"I promise! I will finish quickly!" Jimin replied giving his puppy eyes to his mom.

"I know you have charm but that won't work on me. And you better finish your study otherwise I will make Jungkook move out from our mansion. He also needs a new house to stay with his mate anyway!" Hannah replied firmly.

That was a little bit of mistake as she as well others can see Jimin's mood falter a little. He looks down at his food.

Jungkook clears his throat and replied "I need any place mom. Even I have mate I will stay with you all forever. I love joint family more than living alone. In a joint family, you can feel the loves from each other. Again I won't leave the devil alone as well. He will study right Jimin?"

"Yes I will" Jimin nodded at them while looking at all of their eyes. They all returned to eat their food again.

"Oh wait, I have some cakes left from yesterday. I kept two piece for mom and Dad. I will bring it." Jimin said and ran to kitchen. He doesn't even mind the worried shout of Jungkook saying to be careful.

"Geez. This kid! What I will do with him!" Jungkook mumbled to himself. They all waits for Jimin. It didn't take more than 50 seconds to arrive again. But with the plates of cake.

"Here. Eat and tell how is it.." Jimin said excitedly giving the cake to His mom and dad.

His dad arched an eyebrow at Jimin and said while pointing to the cake piece "This is made by you??"

Jimin nodded continuously.

"Woah! How did you make it? You didn't even place your foot in the kitchen for cooking for once! Is this edible? " His dad asked.

"Dadd! Hyung ate it! And see he is good. And also he loved it. Didn't you hyung? Tell mom and dad." Jimin said sulking.

"Okay okay. So impatient kid of mine. I will taste then." His father said and takes a spoon. And cut a little portion of the cake and eats it. His mind went blank and look at Jimin.

"What happened? Why do you look like blank? You didn't like it? But its nice. I also ate it. " Jimin said with a frown.

"Are you sure that you really made it yourself? I mean woah this is really so great! " His dad said with wide eyes making Jimin giggled at his dad's expression.

"Yes Min. It really taste so good. Aw my baby is grown up. " Hannah commented.

They all eats and Jungkook gets up and left for their room. Jimin followed behind. But nonchalantly jumped on Jungkook's back. Jungkook is used to it, so he held Jimin so that he doesn't fall down.

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