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"Last day Surprise"

Some days has passed since the kiss incident. Jimin being an assistant also came to a end as well. Its his last day at archery team. Because soon the players will be attending the competition. And they are well guided.

So as its his last day there, Jimin has been thinking of giving them some treat. But he doesn't have any money right now. He pouts. But then he remembers, he has his hyung of course.

After getting ready for school, He quickly run downstairs to have breakfast with others. He sat down beside Jungkook and start eating a little happily. Jungkook observes him with a raised eyebrow but didn't comment anything on it. He waits for to be alone.

After finishing breakfast, They bid their parents and went to Jungkook's car. Jungkook doesn't question Jimin anything yet. He just drives towards Jimin's school. But soon enough he can't help himself but asking what Jimin was so happy for.

" What is the thing you look so happy?" Jungkook finally asks.

Jimin stops smiling with a sigh. And finally replies with a little pout " well. I am not actually happy. I am just a little sad because today is my last day at archery team. I am not going to see them again. So I wanted to treat them but I don't have money.. "

"Oh. Then why you looked happy?" Jungkook asks confuses.

"Think about it hyung. What it can be!!" Jimin sassed at Jungkook.

" Well. I don't know. You tell me. What it is.." Jungkook asks.

"I didn't know you are this dumb hyung. I need money and that can come from only you. So Thats why I am happy that I don't need to tension about money when I have you!! Right? You earn for me. Isn't it?" Jimin asks.

Jungkook is once again amused by Jimin's reply. He did agree in his mind that he kind of earn for Jimin as well. Because If he doesn't then who? He has to spoil his baby. Its Jimin he is talking about. But decided to tease Jimin.

" Who said I earn for you? Do you think you deserve it? I definitely don't think so.. " Jungkook teases.

" I-I " Jimin opens his mouth to reply something but when he notices Jungkook's expression he shut his mouth again. Jungkook looks serious. So Jimin thought he is actually wrong this time. He just pouts and doesn't reply anything.

"Yeah. I thought so.. you can't reply that.. " Jungkook teases more.

"Thats totally unnecessary hyunggg!!! " Jimin says with a glare. And hopped off of the car as the car has already stopped at the school gate and ran inside quickly.

He ran inside even before Jungkook can have a chance to pull his money bag fully from his pocket. He tried to call Jimin but Jimin has already shut the door. So he won't be hearing anything from Jungkook.

Jungkook sighs and mutters " What I am going to do with you baby.. You are so spoiled. I should scold myself rather than you. Because I was the reason beside you being spoiled. Mom has told me not to. However you are mine favourite, I do have to take well care of you.. " while taking out his black card.

After he takes out the card, he went inside of school to give the card to Jimin. He awkwardly went inside the school as all students are giving him a look. While girls are squealing at him after seeing him. He has this type of vibe anyway.

Fortunately he doesn't have to go that much as he finally notices Jimin slowly walking while looking at down with a pout. Jungkook shook his head and catch up with Jimin.

" Yah you adorable shorty, you forgot the card at car! " Jungkook shouts a little at Jimin. Jimin stopped when he recognizes the voice and look behind at Jungkook. Students ,who were in the hallway, were also looking at them now.

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