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"My hyung didn't taught me to be a weaker"

"Good Morning!" Jimin said sitting beside Niho who was so into his book. Niho jumped from the unexpected voice. He quickly look up at Jimin in shock.

"Tsk! Why are you so shock!" Jimin asks without any emotions.

"Y-You are really here??" Niho asks dumbfounded.

"Tsk! I thought you will be happy to see me after years. And here you are! Even thinking If I am real!" Jimin mumbles loud enough for Niho to hear.

"No! I mean I was shock! Whatever! How are you?" Niho asks composing himself.

"I wasn't sick. Of course I will be fine. " Jimin shrugs.

"Hmm. You did became more moody now. But I am not complaining. I kind of liking it. " Niho replies with a smile.

"I guess. I am not going to change just because I am an omega. Huh! " Jimin says firmly.

"Thats the spirit. You are not weak. The person who tell themselves weak, they are the real weak. So we all should tell ourself that we are worth it. And we are strong." Niho says with a smile.

"I guess. Hyung says so too." Jimin shrugs.

Niho nodded. Just then their teacher enters and start teaching the lessons. 3 class finished. Now its break period.

"Hey Jeon! We heard you are an omega now?" One rude boy says with a whistle.

Jimin, Niho, Sungwon and Jean was walking together to the canteen. But all stopped when they heard the comment about addressing Jimin.

"It's no-" Niho was cut off by Jimin himself.

"Yeah I am. So?" Jimin asks while giving them a boring gaze.

"Woah this much pride! You should learn that you should talk with an Alpha carefully and respectfully. " The boy who is clearly an alpha says.

"That makes us even. You should also respect an Omega.." Jimin replies.

"Really? They aren't worthy of that. Thats why we Alphas don't respect them." The bully replies.

"That wasn't the thing I heard. And Kindly say 'I don't respect them' than 'We don't respect them'! Will you?" Jimin says.

"Who are you to order me?" The boy shouts.

"Yeah thats right. I am nobody to you. So go to other place or even hell, I don't care about you. Now excuse me.." Jimin said turning around but again stopped when the boy held his hand.

Jimin turn around and asks "Now what?"

"Apologize to us for being rude and get away." The boy orders.

"Why I will Apologize? I don't see any problems... And I am nobody to you for ordering me like this! If you would have been my hyung then that was different topic. But you are nothing. So let me go." Jimin orders.

"I will only let you go when you apologize. And do you think we fears those Alpha friend of you? Huh. In wildest dream." The Alpha mocks.

"Then I guess it have to be hard way. " Jimin says with a sigh. And look around the students and telling them "You all are witness of this drama. So you all know better that I am at my last point to do this. Yeah. "

When Jimin finishes, The boys laughs thinking Jimin will apologize.

"See! That wa--- AHH" The Boy was cut off by sudden attack. He quickly removes his hand from Jimin to hold his member over his pants in pain. Because Jimin has kicked him in his shin.

The other 2 boys came to attack Jimin but Jimin Kicked them and then punches before they fall on the floor and looks in pain.

"Tsk! You are the Big Alpha! Huh. What a shame you lose to an Omega!" Jimin says with a chuckle.

Then Jimin's face harden as he pulls the leader, who had hold his hand tightly, closer to Jimin by his collar and says with a stern voice "Now see who you get involve with! I am not like other omegas. Who will look weak and will try to flatters Alphas! I am not that low. Because my hyung didn't taught me to be a weaker. Now you get to see practically. Because you with your gang will be in my view always. If I ever see any of you teasing or doing things to an Omega! Then you will have to go through me again. That I think won't like next time. Because I won't be this much considered as now I am. "

Jimin shoved the boy away from him harshly. And stand up with his head up in proud. He isn't going to keep his down just because he is an omega. He is proud of himself as his hyung said. He is stronger than other.

Jimin looks around the hall at other students and smiles that look more scary than genuine right now. He speaks "You all see this, right. I am nowhere in fault. But I will appreciate it if you all keep my words. I don't want violations okay? All of you Alphas who is around me or will be an Alpha, don't treat others like this assholes. Its not appreciated in society. Think of your Mothers before you think of other omegas. "

Jimin turned around from others to his friends who were smiling at him. So he smiled back at them and let out a small 'Lets go to eat'. They nodded and went to canteen.

"You were so great Jimin! Don't forget us when you become famous. " Jean said with a pout.

"Tsk! Why would I!" Jimin says.

"Whatever happens! We are the best friend! What do you say?" Sungwon said helding his hand forward for others.

"Yeah, Whatever happens we are the best friend!" Niho joins first. Then Jean. Then Jimin smiles at them and joins finally with a big smile saying the dialogue.

The school finishes and As usual Jungkook came to pick Jimin up. But Niho told Jungkook about the bullies. Hearing that make Jungkook angry. He just can't stop talking now. Thanks to Niho.

"Ah hyung! Shut up. It was nothing!" Jimin says with a whine.

"But they tried to bullied you! Wait are you hurt anywhere?" Jungkook asks desperately.

"Uhhh.. No he just held my hand tightly. And tried to make me apologize to him for nothing!" Jimin mumbles with a shrug.

"What! Thats it! We are take down those students from here..." Jungkook says trying to get down from the car but Jimin stops him quickly!

"Yah hyungg! What happened to you! Why are you trying to make me embarrass myself for nothing! I kicked and punched them. And tell them not to do things to other again or next time won't be good. And now here you are trying to talk with Principal and make me look like a loser!" Jimin shouts at Jungkook more like whines.

"Thats good. But how do you know that they won't try again. How do you know that you convinced them? Jimin, try to understand. Let me talk with principal for giving them a warning!" Jungkook says with a concern look.

"I said no! Why are you trying to make me look like a weaker!" Jimin says with a glare.

"Its for your good!"

"No its not! I am not a weak person! I said to the others to I am not a weak person! Because My hyung didn't taught me to be a weaker!" Jimin shouts angrily that made him look even more cute.

Jungkook finally stops complaining. He smiles at Jimin. And nodded saying a 'okay'.

Jimin let out a whisper 'Finally!' then with a huff he looks outside of the window..


To be continued...

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