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"Jimin joining Archery Team"

"Hellooo! Good Morning!" Jimin greets with a cheery voice from behind of his best friends. Other 3 are surprise to hear Jimin's voice all on a sudden.

"Oh.. Good Morning Jimin.." Niho replies with a nervous smile.

"What are you nervous for?" Jimin asks.

"Well nothing. I hope everything went well at home?" Niho replies.

"Hmm. Hey lets go. We are going to be late.." Jimin replies instead and walks ahead of them. Others give each other a pointed look that says suspicious about Jimin's behaviour. But followed Jimin afterwards.

At break period, Jimin left from his class first and suddenly vanishes. Niho, Sungwon and Jean looks worried. They tired to find Jimin but they just couldn't find where Jimin went to.

On the other hand Jimin just went to the top roof. No one really comes there neither is Jimin that much. But he have been here for sometimes since the last year.

Jimin sat on the floor by the shadow. Because its sunny day and its a little hot too. But when its night, there is cold breezes.

Jimin sat there leaning on the wall while keeping his own eyes closed. He didn't bring his lunch box today. He left at home intentionally. He just couldn't cope with the thing right now. He suddenly starts thinking  himself being a burden to the family. But they loved him. Even after that, should he think about himself being a burden to the family?

"I should clear my head. Or I will not able to get a good result. There is an evaluation exam before the final exam. I should do something that will keep me away from this. Yeah." Jimin says with  a whisper.

He takes out his phone out of his pants pocket and opened the school website. He search for something that will take his interest. Soon he finds a post about archery.

That is, They will need an assistant for their school's archery Team for 2 weeks. Anyone can apply to it. Jimin thinks about that for some time before getting up from his spot.

He walks to the sports teacher's room. As soon as he reached there, he knocked at the door. The teacher said him to come inside.

"Good Noon, Sir." Jimin greets.

"Oh Good Noon, Mr. Jeon. How can I help you?" sports teacher asks while looking at Jimin.

"I saw in school website that the archery team needs an assistant. I wanted to apply for it." Jimin explains politely.

"Yes. But are you sure you can do it? I mean you are good. But you are an omega and they all are Alpha or Beta. I don't want any type of problems. Again, won't this will create problem to your study?"

"No No. I am okay with it. And There won't be any problem. I.. I have my Alpha." Jimin replies quickly without thinking for a moment. Then quickly places his hand on his mouth.

"Your Alpha? Congratulation Mr. Jeon." The teacher congrats him.

"Eh.. Thanks Sir. I just found out yesterday. For that reason, I wanted to clear my head for a little as it was an unexpected moment. And the archery team need an assitant for 2 weeks. So I came here. " Jimin explains with a sigh.

"Ah I see. Its okay Jimin. You two are called soulmate for nothing. You and your Alpha will find a way to solve your problem. Don't worry about that. Okay?" The teacher says with a soft voice understanding Jimin's matter. Jimin nodded slowly.

" Okay. Now lets go to them to introduce you?" The teacher added then.

"Really? Lets go then. Thank you sir." Jimin replies with a small smile.

Then they both heads to the field to meet with the archery team. As soon as the archery team saw their coach approaching them, They all stand up. Jimin follows the coach from beside with his head high.

"Everyone, This is Mr. Jeon. Some may be already know him. He will be the assistant for the team for 2 weeks. I don't want any type of problem here. And if I heard that any of you causing him problem , then you are out of the team. And also no one will treat him differently. Am I clear?" The coach asked with sharp voice.

"Yes Coach!" All said in unison with loud voice.

The coach nodded and turned to Jimin and says "Jimin, I will leave you here then. Introduce with them now. And then go to your class as the break time will be finished soon. And you need to stay here after school today. They had practise today after the school. Okay. I will go now then. Take care. Tell me if you need anything.."

"Okay Coach. Thank you again." Jimin says cheerfully. And then the coach left with a smile.

Jimin turns to the archery team, they are still standing at their same position. Well, this is a little awkward. He clears his throat first and says sharply "Hello, I am Jimin. I will be your new assistant. I will like to know about your name and what is needed to know. And don't mess with me, I may be not like you but still I am not less than you all. So treat me well. Thanks."

"Hello, I am the team Captain. Din Yi " The team captain says normally without any expression on him. Jimin nodded sharply. He is good with memories. He can remember anything that is told one time to him.

Then the break time finishes, Jimin returned to the class saying his bye to them. Surprisingly they were decent and obedient. Jimin is quite satisfied with his decision.

As soon as he returned to his class, his friends were going to question him where he was but cut off by teacher entering the room.

Finally, all the class ended. Jimin get up from his seat with his bag and went to his best friends.

"Hey guys, I will be going now to archery team. Bye. See you all tomorrow." Jimin says.

"Archery team? Why?" Jean asks  in confusion.

"Oh. I am their team assistant for 2 weeks. Okay bye bye." Jimin replies and starts walking leaving his friends a little frozen. But again stops and turns around hesitantly.

"Um Niho?" Jimin called.

"Yeah?" Niho response looking at him.

"Um, You will see Jungkook hyung on your way. Tell him to go home without me. I will go home before the evening. Bye" Jimin says and left fast.

Others didn't get to say anything back as Jimin left quickly. They sighed and decided to just go home. Niho waits for Jungkook to show up. Soon Jungkook came as well.

"Hyung! Jimin said to you to go home back. " Niho says.

"I know he had told me not to come in the morning. But of course I need to make sure he will be okay. But how will he go home back? By walking? He also came to school today by walking. " Jungkook says worried about Jimin of course.

"What! Really? Well he seems different today. Now just get to know he was just faking it. Now he is also attended the archery team as their assistant. He said he will go home before evening. I think you should visit him and see if he really is alright. Also in the break time, he went missing suddenly and just few minutes ago we got to know that he joined the archery team. I hope he is okay. " Niho says with a sad smile.

Jungkook sighs and looks at Niho with a smile "Thank you Niho. You can go home. I will see for him. "

"You are welcome hyung. Bye bye." Niho replies before leaving for home.

Jungkook is worried about Jimin. But he is also sure Jimin didn't eat anything yet. First Jungkook went to near by restaurant to buy some foods for Jimin. Meanwhile Jimin will be here anyways. So Jungkook left for the restaurant.

To be continued....

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