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"New Jimin"

Jimin wake up after 2 hours or so. He sat up on the bed and rubs his eyes to let the sleep away. He look around his now clear room. He became confuse.

"I feel asleep after clearing a little. But how come the room looks so perfect now? Moreover how come I end up in bed? I wasn't like this? Did hyung do this? I don't know. Okay lets not think about that Jimin. You smells right now. So lets take a bath Jimin." Jimin said to himself and get to have a bath.

After bathing, he came outside without wiping his hair properly. Wet hairs are dumped on his forehead. He forget about it as usual. Jungkook do that for him always.

But he doesn't care now. Jimin went to his study table and give a seconds to take a look to his all books that are mainly remained untouched.

He groans and start with biology books that he hasn't read even for one time this year. And its already going to be september.

"How Can I read this all now? I don't know any of that.. I am so dead. How can I even became in top 5 if I didn't read the books yet!" Jimin exclaimed dramatically.

"Okay Jimin lets try with the first chapter. Lets read.." Jimin said to himself and start reading a little.

After not more than 5 minutes, he groans and said "Fuck! This is so boring. But I don't know anything either. Jimin focus on you study. Or Jungkook hyung will be disappointed on you." He starts reading with his eyes wide opened.......

He was so into his book that he did't even notices, its already 8pm. Time for their dinner.

Jungkook came to call him for dinner. He was about to knock on door but stopped a little when he saw Jimin is reading. He smiled a little but the smile is gone when Jimin noticed him.

He clears his throat and said "Dinner is ready. Come downstairs."

"Can't I go later? I will finish this first." Jimin said.

"Are you disagreeing with me now? First lie and now disagree? Okay don---"

"No. I am coming. Lets go hyung." Jimin replied while closing his books quickly before pulling Jungkook with him. Jungkook blinks his eyes a little but followed Jimin.

Their parents are happy to see them together again. At least both of them talking normally. Jimin sat down at his seat. Jungkook sat at his seat beside Jimin's.

"Jungkook, how is it going in your hospital?" their father asks.

"Its good. Seokjin hyung is there also. We have quite some free time to talk to. So I am not lacking in socializing if that you are wondering." Jungkook said with a shrug..

"I see but did you find someone for dating? You are becoming 30 now. Did you find anyone? We will love to meet her or him.. Right Hannah?" Mr. Jeon said to his wife.

"Yes right. You should look for your mate. I can tell he or she will be so cute. Honey imagine having our grandchilds. Ah Jungkook-ah, find someone quickly!" Hannah said to her son with a whine.

"Uh. Mom and Dad. I have found my mate. But I will make him meet with you when he get acknowledge about it like me. Don't worry. And yes he is cute. You are right!." Jungkook agreed with his mom.

"Woah! Jungkook-ah. Really? Who is he? Can't we know about him? Jimin will be excited to meet with his brother-in-law as well.. " Hannah said excitedly.

Jimin clears his throat before saying " I am finished. I will go to my room. Don't disturb me." And left the dinner. Its clear that he isn't happy about it.

"Ahem. I will tell my mate when I find the right time. Don't worry. And about Jimin, its okay. He will be studying. He will get my forgiveness if he can enter in top 5 in yearly exam. So thats why he is so eager. Lets eat." Jungkook said to their parents. They nodded and start eating.

Jimin went to his room huffing a little. He is a little mad? Yes he is mad!

'Did he wants to stay away from me now that he founds his mate? Yes thats why he is acting mad at me for nothing. It was a mere lie. I wasn't even drinking!'

'Right. You ask me to get in top 5? Right. I will try my best to be in. But know that I hate you if you are trying to leave me!' Jimin whisper shouted at himself staring at empty wall.

He huffed and star reading again. He ended up in bed with his books. And slowly drifted to sleep.

Jungkook came to see Jimin at 1 am. He was mainly going to have water but on his way he saw, the light of Jimin's room is on.

He walk inside the room and saw Jimin sleeping with books on his face. Light is on. He shook his head at disbelief. What this kid is going to do if Jungkook isn't with him!

He remove the books from Jimin and came back with a blanket and laid that on top of Jimin's. Jimin stirs in his sleep a little and mumbled " Hyung don't leave me. I love you"

"Its okay. I am not leaving you. I love you too little devil. Good night. Sleep well." Jungkook said with a smile. He get up. Switch off the light before heading downstairs.

Next day, Jimin wake up early. He ready himself for the school and went downstairs for brekfast.

His parents was surprise to see Jimin early. It always Jungkook who called him.

"Eh hyung didn't came yet?" Jimin asked.

"No-- there he came. Kook, Jimin is here. Come eat breakfast." Hannah said to Jungkook. Jungkook rose his eyebrow at Jimin and nodded.

He sat down beside Jimin. It surprise him as well. Jimin turned to Jungkook and wished him "Good Morning hyung"

"Good Morning" Jungkook replied back.

After a while eating, Jimin get up again look at Jungkook and ask " Will you go with me? Or Family drive- nevermind. Eat your breakfast I will go with Uncle Kang. Bye hyung. Bye mom and dad. See you." Jimin left then leaving stunning Jungkook with their parents.


To be continued...

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