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"A birthday Plan"

"Hey Niho! I want some suggestions.." Jimin said to Niho who was busy in reading a book by Jimin's side.

"Huh? Sure. If I can." Niho nodded at Jimin to say the topic of suggestion he needed.

"You know My brother's birthday is coming this september 1? So he will be finally 30. I am thinking of doing something. How can I surprise him. I want alone birthday surprise with him this time." Jimin explained Niho.

Niho look at him with a raise eyebrow. He clears his throat a little before saying "Um I also pretty much not aware of the surprises things. But I think we can look for something in internet?" He suggested.

Jimin pouted at reply but nodded reluctantly. He pull out his phone from his bag. And type "What can we do for a birthday surprise?" In seconds, there is full of threads.

In some days, Niho became close friend to Jimin. They always helps each other with studies. Jimin is getting good in study day by day. A little progress is always good.

However there is so many threads but he doesn't like any yet. He furrowed his eyebrows. Niho noticed and asked "Why? Didn't like anything yet?"

"No. This is all common. I want some unique things to do." Jimin replied.

"Well, then you should come up with something by yourself." Niho shrugged.

"Uh I don't anything. Can't you suggest me one?"

"Umm what about cooking something for him? And also bake a cake or so?" Niho replied to that.

Jimin thought for a moment and suddenly lit up his face. He looks at Niho and said excitedly "Niho! I love you! You are really genius. I have found some ideas."

He stopped again and look at him unsure and exclaimed " But wait I can't cook or even bake anything!"

"Oh well, then thats a little problem. But you want you can ask Jin hyung. You know he can cook? You can ask for his help." Niho suggested.

"Woah. Thats right. Oh I have another idea addition to that. But I can't do that at home. So can you do me a favour? "

"Yeah. What is it?"

"You have to buy some color paper and sign pens. Also a glass jar? Um also some small plastic flowers for decoration for the jar? Can you?" Jimin asked.

"Oh. Sure. You have only 3 days right? So I will buy all the things and take those at hyung's mansion. When you come for the cooking, we can do the thing you want. Is that good?" Niho said. Jimin confirmed with a smile.

Then the bell rang and they both went to their class. After the school finished, Sungho and Jean went home and Niho and Jimin waits for Jimin's brother. As Namjoon is busy, so its now Jungkook who drove Niho on their way.

"So I will come to your house at evening? " Jimin asked.

"Yeah sure. I will be prepared with the things." Niho replied.

"Thanks Niho. You are really the best. ....... Nah wait. My hyung is the best. You are really good friend. Very very. " Jimin replied with a giggle that makes Niho smiles too.

"Why don't I became replace with very good friend to best friend?" Niho asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Hehe.. That can do! Sungho and Jean will be jealous after hearing it. Niho, I am sleepy. When is hyung will come!" Jimin complained while whining to Niho. They are waiting at bus stop.

"Oh. You can sleep while putting your head on my shoulder. I am sure, Jungkook hyung won't be late though. " Niho suggested. Jimin nodded and rest his head at Niho shoulder. In some seconds he really fell asleep. He Must be tired?

Niho start listening to songs by his earphone. There isn't so many people at bus stop as its barely 3. Jungkook might be stuck in traffic or so today. Thought Niho.

Jungkook came after 10 minutes. Jungkook get out of the car and head to them..

"Oh I am rea---- Oh he is sleeping? Did something happened? " Jungkook asked worriedly.

"No. He said he is tired and wants to sleep. So I suggested him to sleep. I didn't know he is this much tired. You can carry him hyung." Niho replied. Niho is almost as tall as Jungkook but still didn't offer that if Jungkook can't then he could. But stopped. It might give him different thoughts. As Jimin isn't presented yet and while he is. Jimin is an omega by feature. So surely Jungkook will be protective over Jimin.

"Thanks Niho. I will carry him. And while you head first, I am coming. " Jungkook replied and stepping forward holding Jimin's head lightly in his hand and Niho stand up and head towards car.

Jungkook carried Jimin in bridal state and carry him to the car. Niho opened the car's door and sat inside and wait for Jungkook to place Jimin beside him.

Jungkook was setting Jimin on the car seat beside Niho. But to his surprise, Jimin hold onto Jungkook more tightly in his sleep. If he start removing Jimin's hand from him, Jimin start whining loudly. Jimin didn't leave him.

He sighed and Look at Niho apologetically and said "Sorry about this. I don't know why he is so clingy this days. But I think he won't let go of me. So I had to take him with me. Sorry." Jungkook said to Niho.

"Its okay hyung. May be he is tired and needs cuddles. But be careful while you drive with him. I don't want to die early!" Niho joked.

"This brat! Sure.. You do sound likes Taehyung. Is he home? " Jungkook asked while getting into driver seat with Jimin in his lap.

"He was coming today I heard. But I am not sure if he is going to come. " Niho shrugged.

"Oh. He is also busy. Tell hyungs and Taehyung I said Hi." Jungkook mumbled and starts his car towards Kim Mansion.

"Sure hyung."

In some minutes, they finally reached Kim Mansion. Niho left bidding Bye and told Jungkook to remind Jimin that, Jimin can come to our house by any time in evening.

"What why?" Jungkook asked. He didn't know Jimin had plans.

"Oh. We got assigned to a project. So we are doing that. And don't worry hyung, my hyung's will be here. You can ask from them. You won't go anywhere. I assure you!" Niho said quickly. He has heard about the incident from Jimin. He was surprised thats Jimin looks so free with him while talking. He feels good talking with Jimin as well.

"Hm. Okay. I am trusting you. I will check on you two from hyungs. Don't try to lie. You might be legal and still you are young to go to an adult party. Jimin isn't allowed to any type of partying." Jungkook said with seriousness. Niho nodded.

"Yes hyung. Good bye. Have a good day." Niho wished and Jungkook nodded and starts his car towards their house before saying " Bye and have good day too kid." back.


To be continued..

Next chapter will be up soon as well...

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