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"Jeon Jimin"

"13 October 2009.. The birth of the baby. Male. Healthy" The doctor said holding a baby in his hand. The baby is sleeping in his hand currently.

"What you will name the baby?" The doctor asked the baby's father as he also give the baby to him.

"Park Jimin." Mr. Park replied while holding his little baby. While little Jimin is sleeping peacefully in his hand.

The doctor and the nurses nodded at him. They took some more information for the baby. Before they allowed to Mr. Park to go.

Park Jaehyung, Jimin's father is connected with Mafia. Well he is one of the side leader of Mafia's there. His wife, Park Minji who gave birth to their baby.

"Lets get you to your mother. Mhmm?" Mr. Park cooed at the little baby. His baby is really cute. He wish he can see him being grown. He really wish that..

Mr. Park walk up to his wife with little Jimin in his hand and placed him beside her..

"My Baby.. He is cute. I am saying you already he is gonna be still cute even when he grown up" Mrs. Park giggled at her son who is currently sleeping.

"Mhmm.. May God Bless him in every way.." Mr. Park said with a soft smile. His wife smiled at her new-born baby.

"Min say papa.. Pa-pa" Mr. Park said to little Jimin. Little Jimin looked at Mr. Park. He is now 1 years old and some months.

"P-aa" Little Jimin squeaked cutely... Mr. Park and his wife look at Jimin with adoration. Jimin is really cute if you ask them..

"Yeah. You have to see whose child he is!" His wife replied while taking Jimin in his hand.

"Ours. Do You think he will be an Alpha when he grew up?" Mr. Park asked his wife.

His wife look at Jimin and start thinking a little about that. But her smile got bigger suddenly and turn to her husband..

"I think he will be a male omega.." Mrs. Park said while swaying Jimin in his hand. While Jimin kept giggling and squeaking.

"How are you sure? If he became an Alpha?" Mr. Park asked.

"I don't have any problem with who he grew up. But again mother's instinct never wrong. He will be an omega. And most beautiful one.." Mrs. Park replied to her husband. He nodded in understanding.

One guard came running inside their mansion panicking. He bowed at them first and start telling what he needed to tell. While Mrs. Park look worried and Mr. Park is also a little worried. But he waits for them to tell whats the matter actually.

"Sir, We have been said that Choi Mafia are coming here to kill you and ma'am. You two need to go to a safe place. They are still 15 minutes away from us right now.." The guard said.

Mr. Park nodded, while Mrs. Park is panicking..

"What did he mean that coming to kill us? What will happen with my Jimin! Noo.. Please do something honey.." Mrs. Park cried and said to her husband to do something..

"Honey, I need you and Jimin to get away from here now! From back door.. Go to a safe place.. I will find you. " Mr. Park assured his wife. But he also knew he can't be alive from Choi mafia. They will kill him in one way or any.

"NO! I AM NOT LEAVING YOU!" his wife yelled at him.


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