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"Starting with the exercising again!"

"Hey Jimin, meet me in our room in 5 minutes! Come upstairs finishing all the foods of your plate!" Jungkook says and left first.

Jimin looked at Jungkook with mouth full with foods that he was chewing. Jimin look at his parents, they look confuse as well. Jimin shrugs thinking may be he just want to talk about his study.

Jimin finished the dinner and left for his room. He walked inside the room to see Jungkook sitting on the bed. Also waiting for him.

"What do you want hyung?" Jimin asks.

" What do you want to be in future?" Jungkook asks.

Jimin shrugs and plop himself on his queen size bed and look at Jungkook saying "I don't know. Do I need to do something? I thought prince doesn't need to do something. Ain't I your prince? You work for me."

Jungkook looks at Jimin with mouth agape in surprise or even a little disbelief.. Is this why he isn't interest in study?

Jungkook shook his head and says to Jimin "What you will do if I became sick one day? "

"Um take you to the hospital?" Jimin replies innocently thinking a basic point.

"No. I mean what you will do if I am alone with you. And the hospital is far away from where we live. What you will do then?" Jungkook asks.

Jimin reconsider the topic and blink his eyes at Jungkook. He really didn't think of the matter. What he will do then? He can't let His hyung die. But what he will do if he doesn't know anything about medical things.

And why Jungkook is telling him that all of a sudden. Is he sick? Jimin thinks and look at Jungkook who was observing Jimin's expression all the time raising one of his eyebrow at Jimin.

"Um I don't know. But why are you talking about that? Are you sick?" Jimin said honestly whatever came to his mind.

"I see. At least you are honest. Do you think that you will like to be a doctor like me? " Jungkook asks again ignoring Jimin's question.

"I also don't know that. I don't know What I will do. I don't really have any interest in being a doctor. So I can't really say that. " Jimin says quickly.

"Hmm.. Then we can get you to like the profession. I will take you to the hospital after your exam finishes. " Jungkook says.

"Why you want me to be a doctor?" Jimin asks.

"So that you can be with me if you leave our house after finding your mate." Jungkook lies a little. Its not completely lie. As much as Jungkook love to stay with his parents, but he also know that they have already bought an penthouse for him and his mate who is Jimin. But thats not the main thing, The main thing is he doesn't want Jimin to be alone at home. And also of course Jimin's late mother's wish!

Jimin's face became hard at what Jungkook just said. He quickly reply in disagree " Why would I leave you all? I will stay with you all even I found my mate."

"You can't do that Jimin you know. Mainly when an Omega found his mate who is Alpha or Beta, they had to go to their Alpha or Beta's house after marrying them. So you know that you can't stay here all your life?"  Jungkook explains about the thing.

Jimin thinks a little and look at Jungkook again and says " Then would you leave us? Or you will live with us with your mate?"

"I think Mom and dad already bought a penthouse I assume that. So I think I will leave with my mate there.." Jungkook replies. He wants to live with Jimin alone. But he will still consider Jimin's decision of course.

"Noo hyung. Live here with me. I don't want you away from us. I don't need my mate. I want to live with you only." Jimin replies with teary eyes making Jungkook panic.

"Ahhh don't cry. Hyung doesn't like when his Min cries. I won't leave now. Now I know He will like to stay here with my family! I won't leave. Don't cry. But I really want you to be a doctor. You can try a little? If you don't like, you can choose whatever you like. " Jungkook says while hugging Jimin.

Jimin sniffles and said "I will try a little."

"Thats my baby. I am sorry that hyung made you cry. Forgive me okay?" Jungkook replies. Jimin nodded after a while.

"I know my min is the best. Oh I have another thing to say. We are starting your exercise from tomorrow again. So that means you will wake up for exercise when I wake up also. Okay?" Jungkook says firmly.

Jimin nodded and says "Okay"

"Okay then lets sleep now Baby. We need to wake up at 5.30 am for the run. Good night Minnie." Jungkook wished him and kissed his forehead.

"Good night hyung! And I love you" Jimin replies closing his eyes. 

"I love you too baby. Sleep well." Jungkook says and went to his own bed.

They slept like that..

In the morning, Jungkook wake up first. He sleepily went To Jimin's bed..

"Jimin! Wake up."

Jimin didn't even move a finger. He was deep in sleep. So jungkook shook him a little. Jimin stirs in his sleep with a whine while pulling his blanket back from whoever it have been pulling from him.

"Jimin! Wake up! Or I will leave you!" Jungkook said a little loudly..

"Noo.. I am awake" Jimin sat down just in a blink of moment and Look at Jungkook while rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Yes. Now get ready for the run!" Jungkook says going into the bathroom.

"okay" Jimin huffs and then went to downstairs bathroom to get freshen up. Jimin brushes his teeth and whined thinking in his mind 'Again I have to wake up early for the boring walk. He won't even talk with me outside! He will straight ignore me.. I was good here staying in bed and sleep rather than getting ignored!!

But what can I even do! I have to listen to him either way! Huh. Devil brother! Hope your mate scold you for spending boring time with me! Huh!"

To be continued...

See you soon again.. Tomorrow might be double update or even triple who knows. 😉

And for "For You" story, Its on hold right now. Because I need to find some more ideas to make it nice rather than finishing it now.. So I will update when I get the idea..

And for "Mafia Love" I will post that one so soon as well.. See you till next! Borahae..💜

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