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" Pre-heat moments "

Jimin wake up early today because he is too excited for tonight. Because he will be soon 18. And also his sub-gender will be revealed tonight. He can't wait.

He brushes his teeth and and changes his dress and went to Jungkook to wake him up. They don't have any practice today. Jungkook has given two days off for his birthday.

"Hyung! Get up. Or you are going to be late!" Jimin says.

Jungkook wake up instantly. He can't be late at his work. But as soon as he look at the clock he looks back at Jimin in disbelief.

He asks with a yawn "Why are you up so early pup?"

Jimin furrows his eyebrow and says with a whine "I am not pup! I will be soon 18. I will became an Alpha. And get big like you! Huh!.

"Huh really? We will see. Now move I will get ready now." Jungkook says and went to get fresh and change his clothes. After reading himself, he came back. Jimin was still sat on the bed with pout.

"What happened? Do you need something?" Jungkook asks.

"Um no. But actually I have something to ask. How was your 18th birthday?" Jimin asks.

"It went normal as always? Why?" Jungkook asked confused.

"What why! I was tensed that I might get my rut start. I don't know about it how to control either!" Jimin says

Jungkook sighs and replies "Jimin-ah, being an omega isn't bad... And we aren't sure if we have our rut/heat on the same day on our birthday. My was later than the exact birthday." He informs.

"Hm. Okay then I guess. We have nothing to worry about! And be positive about me being an Alpha hyung!" Jimin hissed at Jungkook when he says the last sentence.

"Okay okay. I was just worried. I don't want you being sad if you aren't an Alpha! Now lets go to eat breakfast." Jungkook says after finishing.

"Yup right lets go! Food!" Jimin hummed happily. Jungkook shook his head but follows Jimin downstairs.

Jimin was going to sat down but a sudden dizziness hits him that make him stumbled and fell on his hyung who caught him immediately with worried look.

Jimin shook his head and then the dizziness went away.

"Are you alright, Jimin-ah?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah yeah. I am totally fine. May be I was too much excited about my birthday thats why I felt the sudden dizziness. But now I feel fine. Lets eat." Jimin ensured them that he is fine with that.

They had their breakfast. Then as usual Jungkook drive Jimin to his school.

"If you feel bad again, Just call me through your teacher. Okay? I will pick you up!" Jungkook says worriedly.

"Ah hyung! Don't worry. I am okay . See. " Jimin says with a little whine.

"Okay as you say. See you later then.." Jungkook replies with a smile. Jimin hummed. He said his goodbye before he run inside his school.

"happy early birthday Jimin!" Niho wishes..

"Thank you Niho. You are the first one to wish before my birthday!" Jimin says with a giggle.

"You are welcome. But I am wishing you later also.." Niho says with a smile.

"Really? You won't give me any present?" Jimin asks with a pout.

"I will of course. But not now!" Niho says.

"Okay. Don't tell me! Bye" Jimin snapped. His  mood changes into childish angry vibe making Niho a little surprise. But he didn't said anything.

At the break period, Jimin went to Niho and hugged him saying how sorry he is for snapping at him earlier.

"Niho, I am sorry.. Min is bad. He snapped at you." Jimin says childishly hugging Niho.

"Uh Jimin, I have already forgiven you. But you need to stop hugging me. People will think something." Niho said.

"They will think Min is bad? " Jimin asks with his sad puppy eyes.

"No no. Min is nice and beautiful and also cute. He is innocent. Peoples like you so much. Why they will think you are bad!" Niho pointed out.

"Really? Okay then." Jimin said with a pout.

After a while, Jimin says to Niho while holding his stomach "Niho, my stomach is hurting.."

"What! Lets go to academic clinic." niho suggests.

"But I can't walk properly with the pain!" Jimin whines.

"Well, I will carry you then. Lets go." Niho says and pick up Jimin and they went to the academic clinic.

"Excuse me, he is having stomachache. Can you see him?" Niho says politely to the nurse there.

"Of course. Lay him down." the nurse said and went to take some medicine. Niho has already laid Jimin on the bed. After she came back, she gave it to Jimin..

"Eat this medicine. It will help to stop the pain soon."   Nurse says giving the medicine to Jimin. While Niho give him a glass of water.

After taking the medicine, he slowly feeling himself good after 10 minutes.

"Okay. You don't need to come to class. Rest here. I will come to get you later after picking up our bags and calling your hyung!" Niho says.

"You won't do the classes?" Jimin asks.

"No it won't be necessary. One class is left now. You rest. I will call Jungkook hyung. See you soon."

With that Niho went to their guide teacher...

"Yes Mr. Kim?" The teacher asks.

"Actually, Jimin wasn't feeling good. And he is in academic clinic. I am here to inform his hyung. So that he can pick up Jimin soon. Can I, sir?" Niho asks.

"Sure, here" Teacher gives her phone to Niho. Niho mumbles a 'Thank you sir' and went to call Jungkook.

After some ringing, Jungkook pick up the phone..

"Hello, Jeon Jungkook speaking.."

"Hello hyung! "

"Yes, Niho? Something happened to Jimin?" Jungkook asks worriedly.

"Yes. Actually earlier he was having mood swings and 20 minutes ago he was having stomachache. He is now at the clinic. And fine. But I think he isn't fine. He is having some pre-heat moments. You should pick him up soon." Niho explains.

"May be. Okay I will come as soon as I can. Take care of him Niho."

"I will hyung. See you. Bye."

They hung up. Niho give the phone to The teacher saying another thank you. Then went to class to pick up their belongings. While Jungkook informs Seokjin about leaving as Jimin is sick. And then he droves to Jimin's school.

When he reach the clinic, he sees Jimin already sleeping peacefully. He didn't wake him up. He just carries him to home. He also gave a lift to Niho to his house on the way.

To be continued...

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