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A/N: Thank you for 7k votes!! 💜 Since I am free, I will update another part now. I will try update all the chapters soon to end this story.

And You all has some super power I think, lol. Your guess was right! This chapter will be about proposal and engagement ! Finally!

Warning: In the last part of this chapter, there is smut! 🔞

Proposal & Engagement

Jimin and Jungkook has prepared for tonight. Jimin is still confuse about this celebration. No one has told him properly what this celebration for!

"Yah Hyung!! Tell me!!" Jimin whines at Jungkook to tell him the reason why they had to go.

"Tell you what?" Jungkook asks back normally.

"What is this celebration for?" Jimin asks and waits for his hyung's answer.

"Oh! There has been a great project that become success finally! So he thought of throwing a party. They all worked hard." Jungkook replies.

"But you said that hyungs and my bestfriends all are going there?" Jimin asks back. If it was related to the company, then why would they invited their hyungs too? Even his best friends?

"Dad thought it will be good to have some friends of our Since most of them are employer. " Jungkook quickly replies to cover that.

Well, its really a party because of that great success. But in additional Jungkook is going to propose Jimin. It can also be called an engagement party. Thats why all of them are required to attend the party.

They reached the party soon. Decoration are full with white and golden colors. Jimin's one of favourite mixed color.

"Wow! I like the view!" Jimin replies while looking around excitedly.

"Good thing. Hyungs are going to come soon. But I think your friends are already here! " Jungkook says as he can see Sungwon, Jean and Niho talking with each other while holding a glass of juice in their hand. Since no alcohol is allowed right now. It will be for later.

Jimin has went to his friends already. Jungkook returns to the gate to receive their hyungs. Soon they also came.

"Good evening hyungs!" Jungkook says with a polite smile.

"Jungkook greeting us politely? Wow,do you need anything?" Jin says sarcastically. Because it was unusual for Jungkook greet them politely.

"Well Kind of. I had said to all of you that I am going to propose him soon? Right?" Jungkook starts.

"Hm. You have told us." Taehyung replies.

"Well that is today. So I am kind of nervous!" Jungkook replies honestly.

"WHATT?? Really??? I have been living for this day this whole time. Finally the doctor is going to propose my minnie."  Taehyung replies dramatically.

"What do you mean your minnie? He is mine!!" Jungkook replies possessively.

"Cool down Bro! He is my little brother ! And I may or may not have propose someone already!" Taehyung replies calmly.

" You did what?? Did you propose to lia? And she said yes? " Namjoon asks from behind.

"Yeah she said yes. Cool. Right?" Taehyung says with a huge grin.

"She said yes? I am having difficulty to believe that." Jungkook teases his best friend.

"Yah! Shut up. Okay, Since  today is an important day in your life, I will forgive you today. Uff! When is Yoongi and hoseok hyung coming?" Taehyung replies. They have been waiting for 10 minutes already.

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