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A/N: As the story is going slow.. I will just make this a little fast now..Or I don't think I will be able to finish this story in this year lol!

"Admission day with another surprise"

Jimin has finally passed the admission test of Kyung Hee University with his hyung's help. It was also surprising. But this is not the only surprising thing for now!

There is another surprise. This morning, Jungkook get a call from the hospital.As he was in vacation for the accident, if he can attend the Kyung Hee University to teach the new batch for some months.The offer was made to Dr. Seung. But he offered back to Jungkook as he was in vacation. Jungkook gladly accept it though.

"Are you ready Jimin?" Jungkook asks while tying his shoelace.

Jimin nodded and replies a little 'yes'. They are going today mainly to bring their card after filling the form.They all don't about Jungkook being teacher at Kyung Hee University. Jungkook hide it from them as well.

"Then we are off to go now.." Jungkook announces while getting up and walks out of the mansion. Jimin follows behind.

*Skip to Kyung Hee University*

Jimin gets out of the car and turn to Jungkook to say "You can wait here till I come back? Or you can go anywhere you want. I will call you after I finish this."

"Doesn't need that. I am going inside as well. Lets go. " Jungkook announces.

"Are you sure? Okay. Then lets go.. " Jimin replies with a nod. Soon Jungkook and Jimin stand in the queue to fill the form. Jimin was looking here and there excitedly and suddenly sees a beautiful girl with long hair approaching the front to register.

Instead of pointing her out, he whispers slowly to Jungkook beside him "Wow! She is so beautiful... "

Jungkook being arrogant didn't even spare a look at the girl.He just stare at Jimin blankly. He can hear everyone whispering about how beautiful the girl was.

When the girl came back from registering, she looks at Jungkook one time with a small smile who doesn't even looks at her. While Jimin just smiles kindly at the girl.

After she went away, Jimin asks "She was so beautiful right?"

"No.. " Jungkook replies blankly.

"What?! Why are you acting like this again!" Jimin whines.

"Stop talking.I don't need to see anyone else when I have you. Go ahead! I will come soon. I have to go somewhere. And don't move from here! See you!" With that Jungkook walks out from there.

Jimin only pouts and waits for his time. While Jungkook went to the office room to college his card.

"Excuse me, I am Dr. Jeon Jungkook. I am here for my joining card?" Jungkook says the office man.

"Yes Dr. Jeon. I have the card. Wait a moment. " The guys says and went to bring his card and gives him.

"Here. Dr. Jeon. If you are not familiar with this place, you can see around here now.. " The guy offers with a smile.

"Thanks. But I already know this place. I came here some times in my college life because of projects. Good Bye. " Jungkook bowed a little at the man and goes to find his little devil.

He finds Jimin standing there alone while looking at his surroundings with a frown. Jungkook smiles from far at his confuse little devil but soon walks towards him.

"Little Devil, Come with me! I will show you this place to get familiar with it." Jungkook says.

"But do you even know this place?" Jimin asks with a raised eyebrow.

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