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"A unknown date"

Next Morning--

"Jimin wake up right now! Its going to be 10 am. " Jungkook calls Jimin while getting up.

Jimin groans at the voice and hid his head under the pillow saying "5 min later. "

"No! You are getting up now!!" Jungkook says firmly. Jimin didn't reply anything, he just stayed lying on the bed.

"Jimin get up now!! Or I am taking you direct to bath with cold water!" Jungkook threatens.

After hearing cold water, he quickly sat up holding his head when he was feeling dizzy and quickly says " I am up!"

"Good boy. Now go and fresh up for the day. We are going outside.. " Jungkook informs.

"We?" Jimin asks confusedly.

"Yeah. I and you. Now get up from bed. I am arranging it. " Jungkook says. Jimin nodded and finally gets up.

Then they both get ready and have their breakfast and finally get ready to start for the day.

Jungkook walks out of the house behind Jimin following him with a stick candy in his hand. Jungkook gets in the car. Jimin as well. When Jungkook sees the candy in Jimin's hand, he asks "Are you a kid?"

"Yeah I am! Any problem?" Jimin asks sassily while licking his stick candy.

"I see. My mate is too childish for me.. " Jungkook complains with a fake sigh.

"Then find another one.. " Jimin says with a little jealousy tone and look outside with a huff.

"No thanks. I love my childish mate so much even if he doesn't. " Jungkook replies to that and starts his car.

"Who said he doesn't?" Jimin whispers at himself.

"What did you say?" Jungkook asks from beside.

"Its nothing!" Jimin denies.

After a while being in the car, Jimin asks "Where actually we are going?"

"You will see. Why are you so impatient! " Jungkook complains.

"I am not. I am just curious. " Jimin replies innocently. Jimin was about look away when he sees a book? Or photo album? Jimin takes the old type album and asks "What is it?"

Jungkook gives him a glance and says calmly "oh! This is the old album. I asked Mom about Jina aunt's photo. She said its in a box at the store room as we thought it will be good to keep it away from you. So In the morning, I went there and found this to show you. "

Jimin froze on his seat and look at the album book in his hand and then look at Jungkook who was giving him a small smile. Jimin removes his gaze from Jungkook and now looks at the album while holding it in his palm tightly.

"If you don't want to see it alone, you can wait for later. We will see it together. " Jungkook assures the nervous Jimin. To his luck, Jimin nodded and put the album on its place again and looks at outside of the car waiting for the destination for today.

After one and half an hour, Jungkook finally stops the car in front of sea. Jimin looks at his surroundings and become excited when he sees sea.

"We came to sea?? Are we having picnic?" Jimin asks excitedly.

"Kind of. But picnic can be replaced with first date. " Jungkook says teasingly.

"First date? But I didn't agree to any date.. However we can go! Its sea of course. Hyung come out quickly. I am excited to go there.. " Jimin calls Jungkook. Jimin was already out because of his exciteness.

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