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"I hate you hyung!!"

One week has already been passed since Jungkook's accident. Jungkook was also discharged from the hospital. And for the injuries , Jungkook also get 4 months for recovery time.

"Hyung! What are you doing! Stop right now there!!" Jimin yells at Jungkook just when Jungkook was about to stand up from bed.

"What do you want little devil.? " Jungkook asked while getting up.

"Don't you need help to stand up? What if you ---" Jimin's concern was cut off when Jungkook stands up by his own.

"I am not injured in my leg Jimin.. I am fine. And what are you doing here?" Jungkook asks firmly looking at the clock. Its only 9.30 pm.

"Uh... To sleep?" Jimin replies with a gulp.

"What do you mean sleep!! Is it your time to sleep!!" Jungkook suddenly says coldly.

"But I always sleep at like 10 pm.. " Jimin whispers softly looking at Jungkook in worry.

"Then from what time you study? " Jungkook asks raising his eyebrow while crossing his hands on his chest.

"I-I study from 7 pm to 9.30 pm. Then at school!!" Jimin replies slowly.

"And how do you ensure me you will get into top 5 let alone top 20?" Jungkook asks coldly.


"What I-I? Don't have anything to say?? Okay. Lets say you study. So IF I ask something can you tell me the answer? As you said you study. Then you will be able to answer right?" Jungkook asks.

"Now let me ask from biology. Tell me some valves name of heart?" Jungkook asks.

"Umm... I-Its ... " Jimin couldn't continued because he honestly forgot the answer.

"This is how you study?? Is it how you should study!! If you can't remember this small things!! tell me one thing, What actually do you want to be in life ? " Jungkook asks.

Jimin doesn't reply because he himself doesn't know about that. Jungkook shook his head in disbelief.

"I will go to guest room to sleep, you study or do anything! I don't care! Don't talk with me before you find out what you want to be later!! Just Because I am your mate, doesn't mean I will go easy on you.. " Jungkook says coldly while Jimin keeps his head down.

After Jungkook went outside Jimin became more sad at that. He sat down on Jungkook's bed where Jungkook's smell is still present. Jimin lie down on the bed and keep his hand under his head while looking at the celling..

He sighs with a pout and looks at his hyung's bed side table, he sees a medical book. He takes it starts seeing it. And soon fell asleep thinking what he will do to make his hyung soft at him.

Next morning , Jimin gets up as usual and went downstairs to have breakfast.. He greets everyone Good Morning. Jungkook was already there. But only difference was, he wasn't going to hospital for next 4 months.

The breakfast session was peaceful today. No one has let out a sound. If it was any other day Jungkook and Jimin would have an question answer session or talking while eating. But today is different. They aren't talking because of yesterday's event. Jimin doesn't say anything as well. His hyung has confirmed, if he wants to talk with Jungkook, he have to think of what he wants to be and wants to do..

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