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"First Day At School"

Soon going to start a new year. But there is a difference between all year and this year. That is Jimin going to his new school soon.

Mr and Mrs. Jeon both of them worried about Jimin. Would he able to stay alone for long time? Its going to be hard may be. But still they know Jimin needs to cope with the situation.

It was friday today. In the night, after they had dinner..

"Jungkook, wait here. We need to talk about something important.. "His mother said to Jungkook.

"And Jimin, You go first and work on the surprise you are going to give your kookie. He will go soon." Hannah added looking at Jimin. Who nodded continiously because he was reminded about the surprise.

"Okay. Bye kookie. " Jimin said and ran upstairs quickly with his little legs.

They all laughed at Jimin's cuteness. Jimin is really the definition of cuteness. They shook their head. Jungkook look at his parents and they look back at Jungkook.

"What is it you wanted to talk with me?" Jungkook asked his mother.

"About that. You know Jimin needs to go to school next year. I am worried about him. He is always with you. We are worried that he might doesn't want to go to school and stay home with you and us.

I don't want Jimin to stay in our house and have private lesson instead. It will harm him. I want him  to enjoy  the outside world too. I don't want himself only to confine here as well." Hannah said.

"Mhmm. What do you need help with?" Jungkook asked. He might already guessed what it is. But wait for his parents to tell him themselves.

"We want you to convince Jimin for the school. And give some ideas what will happen if he go there. And also you will take him there for the first day. You know he always agree with whatever you tell him. Right? " Hannah suggested.

Jungkook nodded and replied..

"Of course. I am going to take him there. Its my Jimin's first day at school. And I will make him understand some things about school later. Don't worry about it.." Jungkook assured his parents.

They nodded in relief. Now wishing that Jimin will agree with those points. They know he will agree on everything if Jungkook is the one telling those.

Jungkook went to his room, saw Jimin sitting on the bed quietly. Jungkook raised a brow at his brother when he saw Jimin didn't even noticed him.

"Whats going on in little devil's head?" Jungkook asked. Jimin look at his brother and shook his head.

Jungkook sat down on the bed. Jimin get up and sat on Jungkook's lap and start fudging with his finger..

"Kookie, Can you bring me to the cafe near our house? Pleaseee" Jimin said to Jungkook tilting his head up cutely to look at Jungkook.

"Why? How do you know about the shop? If you need anything, I can bring you.." Jungkook replied with a frown.

"No! I want to go there. Jin hyung brought me there before. It has so sweet dessert. I have said to the Aunt who works there that next time I will come with my kookie.. Pleasee Go with me!!" Jimin pleaded.

"I don't know what you have there actually but sure I will go with you!" Jungkook replied and as soon as he replied his face lit up with a huge smile.

"Yaayyyy.." Jimin get up and start pulling Jungkook's hand "Lets go now then Kookie!!" Jungkook look up at Jimin who is standing on the bed and pulling Jungkook's hand.

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