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"Jimin is now 17"

Jimin is the name, who is adored by everyone. Even in his school. He did became bratty than before. Anyone who will see him, will tell him he is feared by others.

But by his feature, none will dare to say he is one of them. He looks like an omega feature. A little small, cute and pretty face but knows to fight.

He became badass Jimin day by day. And the main thing is Jungkook is the one who dared to spoil Jimin first.

Jungkook is the one who taught him to fight. Jimin is pretty good at boxing just like his elder brother. He is strong but not more than Jungkook. He is average at least.

Jimin is still with his two best friend from childhood. Sungho And Jean. They get along with each other again.

"Hey Jimin! Why so late today?" Jean asked when Jimin practically ran to his seat.

Jimin huffed and breathed out irritated "Uh my bro was so slow today! Because he couldn't find his favourite lucky fucking watch!"

"Whoa. Okay. What is he going to do at work? Trying to attract someone special? Huh?" Sungho asked with a smirk.

"Really? You think he is seeing someone? I don't think so. He would have told me then" Jimin shrugged.

"What if he is? Then aren't you going to threat them for taking your place?" Sungho teases Jimin.

"What the fuck dude! Why would I want to be with him!" Jimin glare at them.

"Ah. But this wasn't the thing when a 4 years old Jimin told us before!" Jean teased.

"Uhhh You two are fucking dead." Jimin whisper yelled and get up from the seat to give some lesson but couldn't as their teacher entered  the room starting class.

Jimin regret some things from his childhood. From those, the one which is in the top is 'ever telling that he will marry his brother' . He became 17 now but still couldn't get out of the phrase yet!

Lunch period:

The trio walk inside the canteen to get their food as usual. But had to halt there step when they saw girls practically running inside??

"Okay... What happened?" Jimin asked Them.

"How Do I know? Wait lemme ask.." Sungho answered and stopped a girl to ask.

"Ahem.. Excuse me. Can you tell what is happening?" Sungho asked.

"Oh you don't know? Well we heard one Alpha came here who isn't a student but a doctor maybe? He is so handsome I heard. So We wanted to see him." The girl replied and left.

"So you he--"

"Don't tell me Its Kook!" Jimin whispered a little when he kind of get to have an idea of who it can be.. Jimin ran passed them and when to small crowd.

And there he saw his brother, Jeon Jungkook sitting awkwardly waiting for him.. Here in the canteen?

"What in the world you are doing here!" Jimin asked with a loud voice that surely make others stop.

"Oh I was waiting for you here Jimin. But didn't thought it will be like this. " Jungkook said with his manly voice. When he was here it was fully empty. But his time of arriving is wrong, he can see that.

"Get up and Come with me!" Jimin start pulling Jungkook by his sleeves. Well Jimin's hand is so small to grasp Jungkook's wrist.

They finally get away from there to a empty room. Jungkook has permission to go inside of the school already. So its not a problem.

"What are you doing here? Don't show up like this!" Jimin said irritated.

" Why? Are you tensed that I might like some from here that isn't you?" Jungkook teased his brother.

"W-WTF hyung! Why all of you are same!" Jimin shouted with frustration.

"Okay. Calm down little one!"

"Stop calling me little one! And don't come here without my consents!" Jimin hissed.

"You do get bratty day by day. But sure I will tell next time." Jungkook shrugged. And look at the two friends of Jimin.

"How are you two partner of his crime?" Jungkook asked Sungho and Jean who were laughing at Jungkook shamelessly.

"We are fine hyung. How about you?" They asked in unision.

"I am fine but I might need to leave for somewhere. Because it seems someone doesn't like me to see them everytime." Jungkook said while side eyed Jimin who was narrowing his eyes at Jungkook back with a glare.

"Really? Then go away. I don't need you!" Jimin spat and walked away without hearing anything.

"Chick is angry! Hehe. Don't tell him I call him chick by the way. Haha. He is just so cute. Right?" Jungkook said with a chuckle. They both nodded at Jungkook also. Its true Jimin is really cute.

"Oh Right. Another thing, Tell me whenever you get to know he is dating anyone. Alright? Its just between us. Okay?" Jungkook asked with a serious tone that make two boys gulped a little.

"Yeah sure. Of course. " They both replied quickly.

"Okay. Then I will go now. See you all later.. Take care. I need to follow a chick." Jungkook said with a laugh.

"Okay Hyung. Bye." Sungho and Jean replied with a smile. Jungkook run to follow Jimin.

Sungho and Jean isn't presented yet. But by feature Jungkook can tell Sungho might be an Alpha. And Jean, he looks like a beta.

However, Jungkook who just lucky to be promoted as a cardiology doctor, is a 29 years old. In couple of months, he is going to be 30. His dream to be a doctor became true. In his batch of interns, he became first.

He did have an important thing. That is he might have found his mate. Thats really surprising. He didn't tell anyone yet. First he, himself needed to do something about it.

"Minnie! Wait for hyung!" Jungkook called releasing calming pheromones knowing it will calm Jimin's anger.

"Why do you need me now? Didn't you said you don't need me? Leave me then!" Jimin said with teary eyes. Jungkook now feeling guilt. He shouldn't have teased Jimin about it. Jimin is still emotional about the leaving thing.

"Minnie. I am sorry. I love youu~ please forgive hyung.." Jungkook back hugged Jimin from behind.

"I don't love you anymoree! I will tell mom that you made me cry in school.." Jimin complained with a whine.

"Whattt? Don't minnie. She will definitely kill me as soon as she get to know... You won't want your brother's death?" Jungkook said dramatically.

"I don't care.." Jimin said and finally moved from Jungkook and walk forward.

"No minnie, Love, I will buy you everything you want. Don't tell mom.." Jungkook yelled a little. Jimin stopped and look behind at Jungkook with a rose eyebrow.

"Everything I want?" Jimin asked again.

"Yes. Everything you want..." Jungkook confirmed.

"okay then buy me moon. Real moon. Can you?" Jimin asked with a smirk knowing he will won.

Jungkook look at Jimin with mouth agape. And slowly said with a frown "I can't buy moon. But you can ask me for clothes, jewel, food etc.?"

"No. If you can't buy me moon. I am telling Mom. Bye." Jimin said and left first. Jungkook followed him from behind. But in the end Jimin end up in a restaurant close to his school with Jungkook.


To be continued...

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