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"Not so happy Dinner Night"

They all are seated in dinning table.. Jungkook and Jin went to kitchen to bring the foods.. They arranges the food on the table..

"Wow! Hyung! This is so much for us!" Jimin and his best friends exclaims at the same time..

"Yep. Its still a little for all of us. You will see that soon.." Jungkook said with a laugh.

"Lets eat now! I am hungry!" Jimin whines at his hyungs..

"Whatever Our birthday boy says! Lets start.." Jungkook says with a smile. They all then starts eating.

After a While eating, Jimin went to a guest room to rest. Others are still here. Some eating and some are just sitting there.. Jean been talkative boy, he says to Jungkook "Oh hyung! I was about to question something. But I forgot. Can I Now?"

"Sure, Kid! What is it?" Jungkook asks while eating.

"Earlier you said you know who is Jimin's mate. Can we know who is it?" Jean asks. The question caught everyone's ear. All stop to hear Jungkook's reply.

Jungkook stopped eating too. He looks around his surrounding to see all of them looking at him. He clears his throat. Because if he doesn't tell anything, he is so sure they will be nagging him for rest of the life.

"Are you sure you want to hear that?" Jungkook asks them. Its a good thing Jimin isn't here now, when they questioned.

"Yep! We are positive! " Seokjin replies to that. They are all excited to hear it..

"Well... Don't get too shock after I say who is it! " Jungkook warns calmly.

"Uhh hyunggg~ Just say it!" Jean says.

"Me.." Jungkook replies to that.

"Yes kook! Tel--- YOU WHAT?" Hoseok suddenly shouts at that with wide eyes.

"Aish! Hyung stay quite. And yeah its me." Jungkook says calmly.

"What! How is it even possible! I mean you are his brother! Are you kidding hyung?" Sungwon asked still in shock.

"I am not his biological brother. Sungwon. And I wouldn't know how its possible. Its just how it is. I am not even sure how Jimin will react to this." Jungkook shrugs.

"So you are telling that Jimin is your mate?" Taehyung finally asks after coming out of shock.

"Yep. Thats what I said! " Jungkook says with a smile.

"Well, This is a little fucked up then.." Yoongi comments.

Jungkook turns his way and asks "Why?" Yoongi just shrugs. Namjoon decided to answer to that..

"Its kind of. He will be facing problem then. I mean, all of people had known you two as brother. If they came to know that you two are real mates. Then it will be a little problem. Of course. " Namjoon replies.

"Well, It might be. But I am not telling anyone so soon! " Jungkook says.

"When did you decided to tell Jimin?" Seokjin asks.

"I don't know yet. I mean I wanted to became free with him now. As he has finally accepted that he is an omega. But I don't want to tell the thing yet. He might be in pressure. " Jungkook exclaims.

"Ah well. Lets see how is it! Its not like you can fix who is your real soulmate. But if Jimin rejects you, then --- well, lets not think about that. We all know Jimin can't live without you for a moment from his childhood. Don't worry. He will love you as a mate too soon." Seokjin says.

"Yeah Kook. By the way Congratulation!!" Hoseok says with a smile. Then all of them starts congratulating him one by one. Jungkook replies to them with a 'Thank you'

"So when did you know that he is your mate, hyung? " Niho asks.

"Um. Its been 10 years I have known it actually! " Jungkook says while scratching his neck.

"WHAT! 10 YEARS!! And we get to know it now!! Kookie! How can you do that to us! To me! I thought I am your best friend!" Taehyung exclaims dramatically.

"First of all, Don't call me kookie! Thats for Jimin. *Clears his throat* And secondly, I don't know if it would be any difference than now. I have waited for ten years. I am still wiling to wait for him entire my life. He can accepts me or reject me. But he is the only thing I want in my life mostly. " Jungkook says with a smile.

"Aww our kook is so sweet about his mate. Our Minnie has also grown up so much. We called him little devil of our group before. Ah.. I miss those days so much... " Hoseok exclaims.

"Yeah. I miss those day too.. " Jungkook says. As soon as he says that they heard a loud thud near the dinning hall. They all look towards the way and they all gasp. Jungkook quickly ran to Jimin worriedly.

Jimin fainted on the floor. Jungkook checks his pulse. And also checks him if he get hurt anywhere from the impact. And sighed in relief a little when he sees, there is nothing.

"He just fainted.. I will take him to guest room now. " Jungkook says and pick Jimin up like bridal style and take him upstairs. Taehyung assists him.

"Do you think Jimin heard anything?" Sungwon asks worried about his best friend.

"I think so. Lets pray it goes well.." Niho replies slowly.

Meanwhile, After Jungkook sets him on the bed, He looks at Jimin with worried gaze. He don't know what will happen when Jimin wakes up. He can tell that it might not be a good reaction. He is sure Jimin has heard something. Or Jimin wouldn't faint from nothing. He might be shocked to hear that.

On the hand, he also wish that Jimin accepts him. He did say he will accept it if Jimin rejects him. But he also fears the rejection from Jimin at least. He of course doesn't want that. He loves Jimin too much to get rejection.

To be continued...

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