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"He is so clingy"

"Ahh.." Jungkook let out a pain moan is the first thing he did. Now he regret making Jimin sleep with him. His hand is full in pain.

"You sleepy head.. Move from here. You have school. " Jungkook said with a little groggy voice. Jimin whines before clinging to Jungkook tightly.

"I don't have school today!" Jimin replied with a whine.

"But I have work today. So move." Jungkook stated and pocked Jimin's head making more cling to Jungkook.

"Jimin! Wake up this instant or I won't talk to you again!" Jungkook said with serious voice like threatening but its an empty threat. Besides, it did worked as Jimin get up and sat on the bed so quickly that Jungkook had to blink sometimes to confirm it.

"I will get ready then. See you." Jimin said and left the room to their main room. Jungkook also get up to get freshen up.

Jimin went downstairs first and sat on the certain chair waiting for Jungkook happily this time. They are good now.

"Why are you look happy today? I meant its not that you don't need to be happy. Just you look more happy than usual." Hannah stated in confusion.

"We are Okay!" Jimin stated only.



"Good Morning, Mom, dad and Min." Jungkook greeted when he came to have breakfast.

"Good morning hyung. I am hungry lets eat" Jimin replied happily.

Mr. And Mrs. Jeon was looking at Jimin a little too bit that Jungkook has to clear his throat before saying "Yeah Lets eat"

While eating...

"Why are you up early?" Hannah questioned.

"I?" Jimin pointed at himself looking at her with his big widened eyes.

"Yes You!" Hannah confirms.

"Oh Nothing. I just wake up early. I need to do some homeworks after this." Jimin replied making their parent look at him differently.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Can't I study?" Jimin hissed at them.

"Yes sure you can study unless you say you aren't fine?"

"Huh? I am fine!"

Then they all had their breakfast. Jungkook left for hospital, their father left for company, Hannah left to her room. And Jimin to his room for study. He wasn't joking when he said that he has to study.

Jimin studied for a while. He takes a revision to what Jungkook had taught him yesterday. He suddenly start feeling giddy that Jungkook isn't mad anymore.

Jimin get up from study at 11 am. He walk inside the kitchen to have something. He walk inside and see Hannah is cooking.

"Why are you cooking early?" Jimin asked.

"Oh, in hospital they are renovating  some parts in the hospital kitchen so they can't have lunch there today. "

Jimin nodded at her. He asked again "Who is going to give the lunch?"

"I am going there." Hannah replied.

"What! Nooo I want to go then. Pleaseeeee. I want to see Jin hyung too.." Jimin start whining again.

"Huh? Sure. You will be fine? "

"yes. I will be fine. Then I start getting ready! Love you Mommm" Jimin yelled and ran to his room to change his clothes. Hannah shook his head in disbelief and give her attention back to cooking.

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