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"Life Like Before"

"Noooo! This isn't like this! " Jimin said frustrated. He is stuck in the math he is doing it for like hours.

Jungkook came to give Jimin water when he heard Jimin whining about a math he can't do It correctly. He isn't surprised when Jimin can't. Because Jimin was never interest in study before.

Jungkook Walk into the room with serious expression on his face. Jimin look up at Jungkook with a Natural pout on his face.

"Why are You whining so loudly?" Jungkook asked placing the water glass on the side of table and might have also checked the math Jimin can't do.

"I-I... No its nothing. I was just practising did I improve in whining. Haha. You can go now." Jimin said with a nervous laugh.

Jimin couldn't tell him because how he will react when Jungkook get to know Jimin can't even do a normal math like this. How can he even passed the exam?

Jimin look down at his paper again being sad. He can't even do this how can Jungkook will be happy with him. While Jungkook give him a look of surprise at Jimin's reply.

"If you need help, then try to ask for help without whining!" Jungkook said firmly. Jimin look up at him with surprise writen All over his face.

"I don't need anything. I am doing fine. " Jimin replied turning away.

"I see you are still same. Okay I am going to guest room. If anyone needs help then they are welcome for it. Otherwise don't disturb me." Jungkook stated and left the room.

Jimin sat there processing what Jungkook just said. After like more than 10 minutes, he finally finds a little courage in him that he can go there. He finally gets up with his books.

When 5 minutes passed, Jungkook thought he won't come. Jimin did get a little bratty. Why he isn't coming if he need help? He waits for more 2 minutes. When he finally thought Jimin won't come, then a knock on the door surprises him.

"Come in" Jungkook replied. As soon as Jungkook replied, Jimin entered the room slowly and nervously. But why is he feeling nervous? Its just his hyung right? Well, he doesn't know either.

"Hyung..." Jimin called quietly.

Jungkook look at him raising an eyebrow and ask "Did someone finally need my help?"

"I-I ne-" Jimin couldn't continued. He sighed in defeat and nodded.

"Why are you so awkward? I am your brother not your Unknown Mate."

"Wtf hyung! How can you be my mate! It will be totally absurd. But I am feeling awkward because I don't know. You are mad at me!" Jimin said while sulking.

"Who said that? I am talking to you. Ain't I? If I was mad I wouldn't even talk to anyone. The whole house would have been sink in my scent. Whatever, Sit there I am coming in a second." Jungkook replied went to place his clothes in his closet.

When he came back, Jimin was sitting where Jungkook has suggested to. Jungkook sat in front of Jimin. Jimin look up from the book to him.

"What is the thing you were whining then?" Jungkook asked.

"Uh I can't do these maths." Jimin replied lowering his head.

"I see. Why are you looking down? Look at me when you say something.." Jungkook stated.

"I can't. When I look at you, I can't speak. You look mad and i-intimidated." Jimin replied the last word in whisper but Jungkook got to hear it anyway.

"Really? Why I look that to you? Am I not being worthy of your brother?" Jungkook asked.

"What! No. Thats not the thing. You are the best from all around the world. " Jimin said while looking at Jungkook's eyes firmly.

"Yeah. I am seeing that. Now get back to math. I will tell one time so listen carefully!" Jungkook said. He waits for Jimin's reply before he starts. Jimin nodded and Jungkook start explaining.

Jimin tried his best to listen what Jungkook just explained. He gets only half of the things.

"Did you get it?" Jungkook asked.

"Y-Yeah I get it."

"Yes I can see that. Hear me again and stop lying to me!" Jungkook kind of scolded Jimin.

"Sorry." Jimin replied. And again listened to Jungkook. This time Jimin get it fully. They spend another 2 hours doing maths.

After a while, Jimin get up from the bed with all the books he had bought with him.

"Okay. I will go now then. Sleep well hyung. I am sorry that I take most of your time. Sorry. Good night." Jimin said and turn around.

Before Jimin can step forward, he was pulled onto bed by Jungkook. Jimin was in sat position books in his hand. And expression is just stunned.

"I Am sorry Min. You know I was just mad why would you lie to me. I was with you since you are little. I take care of you everytime. But you lied to me just to go to club. You could have asked me. I would have take you there with me. But you choose to lie. It get me mad. I am sorry. I know you are guilty and I miss you." Jungkook said to Jimin. The room became silent for a moment before Jimin decided to break the silence.

"I missed you too. I am sorry. " Jimin said with teary eyes.

"Its okay. Come here.." Jungkook ushered Jimin to come close for hug. Jimin left books on the side table and sat on Jungkook's lap hugging him. Its normal for them.

Jimin would always sat on Jungkook's lap hugging him when he is sad and or he feels like. Jungkook doesn't say against it either. Because? Because he likes it of course.

"Are we good now? Like before?" Jimin asked with a pout.

"Yep. We are perfect now. Lets sleep. You have school and I have work." Jungkook stated pulling Jimin with him. Jimin is light as feather to Jungkook. So it didn't take much work to pull Jimin.

Jimin put his head on Jungkook's hand that is spreaded and hugged Jungkook from beside like a koala. Jungkook put the blanket on them to became comfortable.

"Good night Jimin. I love you.." Jungkook whispered pecking Jimin's forehead.

"I love you too hyung. Good night. You are the best." Jimin replied sleepily. Jungkook chuckled and finally drifted to sleep happily with Jimin beside him.

To be continued..

See you later.. Stay healthy stream Life Goes On. 😁💜

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