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A/N: I already finished writing this story. Today there wasn't electricity for the whole day. Since I didn't have work that much. I finished writing it. I uploaded it all together so that you don't need to wait a week for the next chapter.

" Bad news arrives again!!"

One day after when Jungkook and Jimin reached the hospital, everyone were aware of their engagement! They all congratulated the couple who were soon to be married.

In the lunch break, Jimin went outside with Seokjin to eat since Jungkook was in for a surgery.

"Hey hyung, How about that guy from some days is doing now?" Jimin asks while eating the desert.

"Who? That stubborn leader?" Jin asks.

"Yeah that leader. Is he giving you hard time?" Jimin asks.

"No, Actually he became considerate then. But as we weren't here yesterday, he seems went home discharging himself from here. The nurse informed me in the morning!" Jin replies.

"Oh! Good thing! We don't need violence in hospital!" Jimin replies with a shrug while Jin nodded. They eat their lunch and pack some for Jungkook and get back to the hospital again.

Jimin was about turn by the reciptionist , when the girl called him making him stop and look back.

"Dr. Jeon!"

"Huh? Yes ?" Jimin asks.

"There is a bouquet under your name. Please take it!" The girl replies.

"My name? Who send it?" Jimin asks.

"I don't know Dr. Jeon. The delivery didn't said anything other than giving the bouquet for you." The girl replies.

"Oh.. Okay give me the bouquet!" Jimin replies calmly and the girl give that to him. Jimin takes the bouquet. Aftering looking around for a moment he went to his office room which is just beside Jungkook's.

Jimin puts the flower bouquet on the table and starts examining it. He frowns at the flowers while thinking about who can give him flower? Like today isn't any special day for him. He just shrug the idea for now. But again, he saw a note attached to the bouquet which he didn't noticed yet. He pick up the note and opens it.

'Thank you Jimin! I was just wanting to say sorry and thanks you because of that day. My people did a great drama at the hospital. For that I am sorry. And thank you for what you did! I hope we can talk with each other again...

- C. Minho♡'

What!! Like seriously? I am sure he needs to see a psychiatrist! Like seriously when did I operate on him? I remember only fighting that day! But since he apologize, I will accept the flower. But Hope that I am not seeing him ever again..

Jimin became bored because Jungkook still wasn't there. He huffs and stands up to leave the room again with a pout.

'Where should I go?Umm. Oh lets visit Seokjin hyung again! I will sit there silently. At least I will have some company rather than staying here alone!' Jimin says in his mind and walks away.

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