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"You are the best hyung!"

"Hyunggg~" Jimin yelled while running downstairs happily.

Jungkook has already returned to the living room. Where him and his mom and dad watching the TV.

"Yah Slow down or you will fell down!" Jungkook shouted worriedly. But Jimin's smile didn't even get falter a little.

"I love you hyungg~" Jimin says with a singsing voice while hugging Jungkook from behind over the sofa. He didn't noticed the way Mr. And Mrs. Jeon looks a little surprise but more happy to see him excited happy.

" from Where this is coming ?" Jungkook asks playfully.

"You knew I was sad earlier.. so you bought me a huge bear. And I love it so much hyung." Jimin says happily.

"Who said that I bought it? It could be dad too you know.. " Jungkook says.

"I know it. My heart says it. And dad won't buy me one! Would you dad?" Jimin asks cutely to Their father who suddenly look amused and  also little frozen.

"I would have." Their father says.

"See dad he wouldn't! So its you who bought me the bear!" Jimin replies ignoring their father's real answer.

"Haha Jimin! He said he would have bought you." Jungkook replied . He also amused with Jimin's tactics.

"But it has your scent. I know its you. Say its you or (leaning towards Jungkook's ear and whispers ' Or I will go on date with that guy from earlier.' ) " Jimin cutely threatens.

"So hyung who is it from?" Jimin asks. Their parents quite curious about what did Jimin said to him.

"Okay you win! I bought it because you were sad that you couldn't have any pets." Jungkook replies with a pout.

"See. I knew it that it was you! You are the best hyung for me!" Jimin says and pecked Jungkook's cheek.

"You all talk while I go to my teddy to play. See you!" Jimin says and run away again innocently. Not knowing what he did to Jungkook just from his sweet innocent gestures.

"Ahem!" Mr. Jeon clears his throat and finally Jungkook came back to reality. His cheeks are red from shyness more than embarrasment.

Jungkook also clears his throat and says looking at his imaginary watch "Oh you see its going to 9 pm. I need to ready for sleep. Bye" and with that he also left from there with shyness.

His parents both looks amused at Jungkook's reactions. They finally broke into laughs at Jungkook's shyness.

"Honey, you saw he didn't even wearing any watch and he says it going to be 9 soon. When its barely evening!" Hannah says with an amuse laugh.

"Huh. I see. Our kook has really grown up. He was shy because Jimin kissed his cheek? Haha" Mr. Jeon replies with a laugh.

"Rather his mate kissed his cheek!" Hannah replies.

"Aigo this two! I can't wait to see Jimin's reaction. I am sure he will be going into heat soon also. But I am also scared what will be his reaction about the whole thing. He is still stubborn about being an Alpha. I can't help but worrying about him." Hannah added worriedly.

"Yeah honey. But lets not worry about that. Why don't we all go to outside for dinner?" Mr. Jeon suggests.

"Mhm okay. It will be good for all of us spending our time together outside. " Hannah replies with a smile.

"Okay. Then The Lav en Rose ? Would you like this one to go? Or you want another one?" Mr. Jeon asks.

"It will do. Okay then Lets start getting ready. You make a reservation. I will tell the kids." Hannah says and get up from seat. While Mr. Jeon starts calling the manager to get reservation. They already knows The Jeon.

(´ ▽`).。o♡

Jungkook went inside their room to see Jimin hugging bear by him. He shook his head and sat on his bed.

Jimin suddenly get up and walk towards him and sat behind him also on the little high space. Jimin slides his hand to Jungkook's shoulder and start massaging it.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asks when Jimin sat behind him.

"Giving you a massage? I thought you needed it." Jimin replies with a pout.

"It did feel good. Go on." Jungkook ushers.

"Hehe okay!" Jimin says cutely.

Jungkook looks relaxed now. He feels a little good too after the massage. Suddenly Jimin presses his nose at Jungkook's neck that made Jungkook a little startle but didn't said anything.

"Thank you hyung. I means it. And I love you. You are the best hyung." Jimin mumbles.

Jungkook smiles and replies "Hyung loves you too baby. I will do anything just to see you happy."

Jimin was going to reply to that but suddenly their mother enters the room and sees Jimin face pressed into Jungkook's neck. She playfully looks at Jungkook with a little smirk. And Jungkook gives her a look that says 'Its not what you think mom!'

"Do you want something mom?" Jimin asks confusedly.

"Yeah actually I need to tell you two something. We are going to The Lav En Rose for dinner today. So you two start getting ready. Your dad already made the reservation." Hannah informs.

" Really? That restaurant is so good. Hehe thanks mom. I will get ready now then." Jimin says excitedly.

"Why do we need to go there? Why can't I stay home?" Jungkook whines at that. He was feeling tired a little. So he thought he will take a nap but now its all went into vain.

"Yeah what he will do there. Lets go all three of us. Me, you and dad. We don't need him. He isn't that good anyway" Jimin says playfully.

Jungkook looks at Jimin with mouth agape and asks "I thought I was best to you?"

"Actually I also thought that too. But I changed my mind. You are not that good yo--" Jimin jokes with straight face.

But before Jimin can complete Jungkook replies " I am going. Lets go!" With that he left to change his clothes while sulking to himself. He doesn't like it when Jimin says he isn't good. His inner Alpha also a little sad that their mate says that.

To be continued...

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