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"Everyone's Cutie"

Next morning, Jungkook wake up to Jimin's cry. He took jimin in his hand and feed him milk. After finishing the milk, Jimin is now awake. He is energetic to play now.

Jungkook chuckled at the cute brother. He is so sure that Jimin is gonna be everyone's cutie. He can also feel Jimin is gonna be a male omega. Even if he is, he gonna teach him how to be fought for yourself.

"Jungkook, you are awake? Get ready for school and give Jimin to me." His mother said when she entered the room.

Jungkook doesn't feel like going away from Jimin today. He look at his mother with innocent looking eyes.

"Umm.. Mom, Can't I just skip today?" He asked.

"No you aren't. Give Jimin to me and go." His mother replied.

"Please Mom! I promise I will go from tomorrow everyday. I won't ask again. Please let me stay for today! Pleaseee!" Jungkook pleaded to his mother.

His mother sighed and replied sternly "Okay. But just for today. Don't think it will repeat again! I will leave then."

"Hm. It won't." Jungkook said while Jimin lying beside Jungkook playing with his hand cutely. Jungkook looks at Jimin, and hold his finger towards Jimin's lip.

Jimin took Jungkook's finger in his mouth and start chewing it holding onto Jungkook's hand with his own little hands. Jungkook chuckled at him.

Jungkook remembered Taehyung suddenly, he need to tell him that he won't go to school today. Or he will not leave him alive anymore after the school finished today.

Tae, I am not coming today. Don't worry. I am just busy at home. I will go from tomorrow..

Jungkook saw the seen sign but he didn't get any reply from Taehyung. He soon understand why didn't he replied. Because he called him instead.

As soon as he picked up, Taehyung's yelling can be heard. Jungkook moved the phone a little away from him. Even Jimin was a little startle at the shouting. But then shrugged the thought as he again went to chew Jungkook's finger.

"YAH JEON JUNGKOOK! WHY WON'T YOU COME TODAY!" Taehyung yelled to him.

Jungkook slowly start replying...
"Uh Its nothing. I will come tomorrow. Lend me the notes for today. I will make up to you all "

"You better be!!--"

Taehyung was cut off by Jimin's crying. Jimin start crying when Jungkook unconsciously removed his finger from Jimin's mouth. Jungkook looks warned and place his finger in Jimin's mouth again. He stopped crying. That was close! Jungkook thought.


"Uh.. I will tell you later. You are going to be late. Bye." Jungkook hang up the phone fast. He look at Jimin, who again start yawning. It looks like Jimin is the sleeping fairy. He likes to sleep so much!

Jimin fell asleep again on Jungkook's chest. Jungkook also fell asleep with him again. Hannah was coming to their room to get him up again, because he needs to eat. But she took the scene. Both of them are sleeping.

She walk close to them with a soft smile..
"Don't worry Minnie, Even if we aren't with you, he will protect you. " She placed a peck on Jimin's head and then Jungkook's forehead. She take her phone out and captured a picture of them sleeping. Then walked out of there..

That afternoon when their school ended, Taehyung decided to visit Jungkook with other friends. They knocked on the mansion's door. One of the maids opened them.

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