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"Going to Clubbing"

Jimin has returned to the school again after their lunch. When Jimin's school finally finished, he huffed in relief. You see he really isn't into study. He likes to stay in fresh air and sea area rather than in school.

"Hey, lets go to clubbing tonight?" Sungho asked.

"Clubbing? Um what made you think of that?" Jimin asked back.

"I am feeling like going there. Are you down?" Sungho asked.

"You already saw my protective brothers. So I of course can't. But if you can lie for me than may be I can. It won't hurt to give a visit there, right?" Jimin asked with a wink.

"Suree! We will somehow managed it. Lets go." Jean replied happily.

"Yay we are going to clubbing!" Both replied in unision excitedly. Jimin only shook his head at the two.

They trio spotted Jungkook again at the same place from where he always pick Jimin up. Jungkook also noticed the trio and waits for them to come.

"Get in the car. I need to go early today.." Jungkook said to Jimin quickly before starting to get in the car.

"Hyung! hyung!" Sungho and Jean both said in unison gaining Jungkook's attention as he turned around.

"Yes trouble maker?" Jungkook asked back.

"Hyung, we wanted to study together tonight. Can Jimin come to Sungho's house? We promise we will do only study. " Jean explained.

"Um. Sure. If its study then I don't have any problem. But if I find that that isn't the business, then good luck kids." Jungkook said with a scary smile. And get in the car.

"Bye guys."

"Bye hyung. Bye Jimin"

Sungho and Jean huffed in relief that Jimin can come and His hyung didn't get to know anything. They happily went to their own house.

Jungkook and Jimin said silent in the car. Jungkook wasn't lying when he said, he had to leave early today. So he was trying to hurry his work. First he needs to get Jimin home and then himself to his hospital.

They reached house. Jimin get off the car and Jungkook drove away as soon as  jimin get off. Jimin stayed there with a frown on his face. No Love you Min? See you later?

He felt a little sad. He walk inside the mansion with a pout. He will now sure complain to his mom about earlier.

To his luck, Hannah was sitting in the living room talking with Taehyung? Eh Tae hyung? His mood lit up a little.

"Tae Hyung!" Jimin ran and jumped onto Taehyung from behind. Taehyung hold him firm.

"Jimin! Its not good. He could have got hurt!" Hannah scolded Jimin.

"Its okay Aunt. Its common to us. Hehe. Don't scold him." Taehyung said with a smile.

"But he should became mature more. He will be 18 this year." Hannah said with a sigh.

"You should have think about that before spoiling me! And scold kook hyung instead. He made me cry at school. Huh.." Jimin complained childishly.

"Why? What did he said?" Hannah asked in concern.

"He said he will leave me!" Jimin said with a pout while hugging Taehyung.

"Tae hyung come with me. I have something to ask.." Jimin said excitedly. Taehyung chukled at him and went with him upstairs at his room.

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