Fifty-Nine [Epilogue]

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" Now we are together! And I will never leave your side! "

Jungkook and Jin went back to their building. When they walked inside, they were met with Taehyung.

"Taehyung? Did you already track Jimin's phone?" Jungkook asks with hope.

"Yes I did. But I don't think he is there. We can still visit there. The location is the side forest on the way to Choi Mansion. " Taehyung replies.

"See hyung! I told you, of course its she again." Jungkook says angrily.

"Hm Jungkook. But we need to work calmly. We don't have any proof yet. We don't want to do anything that will make us suffer. Make Jimin suffer! Okay? Lets wait a little before we go there. " Jin says calmly.

"Okay Hyung. " Jungkook replies with a sigh.

"Then lets go the location to get ensure that Jimin isn't there. But also hoping that Jimin is there. Ahhh! I don't know. Lets go.." Taehyung says while others nodded and followed Taehyung.


Meanwhile Jimin's side..

After Jimin fell unconscious, the kidnappers pull him with them to the black car that was already waiting for them in front of the back door. The other guard of the hospital they were talking about was with them too. He works for Lin.

They take Jimin to Choi Mansion. Just how their boss had told them before. On the way they also threw Jimin's phone to the forest that leads to Choi mansion. And that was the great mistake they did.

After bringing him to mansion, they take him to the basement and tied him with the chair. They leave Jimin alone and unconscious there.

Time went by so soon. Its already Night time. As Jungkook has told Lin to go home already, she was already home , sitting in her bedroom with rage. But Suddenly she remembers about Jimin. So she starts walking towards basement.

While The older son of Choi family was walking by the basement when he heard some noise. He stopped walking and went to open the door to see who is there now. As he was about to open when his younger sister says from behind " What are you doing here?"

Jimin has gain back his conscious. He winced a little when he find himself tied a little strongly to the chair. He heard some noise from outside. He quickly stopped moving and listened to the voice.

"I heard some noise I think. I was about to check who is inside the basement, Lin." The older brother replies blankly.

Jimin is now confirm that the female voice belongs to Lin. But why does he feel like, he knows the male one too. He waits for them to say the male's name too.

"Oh. Well you don't have any work here Minho! Go away!"  Lin replies.

And there Jimin got the male's name too. He was the leader who Jimin helped that day. Who gave Jimin flowers.

"I don't think you are to tell me what to do or not!! And I am older than you. " Minho replies sternly.

"I don't care. Not like we are related. You are my step brother only! " Lin replies angrily.

Yes, Minho is step brother to Lin. Well, Their dad had one daughter. But he needed a boy to make the heir. Since Lin's mother wasn't alive, Choi married Minho's mother. Which make them step siblings.

"Yeah whatever!" Minho rolls his eyes at that. This he opens the door and get shock to see the doctor Jimin all tied to the chair and unconscious. Jimin faked his unconsciousness.

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