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"Possessive Jimin"

Some months has passed. Jimin had made some friends in his school. Well only two friends. One is Sungwon and another one is Jean.

Despite of being an omega features, Jimin is like the leader of others. He has gained the behaviour from his beloved brother Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook is an Alpha who is stronger than other. Other means Omega and Beta. Jungkook has always protected the weaker one if he happened to see any of them in danger.

Seeing this type of thing make Jimin think Jungkook as hero. He also wants to be a hero Just like Jungkook. So In conclusion , Jimin wants to be an Alpha. That is the main thing!

"Jimin! Come here.." Jungkook called from other side from where Jimin was standing with his two friends in school. Jungkook came to pic him up.

Jimin turned to his friends and said "Bye bye. My kookie is here.."

"Bye Jimin.." His friends replied to him. And he quickly ran to his brother who just arrived there from his college.

After He reach Jungkook, Jungkook lead him to Jungkook's car. And drove back home. Jungkook doesn't forget to pick him up from his school everyday.

Next day as usual Jimin went to school and Jungkook went to his college. Today is kind of different.

At tiffin time at Jimin's school..

"You know, My mom and dad live alone with me now. They doesn't live with their parents. When one get married, they live alone!" Sungwon said.

"Hm. They leave their parents. We also had to leave them?" Jean asked or replied.

They are kids still now. Don't know the main thing behind marriage. One's a couple get married they live alone far from their parents. Or they can also live with their parents. But kids aren't aware of this yet.

"So thats mean Jimin's hyung will also leave him?" Sungwon asked curiously.


"No! He won't. He will live with me forever!" Jimin yelled at them cuting Jean off who was going to reply.

"How? He will marry and leave you with your parents.." Sungwon said.

"I said no! He won't leave me. I will be with him forever!"Jimin said while eating his lunch from the lunchbox that his mother has prepared.

"Then how you will be with him?" Jean asked this time as well.

"Simple. I will marry him when I became old. So we will live together!" Jimin shrugged saying that.

"What! He is your brother Jimin.." Jean and Sungwon said unision.

"That none of you two's business. Bye." Jimin said and leave his two friends. His kookie won't leave him, would he? No he won't. Jimin thought to himself.

The rest of the day went well as usual. Just the thing is Jimin isn't talking with anyone. Just busy in his mind. His two friends wasn't even talking to him. He don't want to talk with them yet.

The school finished, Jimin is standing alone at the usual place where his brother said to wait for him. Soon Jungkook came but frown as Jimin is alone. Everyday he will be with his other two friends Sungwon and Jean. What happened?

"Jimin? Why are you alone?" Jungkook asked. Jimin look up at him with little teary eyes that make Jungkook panic.

"What happened Min? Did someone do something to you? Are you hurt anywhere? Tell me." Jungkook asked worriedly.

"Wi-ll yo-u lea-ve me-e whe-n yo-u get marr-ied?" Jimin asked with a sob.

"Huh? Why?" Jungkook asked.

"They, Sungwon and Jean said whe-n one ge-t marr-ied they live alone without th-eir par-ents. Ar-e you goi-ng to leav-e me too-o?" Jimin asked between his sob.

Jungkook chuckled at Jimin's cuteness. He hug Jimin and teased Jimin "Silly.. Don't cry I won't leave you. You will be with me like a glue stick. Won't you?"

"I told them that you won't leave me. We will live together forever." Jimin said calming down.

"Really? How do you know that?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"I told them we will marry when I became Old like you. And live together." Jimin said while pouting. Jungkook is ... Just speechless. Hearing that.

He shook his head at Jimin's stupidity and also Cuteness. He chuckled and said "No Jimin. You can't marry me. I am your brother. Right? Brother can't marry each other. So you can't. "

Jimin eyes got teary again and asked "So You are go-ing to leave me?" making Jungkook panic again.

"No No. I won't leave you. Lets go home Jimin." Jungkook said trying to get Jimin off of him. But Jimin is super clingy now. Jungkook gave into it. He carried Jimin to his car. He tried to left Jimin to the passenger seat but Jimin didn't want to leave Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed and went to the driver seat with clingy Jimin with his front. Jungkook drive home just like that, Jimin on Jungkook's lap but he is sleeping.

After they went home, Jungkook pick Jimin carefully not to make him awake. Take him to their room. He set Jimin on the bed. He was going to remove his hand, But Jimin hold it more tightly and mumbled "Don't leave me hyung" in his sleep.

Jungkook just smiled at Jimin. And replied with a whisper "I won't leave you Min. Don't think of that. Now sleep. I won't go anywhere" Then kissed Jimin's forehead and left the room when he get to remove his hand successfully.

He sat on the Living room's sofa with his blank mind. But he was startled when Taehyung nudged him from behind. Taehyung didn't went to college today. They are in same college too.

"Wtf! Tell me before you decided to surprise. I am already surprised at something. Don't make me overwhelmed " Jungkook hissed and said to Taehyung.

"Why? What happened ? And where is the little devil?" Taehyung asked.

"Little devil is tired from crying a river. So he is now sleeping in our room." Jungkook said with a sigh.

"Crying? Why? What happened to him? Is he fine?" Taehyung asked in worry. He loved the little devil as his own small brother too.

"Apparently his friend was talking about how one leave their family when they get married. So He thought I will leave him as well. Thats why he was crying.. " Jungkook explained a little.

"woah.. Haha. Thats why? He is really the cutie.    " Taehyung said with a laugh.

"But thats not the thing I am surprised. Do you want to know what he had told his friends then? He said that he will marry me when he gets old. And live with me forever " Jungkook said and Taehyung chocked on nothing.

"Whatt? Hahaha... OMG! " Taehyung start laughing loudly when he heard that. Jimin is really so innocent yet a little devil. Jungkook also chuckled at the thought. He will marry Jimin? Haha.. It can't be right? Even he isn't blood related, but Jungkook is so much older than Jimin.

"I know. I was really so speechless after hearing that. He was totally crying when he thought I will leave him. And also don't tell him. He won't be happy to hear that I told you so. Yeah" Jungkook said and Taehyung nodded. Jimin doesn't like it when other share his vulnerable things with others.

"Why are you here again?" Jungkook added.

"Ah Right. I am here for The notes. I wasn't feeling like going to college today. So give me the notes. I could have take it from Namjoon. But he isn't in our college. Like the brilliant one he is. Huh.." Taehyung shrugged.

"Haha. Okay. Wait. I need to go to my room then. Wait here." Jungkook left Taehyung in livng room for bringing the notes.


To be continued..

Jungkook, don't think like that yet. What if you really get married with him? Then?¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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