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"You can't date anyone!"

"Can you just believe that he told mom and dad about his mate but can't tell me!!  I thought I was his favourite!" Jimin complains to Niho while they two walking through the hallway.

"He must have reason for that." Niho says.

"And What is the reason he has ?" Jimin asks looking at Niho.

Niho shrugs and says "How could I know that.."

"Make sense. But do you think that he doesn't want me to see him because he might be beautiful than I and then I will be jealous?" Jimin asks innocently.

Niho had to blink his eyes at Jimin for sometimes before he replied with a chuckle "Jiminie! I really doubt that we have one more person who is more beautiful and cuter than you. Don't you think so?"

Jimin's face became pinkish at the exclamation Niho made about him. He shook his head and says with a pout "I don't know. But may be hyung find him more fascinated than me. You can never tell." 

"Huh.. I don't think so. Lets wait for him to tell about his mate. His mate is an omega right?" Niho asked.

"Um I think so that too. There is few male omegas here. Some has already found their mate and I don't know about the rest! Uhh why he is so much complicated!" Jimin whined.

"Min patience is virtue you know that right?" Niho comments

"Huh I guess so. I need to wait a lot. Lets go to class then." Jimin says halfheartedly. 

They both silently walking towards their class when a student who is also an alpha apparently came towards them or rather Jimin from behind.

"Jimin! " An unknown voice calling Jimin made the duo stopped on their way and they both turned around to see the intruder.

Jimin makes a confuse face at the Alpha. And said "Yes?" confusedly while tilting his face to the unknown Alpha.

"Sorry to interrupt. I am Kang Senin. " The unknown Alpha introduce  himself.

"Um. I am Jeon Jimin. I think you already know that. But do you need anything? We have class to attend." Jimin said awkwardly while pointing to Niho and himself.

The Alpha stand there nervously and asked "Actually yes. I am wondering if you would like to go on a date with me? I find you attractive."

Jimin went through a mild shock but recover quickly. Well he don't know what to say. Its his first time getting a proposal like that.  He is little flustered.

"I am sorry but I don't think he is interest. And also his brother won't allow him anyway. " Niho says for Jimin who stand there in awkwardness and embarrassment.

"Oh. Its okay. But I hope we can be friend. Thank you for listening. Bye. See you around Jimin." Senin says and left first.

Niho nodded and look at frozen Jimin "Are you good now?" Niho asks.

"Uhh thanks for saving from awkwardness. I was just frozen after hearing his proposal. I didn't know what to say." Jimin replies with faint pink face.

"Hmm. I guess that. Now lets go before we became late." Niho says then. Jimin nodded and followed him to their class.

Forward to school end..

They both stand there waiting for Jungkook. Today Taehyung was coming to Get Niho. So Niho won't go with Jimin today.

Soon after Niho left, Jungkook appeared on the way. Jimin walk towards his hyung. He gets himself set in the car while asking "Aren't you going to look for your mate hyung?"

Jungkook looks at Jimin for a moment before says "No, I have  already seen him. "

"Damn! Here I thought I will get the chance to meet your prince looking mate. Whatever. You are so secretive hyung!" Jimin whined a little.

"Huh. I guess. " Jungkook says with a chuckle and start his car.

On the mid way, Jimin decided to talk about his first proposal with his hyung.

"You know I get one proposal from an Alpha from my school today. He is quite handsome though.-- Ahh! Why did you stopped the car suddenly! We should have give me a warning!" Jimin complains when Jungkook stopped his car abruptly without saying anything.

"What did you just say?" Jungkook ask with serious look.

Jimin looks at his hyung baffled with the thing that is going on. He asks "Why do you look so serious about the topic? "

"Of course I am serious!! You can't date anyone! And why you said he is handsome! I thought only I was handsome to you!" Jungkook says with his wide comical looking eyes.

Jimin just looks at his hyung in pure disbelief and says sassily "You know anyone can be handsome right? And why can't I date? I think I can date anyone I want!"

"No you can't date anyone. You have to devote yourself into study more than this puppy love! What I said to you when I was mad at you? Did you forgot already?" Jungkook asks. He has already started his car again after getting his shock down.

"Uhh! Its not puppy love. But Niho rejected him for me today. Why are you so protective over me! In that case, I don't think I can find my mate also!" Jimin complains.

"That doesn't matter. I want you in top 5! Remember that! " Jungkook says firmly.

"you smell so jealous. Is it because I said Senin is handsome? Wah!" Jimin says with amusement.

"Who said I am jealous?" Jungkook tries his best not to show Jimin his sulking side. But he thinks he didn't succeed that.

"I can see you hyung. You don't need to be jealous over that! Who knows my mate is more  good looking than you! Then you shouldn't jealous over your Min's mate! Do you?" Jimin says with his innocent sense.

Jungkook calmed a little at that. And also let out a little chuckle to that and says "May be your mate is the best good looking one for you. Who knows! "

"Huh. I don't know may be he is." Jimin shrugs at that.

Then they stayed silent. But the environment wasn't awkward like before Jimin felt with other Alpha.


To be continued..

See you soon! Also Thank you for 1k votes! Borahae💜

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