Special Chapter 1

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"Hey! So today is my birthday. So here a little special chapter with some moments for all of you as I said..!!"

After some days..

"Hyung! I want to tell mom and dad about the baby. How about tonight?" Jimin asks Jungkook making pouty lips.

Jungkook clears his throat and says nervously "How about some days later?" He isn't ready to tell knowing he will be lectured for this. But thats not the matter. Its just he need to be prepared for telling their parents.

"No! Its tonight! And tonight means tonight! " Jimin says with a serious face.

"Okay okay! We will tell tonight baby. Don't get so work up. Okay?" Jungkook says quickly and Jimin hums at the reply. They stayed silent for some moments before Jimin decided to break the silence again.

"Hyung! I want to ask something." Jimin says.

"You don't have to ask for permission. Just tell what you want!" Jungkook replies with a low voice.

"Okay. So How many pup do you wants? " Jimin asks getting up from lying position and looks at Jungkook with excitement.

" How many do you wants?" Jungkook asks back.

"Me? How about 7?" Jimin replies with an innocent face making Jungkook choke at the reply.

"What!7? No Jimin. We don't have to have that much pups. But for me, I want 3. One girl two boys. " Jungkook replies pulling Jimin close.

"Why?" Jimin asks.

"I mean I am alright with any gender. Its just. If we have a younger daughter, I and with my 2 sons can spoil her. Her brothers will be there for her when we will not be here. " Jungkook replies from his side.

"Oh. Okay thats good too. " Jimin nods in agreement. Soon Jimin finds himself yawning. He fall asleep in Jungkook's arm. Jungkook smiles seeing Jimin sleeping in arms. He places a kiss on Jimin's temple before closing his own eyes.

At night at dinning table...

"Hey Mom, After finishing our eating, we will have some important talking. Don't go to your room. Dad too. " Jungkook announces with a sigh.

" About what?" Mr. Jeon asks.

"About something that you will know later. " Jungkook replies while Jimin nodded towards them.

After finishing their dinner, they all went to living room to talk about this important news. Jimin and Jungkook sits in one side. Opposite to them was their parents.

"We have been sitting here for 5 minutes. Tell us what is it?" Mrs. Jeon says worriedly.

"Well, The thing is ...." Jungkook couldn't finish when Jimin replies for him making Jungkook look at his side where Jimin was eating ice-cream.

"The thing is I am pregnant!" Jimin says.

"Okay. So-- Wait! What did you just say? Come again?" Mrs. Jeon asks in shock. She heard it wrong? Is it?

"Yes, Mom. He is pregnant. " Jungkook replies nervously.

"Oh My God! Honey! We are having grand childs!! Finally.. " Their mom squeals at the news while Jungkook was taken aback at the reaction. He looks at her in disbelief. If he knew he won't be lectured, he would have told it before without any nervousness with a happy mind.

While Mr. Jeon, he was also a little shock. But He smiles soon. He was also happy at the news of course. He is having a grand Child.

"Aw My minnie is Pregnant! He grown up so quick honey! " Mrs. Jeon exclaims to his husband.

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