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" I am sorry"

Next morning at breakfast, Jimin came downstairs to eat breakfast before going school. He saw Jungkook eating silently. He lowered his head with a pout and sit beside Jungkook at his own seat.

After a while, Jungkook get up saying "I am finished. I will go now then"

Jimin was about to get up but stopped on his seat when Jungkook said "Don't need to come with me. Our family driver will drive you to school. And also pick you from there. Okay bye mom and dad. See you"

Jimin didn't touch his food any further. Both Mr. And Mrs. Jeon Is worried about them. Jimin look at his parents and run to his room back saying "I will not go to school".

"Honey, what should we do? They are really childish. I am worried about them." Hannah said with worry.

"Its okay. They will get together soon. Don't worry. Jungkook can't stay angry with him that much." Mr. Jeon assured Hannah.

"I hope so." Hannah can't help but worry about the two.

Jimin stayed in his room for the whole day sleeping and pouting. Jungkook's office finished at 2 pm. So he come home at 2.45 pm. Its a little far from there. He didn't go to Jimin's school either. But he thought Jimin is in school...

Jungkook came to house and sat at the sofa before turning to his mom and asked "Did he come back from school?"

"He didn't go to school. He is really guilty son. Talk with him. Or he will became depressed." Hannah said to Jungkook.

"I will see." Jungkook replied and get up to go to their room.

Once he reached, Jungkook knocked on the door looking inside. The room is messy. Jimin noticed Jungkook and sat up on the bed while hanging his head down.

"What are you doing home? Don't like school? Should we send you to a market or restaurant to work there?" Jungkook said without having any emotion.

Jimin didn't look up, only shook his head.

"Look at me when you answer my questions." Jungkook replied with dominance. Jimin look up at Jungkook.

"Now answer why didn't you go to school? Or are you planing to go to clubbing again?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin shook his head and replied "No..."

"No What?"

"I didn't go because you didn't go with me. And I am sorry. I won't ever lie to you." Jimin muttered loudly enough to Jungkook can hear.

"Whats with sorry? I don't need that sorry. When you can lie to me again." Jungkook replied blankly.

"No. I am sorry. I really won't do it ever. I regret going there. Please hyunggg.. Give me a chance. I am sorry. I miss you" Jimin whispered the last sentence.

"Talk loudly. I can't read your mind.." Jungkook said.

"I SAID I MISSED YOU!" Jimin yelled frustratedly.

"I don't know if I can forgive you soon. "

"Please hyung. I am sorryy~.. I will do whatever you wants. Yeah. I will do anything you ask for." Jimin replied quickly. He is desperate for Jungkook's forgiveness. That is his goal. Jungkook is all he cares for.

"Anything?" Jungkook asked again for confirmation.

"Yes Anything!" Jimin replied.

"Then pay your attention to your study. If you can became in top 5 in yearly exam. I can consider that. Your exam will be in some weeks. And what are you doing? Going to clubs? And not studying? Do you want to end in roads?" Jungkook said with bitterness lace in voice.

"No. I will study. I will do it for you. I am sorry." Jimin muttered and look down again.

"Do it for you. Not me. I am nothing to you!" Jungkook said.


"I will see that later if you can achieve it or not.  Did you finished your breakfast?" Jungkook asked knowing very well he didn't eat anything till now.

"Ye-No.." Jimin tells the truth after thinking a little.

"See you are again lying. Come downstairs for lunch. After that you will re-arrange this room properly." Jungkook ordered with same blank face. Jimin nodded at him and followed Jungkook when Jungkook left for lunch. 

Hannah was surprise to see Jimin behind Jungkook. But happy that at least they talked. The lunch time was fully awkward as no one was talking about anything.

After finishing, Jimin head to their room and Jungkook to guest room. He gives Jimin time to re-arrange their room. He will see that later. Jungkook took a nap. While Jimin tried his best to re-arrange their room.

After 1.30 hour, Jungkook wake up again. He went to their room to pick some books and his clothes. He enter the room. The room looks a little good not too much though. It will be okay..

Jimin was tired from working for 1 hour. After he finished he fell asleep from tiredness. He doesn't work like this everyday. Well he never does this work. It was all along Jungkook who did this.

Jungkook shook his head in disbelief. Jimin's half body is on bed and other half part of his body is hanging off of bed. He walk closer and place his legs on bed.

He remove the strands of hairs from Jimin's forehead carefully with a smile. He knows Jimin love him so much. He will do anything for him. Jimin tries his best to clear their room.  Though its not in a good shape. But for the first time its good.

"Why did you have to go there unannounced Min? You could have told me without lying. I would have go with you. I am mad that you lied to me. I didn't taught you that. See now I am mad at you and you have to suffer like this. I care for you. We all care for you. What would have happened if I wasn't there that time? You aren't that strong either. I missed you too. I am sorry that I scold you. But you deserve it for scaring me. Sleep well. I will see you later. Love you." Jungkook whispered and pecked on Jimin's forehead before taking his things and leave the room.


To be continued...

I love the new songg~.. Its so soft and beautiful.. Stream harder Armys.. Fighting...

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