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"If you are jealous, Then get yourself a mate"

Dinner has officially ended. Jungkook now driving both of them, home. Jimin has already fallen asleep in his seat. It was a long day for Jimin.

Jungkook finally arrives at home. He gets off the car first and went to Jimin's side and carry him inside in bridal style. He about to pull his hand from Jimin but Jimin starts whining and hugs it tightly.

" Baby, Leave my hand. I have to change your clothes. I know you can't sleep like this.. I will come again after changing for cuddling with you don't worry.." Jungkook whispers and pulls his hand slowly. Jimin did whines again but Jungkook doesn't take it in his mind. He gets up and went to remove Jimin's shoes and socks.
After that he went to change his clothes and then finally joins Jimin. He laid down beside Jimin and hugs Jimin from behind while his one  hand rest on Jimin's stomach below his shirt and the other one, he has slipped it under Jimin's head pulling Jimin  more close. He presses a peck on Jimin's nape before closing his own eyes letting sleep in.

In morning, when Jimin wakes up he feels weight on his stomach, he tries to move sleepily thinking he is late for school but that weight is holding him from getting up.

He slowly opens his eyes with a yawn and looks what it is that causing the weight. He sees a big veiny hand on his stomach well on his bare stomach. He look at his side and sees his hyung, Jungkook. He was about to scream but stops when he saw its just his hyung. Well he doesn't remember getting inside of a car nor he remember getting out of the car. What he can expect! But right now he calmed himself finding himself in their own room.

He sighs and looks at the clock and sees there is still 20 minutes before the alarm went on. He looks back at Jungkook who is sleeping peacefully hugging him while Jungkook' mouth is near hs neck. But due to moving, Jimin has moved his face a little far from Jungkook.

He admires Jungkook's face while Jungkook is asleep. He finds his hyung so handsome and cute and attractive than others. Is this wrong, thinking about his hyung like that? Jimin thinks. But suddenly blushes when he remembers Jungkook is his intended mate. He is destined to fall in love with Jungkook sooner or later.

His gaze suddenly falls on Jungkook's pink lips. His mind is suddenly fills with some dirty thoughts. He felt himself again blushing ferociously at those thoughts. What you can expect from a virgin, innocent little devil..

He wants to kiss Jungkook in his sleep, he thinks while pouting. Jungkook has told him that Jungkook has kissed him one time while he was asleep. He can do that too. Right? Yeah he can because right now he wants to kiss his hyung. He gains a little courage and leans closer to Jungkook's lips. And places his lips on Jungkook slowly.

But soon squeaked in surprise when he feels his hyung also kissing him back. But Jimin doesn't back away but continue sucking like Jungkook. It did surprise him a little about Jungkook's response. That means Jungkook was already awake and faking it.

"You scared me!! Hyungggg!!" Jimin whines out.

Jungkook pulls Jimin closer and placing Jungkook's head near Jimin's hair, he says " I was analysing my sweetheart's courage. If he really will kiss me or do something... " Jimin just pouts.

" I was about to kiss you last night for getting me the orange cake. As I was overwhelmed at that. But I couldn't. But again guess we now did. My day will be delighted today may be.. " Jungkook adds.

" Hyungg! Stop it! I am feeling shy! " Jimin says cutely while hiding his face in Jungkook's chest in shyness.

" Thats good. At least you are loyal brat. " Jungkook replies teasingly.

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