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"New Boy in School"

"Jimin! Are you okay? Where did you went ? We couldn't find you.." Sungho start asking question on behalf of both sungho and Jean as soon as they saw Jimin entering school.

"Uff Guys... Hyung went there. And take me home. He was angry with me. I couldn't come school yesterday thats why. Right now he isn't with me but still he is mad at me I can tell.." Jimin replied with a whine.

"OH My God.. I am not seeing him soon. He is scary when he is mad.. Shit! Jimin we are sorry. We should have went there in the first.. " Jean replied.

"Hm.. Its okay. Lets go now before we get late for class." Jimin replied and start walking towards classroom leaving the duo. They both start following Jimin to class nonchalantly.

As they always sits at the behind but the duo stopped when they saw Jimin went to first row.

"Eh? You are sitting at first row?" Jean asked.

"Yes I am. You can sit here or go behind." Jimin replied normally.

"Sure. We don't fit here. See you soon." Sungho replied and the duo left for behind seats.

The teacher came with a new face. All the students became silents. Jimin didn't even look up at the new face. He was busy in finding the class book.

"Good Morning everyone. He is a transfer student from Busan. Treat him well. The new student please introduce yourself." The tecaher called.

"Hello everyone. I am Kim Niho. I am from Busan. Treat me well." Niho said.

"Okay Mr. kim you can seat beside Mr. J-Jeon?" The teacher was slightly surprised to see Jimin in front row.

Jimin nodded and raise his hand to get the attention of new comer. Niho sat beside Jimin.

"Hello. I am Niho."

"I am Jimin. Jeon Jimin."

Then they both listened to their teacher. The bell rang when the class finished. Jimin collect all the things and get up.

But before he can get up, Niho held Jimin's hand. Jimin look behind "Would you mind showing me around? I am new here."

Jimin thought a little and nodded "Sure. I will show you around in break period?" Jimin replied.

"Yep okay. Are you going somewhere? " Niho asked.

"Oh I am just going behind? To sit with my friends. Would you like to go also? " Jimin asked pointing towards back.

"Um No. i am good here I think. See you in tiffin period." Niho replied quietly. Jimin nodded and left to be with his friends.

The classes went well for Jimin. Jimin tried his best to listen and also note all the things that needed. He needs to prove to his brother that he is good so that Jungkook can forgive him.

He suddenly start pouting thinking about Jungkook. He didn't notice it until Niho walked up to him. He came out of his thoughts and give Niho a visit around school. Then lastly went to canteen to have their lunch.

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