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"My Full life was nothing but a lie"

Soon Jimin came back to his consciousness. He slowly opens his eyes to see, he is in the guest room. He sat up slowly. He feels his throat dry a little. He hold his hand forward towards the glass of water. Suddenly feels his hand is a little sore.

He frowns and thats when the flashback repeats into his mind. He froze on his spot. He has heard almost all of the thing they said. His hyung said. Was he even allowed to call his hyung as 'his hyung' now?

He just went downstairs to get his phone that he left there before he went to the guest room to rest. Soon he became bore and came to take his phone with him. But how could he know that this small move will change something.

He heard his hyung saying "I am Jimin's mate." to the others. And its the moment when he felt, he doesn't know how to response to it anymore. How to feel about it anymore..

He was first confuse. How can that even happen. He thought his hyung was just kidding. But soon after another sentence left his hyung's mouth that made his inside crack a little.

"I am not his biological brother. " The simple sentence that says he is not their real son like his hyung. He is the adopted child in their family. That means he is an orphan. Isn't it? Or does he still has his parents in this earth?

Jimin stayed their motionless. Thinking about how his life was nothing but a lie. shouldn't they at least tell him who is his parents? Or even tell him about his parents? That way he wouldn't have to feel this much betrayed like now. He should have been prepared a little. But now?

The door to the rest room opened and Jungkook entered the room. Jimin doesn't need to look up at him to notice that his hyung entered the room. The vanilla scent is enough for to know that.

"Oh! You wake u---" Jungkook starts nervously but cut off by Jimin himself.

"I want to go home or your house." Jimin said monotonously without looking at his hyung. Right. Does he even call that house his?

Jungkook gasped at that. He clearly didn't expected this type of reaction. But he didn't said back anything. Because he know, Jimin still need some time to let all the shock in him. So Jungkook just nodded slowly.

"Well, We can go now then. Do you need help with walking? " Jungkook asks nervously.

"No." Jimin just replied in short. Its not he is mad at anyone. He just still didn't get alone with the shock. Slowly He removes the blanket from him, and starts standing up. As soon as he stand up, he finds himself being a little dizzy. He saw Jungkook started to approach him from the corner of his eye. He held his hand to stop moving from where he is. So Jungkook stops but still worried about Jimin.

Jimin stays a little. And feels himself relax now. He then slowly starts walking. He left the room first, then followed by Jungkook. Jungkook now regrets telling others about his mate. He shouldn't have talked about it now. Then Jimin wouldn't be like this.

Jungkook saws his hyungs and Niho are still downstairs. Jean and Sungwon have left earlier. As soon as they noticed Jimin walking downstairs slowly, they stops talking. The environment seems tensed.

Jimin without looking at anyone, he just left the house. He straight went to Jungkook's car. Jungkook looks at his hyungs and tell them silently that he will talk later. Then just followed Jimin to the car. He is still nervous and worried.

Jimin was already settled on the passenger's seat. Jungkook went to driving seat and starts driving home. Its night time. Everywhere is just dark but still the roads are illuminated with traffic lights.

Its 8pm when They reached Jeon Mansion. Jimin opened his side's door and walk inside slowly. Jungkook quickly followed Jimin giving his keys to the watchman telling him to park his car.

Both Jungkook's parents were in the living room talking. They look surprised to see them home. Because they were supposed to stay at his hyung's house.

"Oh, Min and kook? We thought you were staying." Hannah says but didn't get any reply from any of them. Jimin has stayed on his spot when Hannah starts talking.

" Did something happened? Minnie, are you fine? Did you get anywhere hurt? Is that why you two came home early?" Hannah asked worriedly when she saw no one is answering. So she thought Jimin might have hurt himself.

But Jimin didn't reply anything for a moment. After a moment, Jimin look at her with a small smile that barely noticeable and replies to thay "I am sorry" and left again to his room.

Of course they were surprise to see that reaction. They looks at Jungkook synchronizing to find an answer to that. To which Jungkook replies with a sad expression "He knows."

"He know wh---- He Knows now? Did you tell him?" Hannah asks.

"No, he happens to find out by himself when Hyungs were pestering me to tell about his mate. I couldn't stop myself but telling them." Jungkook says with a sigh. His parents looks at him with a sad look.

"Also he knows he isn't your real son. Thats why he is more sad, I think. I am sorry." Jungkook added.

"Oh my! He must have been going through a lot. Why don't you check on him?" Mr. Jeon says.

"I thinks its better to leave me alone for now. He needs some time to figure it all alone. I am sure he will come back to his previous self soon. He just going through a big shock that he ever get in his life." Jungkook says. They nodded sadly. They also can't help with the situation.

Jungkook stayed at living room for some times. And let Jimin to collect himself or even let him rest a little alone.

Inside the room, Jimin sat on the bed for a moment. Soon he feels himself getting hot. He decided to take bath and think about all the things a  little. He filled the bath tub with water and set himself inside of the tub without removing his clothes.

He feels tears are running down on his face. He thinks about his life. How it were, how it is now. Jungkook always told him, his mate was from Jimin's school. Who studies there. But didn't tell him it was all along himself not others.

What will others call him after knowing about his mate? Would it be freaks? Or other names? He close his eyes and let himself sink in the bath tub. Not like he want to suicide or anything. He just unconsciously fell asleep while staying there forgetting everything about the day for now.


To be continued...

Also Early happy new year to you all. Hope the new year became the reason of your happiness. Stay healthy and safe. Borahae.. 🌃🎆🎉✨

Also Its been exact 2 months since This book was published.. Thanks for 11.3k+ view and also 2k+ votes. I appreciates all of it. Thanks for liking the book also.

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