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"So Much Love moments"

As said, Jimin called Jungkook after one hour. Jungkook had picked him back from there of course. Their parents was happy to hear that Jimin has returned to his past character. He is slowly accepting the huge fact. Its a little progress.

At evening, Jungkook was in living room with his parents while Jimin is in their room studying for the test.

"I will go upstairs to see what is doing.. Call us for dinner later, Mom.” Jungkook says. His mother nodded at him. Then he left from there.

Jungkook enters the room without knocking. He about to call Jimin but shuts up immediately when he saw Jimin sleeping peacefully on his study table. His notebook is open, pen is in Jimin's hand, his laptop is in front of the note book also. Jungkook shook his head in disbelief.

Jungkook approaches Jimin and lift him before placing him on the bed and tucking him into the blanket. He return to Jimin's study table. And wrote the rest of the note for Jimin.

It was 8pm when He finally finishes. He yawns a little. He is feeling a little sleepy as well. He watches the clock and thinks they still has one  hour and thirty minutes for the dinner. He again approaches Jimin and laid beside Jimin, hugging him as well. Then soon fell asleep.

When it was 9.30 pm, Their mother came to call them. She calls for them. But soon frowns when she didn't get any response in return. She opens the door to see both of them sleeping peacefully. And Jungkook hugging Jimin. She smiles and closes the door slowly behind them. And walked back to dinning hall for dinner.

Next time when Jimin wakes up, he feel like he can't move. But he slowly moves his head to see what is holding him like this. He slowly opens his eyes towards Jungkook ways and finally sees Jungkook clearly. His sleep is now gone. He is suddenly feeling shocked that he shouldn't be feeling.

Jimin starts squirming into Jungkook's hold. Jungkook stirs in his sleep but didn't wakes up. On the other hand, Jimin needs to pee.

"Jungkook hyung!! Get up!" Jimin whines out loudly.

Jungkook doesn't moves a centimetre. Jimin continue squirming and finally to Jimin's luck, Jungkook finally says something but that is not the thing Jimin wants to hear right now. In that condition.

"Stop moving too much. And go to sleep." Jungkook says back.

"You move from me hyung!! First I want to go to toilet and second I am hungry.. So move hyung~" Jimin whines cutely again.

Jungkook finally removes his hand and says opening his eyes slowly " Fine! I am going downstairs come after getting fresh."

Jimin nodded at Jungkook. With that Jungkook went downstairs to the other restroom. After finishing his business he went to dinning hall and starts re-heating foods for him and Jimin.

"How is your preparation going?" Jungkook asks when Jimin sat down for dinner. Food is still in the microwave.

"Um good I think.." Jimin replies to that and shrugs. He pouts a little while waiting for their foods. He is just really hungry.

Finally the ding sound is heard. That means food is ready to eat. Jimin's smile widened at the sound. While Jungkook went to take out the foods. Then they both eats dinner.

When they finishes their dinner, Jungkook washes the dishes while Jimin passes him the plates and glasses to be washed. When the last glass being passed, Jimin dries his hand from the kitchen towel.

Jimin went to upstairs first. Then Jungkook follows. When Jungkook enters the room, he sees Jimin sitting on the bed. He walks close to the bed and lies down on his side pulling Jimin for hug.

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