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Moving forward to Jimin being an intern

Next day..

Jimin and Jungkook get into the car as usual. From today there won't be anymore problem there. Thats Jungkook hope for. Choi company had gone down. Their daughter will be transfered from the college. Well, may be got it already.

When they reached the college, Jimin gets out of the car and waits for Jungkook to come out too.

"Uh hyung, You sure Lin won't disturb me anymore?" Jimin ask to be ensured. He doesn't want another fight in his college life that is not important.

"No. I don't think so! She has already been transfered. But if she appears and you can't do anything against her then look for me.! Okay?" Jungkook says while holding Jimin's face with his hands.

"Okay!" Jimin nodded slowly while Jungkook is still holding Jimin's face with two hands upward.

"God! You are so cute!! Sorry for it!" Jungkook says. He can't control himself more when Jimin looks so cute and amazing standing in front of him also with a pouting face because of how Jungkook held Jimin's face.

"What are you so--" Jimin cut off by Jungkook kissing him on his lips! Jimin feels his heart skips a bit at that. Jungkook then went away biding Jimin who was still in his place with his racing heart.

Jimin's came into reality when Niho sees Jimin standing in front of park and calls him.


"Huh? Yeah?" Jimin asks confusedly because he was still into previous moment! He isn't sure if Niho has told him anything!

"Why are you standing here alone?" Niho asks.

"Oh nothing! Lets go!" Jimin replies with a nervous giggle and a red face.

"Okay!" Niho replies confusedly as well. He doesn't know what happened with Jimin that made his face red. Soon Niho shrugged the thought and walks together to their own perspective classes.

Jimin was about to enter the class when Lin shows up in front of him. Lin has a little mad and a smirking face on her. Jimin waits for her to continue what she need now..

"Jeon Jimin, you are naive and innocent. Don't get me wrong! I am not complimenting you!  But I want to tell today that I am transferring to another college. But don't forget the name Choi Lin. We will surely meet each other in future! I will wait for that day. I will show you who is in the below line. Good luck for your medical life, see you after that! Goodbye till then!" Lin finishes her speech and walks away from there with a straight face.

While Jimin just looks at her back for some moment, then walks inside his class. He doesn't need to worry about Lin! He has his hyung. And by her speech, its seems she won't disturb her in college life anymore. That thought made Jimin sigh in relief. But again will she do something in future again?

Soon months passed by in a blink of eye. There wasn't any problem in Jimin's college life anymore. That made Jimin more comfortable and more attentive to his study. Students there all knows about Jimin having a mate that was one of their teacher. Jungkook has been always famous in the teaching profession. But soon he has retired after his fixed time and finally returned to his doctor profession.

Since then no one has disturbed Jimin anymore. In this months Jimin and Jungkook's relationship has also grown much. They had went to numerous date and has celebrated on every occasion that is important to them.

Soon months became years. And Finally Jimin finishes his college life and becomes an intern in Seoul Hospital passing his final examination. Now Jimin and Jungkook got together again.

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