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"Taking care of hyung"

The first time Jungkook opens his eyes after the accident, all he saw is white light that seems like blinding him. He quickly closes his eyes again. And take a little breath and then Jungkook Finally opens his eyes slowly.

He suddenly remembers how he ended up here. He was crossing the road without looking and coillied with a bike. Thats right? He tries looking around, but feels a little pain from his hand and also leg and stomach. He lets out a moan in pain.

He feels some weights on his right hand. He turns that way and finds his little devil sleeping while holding his hand. He suddenly feels guilty knowing Jimin must be so much worried. Did he even eat something ? He just wished he had eaten something.

Jungkook slowly lifts his hand from Jimin's hand slowly. And starts caressing Jimin's hair with a small sad smile. Soon enough Jimin stirs from his sleep. Jimin feels confuse he feels someone patting his head? Then again he remember where he is now, he quickly lift his head up. It was too quick that now he feels dizzy a little..

Jimin shook his head and look at Jungkook whose eyes are already looking at Jimin examining Jimin's movement.

"Hyung! Are you feeling pain anywhere?" Jimin asks worriedly.

Jungkook is feeling some pain. So he nodded at Jimin's question confirming it that its indeed true.

Jimin quickly stand up and says "Ah, Wait a seconds, I will just call the doctor. Okay. I will come back soon" and with that he ran away from there to call a doctor. Jin has already went to his home after his long night shift.

Jimin quickly came back to the room after calling for a doctor. He walks close to Jungkook and asks him "Are you feeling too much pain hyung?"

Jungkook shook his head and tries to give him small smile. Jimin just starts pouting sadly and says while looking at Jungkook "Its a good luck that you are already dealing with this huge as accident. Otherwise I would have beat you for getting into an accident and making me so much sad and worried..humpf.. "

"I-I a-am so-rr-y J-i Ba-by. I-I wil-l tr-y not-t to ge-t i-nto t-trou-ble a-again... " Jungkook says slowly. Jimin feels like crying while hearing Jungkook's voice like that. Jimin just sniffles a little. Jungkook smiles at his cuteness. And helds forward his right hand and hold Jimin's hand as he was standing close to Jungkook's bed.

"Hyu-ng is sorry. I w-ill tr-y not t-to make-e you s-sad again.." Jungkook says while caressing Jimin's hand with affection. Jimin stays like that without speaking anything.

The next moment the doctor came to check on their superior doctor Jeon. The doctor examines for some moment and then gave Jungkook sedative for sleep. Its not good for bearing much pain if you aren't in good condition.

The next time Jungkook wakes up from his sleep its already afternoon. Jimin is now sitting beside him while typing something in his phone. Jimin is telling his friend where he is and he will be absent for some days.

"Jimin?" Jungkook calls him. Jimin quickly looks up from his phone at replies "Yes hyung! Do you need anything? Are you in pain again?"

"No. I am not feeling that much pain anymore.. Can you give me a glass of water?" Jungkook asks.

" Oh wait. " Jimin says and look at the desk and finds the water bottle with a pipe and helds it to Jungkook's mouth so he can drink it.

" Thanks little devil. What time is it now?" Jungkook asks.

Jimin looks at his watch and replies " Its 1:30 pm. Hyung. "

"Oh. Did you eat anything yet?" Jungkook asks. His taking speed became well than before.

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