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'I thought he is only sick!!'

As soon as they reached the hospital, Jimin quickly ran inside the hospital. He notices Jin on the hallway.

" Jin hyung!! Where is my kookie hyung?" Jimin asks loudly. Jin flinches at the loud unexpected voice.

" Oh. H-e he is inside the operation theater... ! " Jin replies with a gulp.

" He is doing surgery while he is sick?? " Jimin asks in disbelief.

" No Jimin.. Actually, he had an accident. He got hurt pretty ba--" Jimin didn't listen to anything after that. He quickly run towards operation room. He saw his parents were also there. How couldn't they tell him?

"Mom, Dad!" Jimin calls. Hearing the voice they look at him.

"Min what are you doing here?" Hannah says.

" What do you mean? And why you didn't tell me hyung had an accident!! How did it even happened?" Jimin asks.

" Well. We didn't wanted to worry you.. " His dad says.

" And How Can I not? I feel for him. The first moment when I see he didn't noticed my message, I felt worried.. You should have told me!" Jimin demands while sniffing.

" We are sorry Jimin. ! " They replies. Jimin didn't say anything. He sat down there and waits for doctor to come out..

After more like 15 minutes, The doctor finally comes out of the surgery room.

" What happened to hyung? And how is he?" Jimin asks impatiently when he sees the doctor..

" Dr. Jeon, he is now out of danger. He will need rest for some months to recover the injuries. " The doctor response.

" What actually happened to him? Do you know? " Jimin asks again worriedly.

" The community has seen through the cctv camera, that he left from the hospital and suddenly he park his car on the other side of road. And tried to cross the road again here. On his way, he crushed with a bike. The person on the bike has already been dead. Dr. Jeon was a little fine. But he has broke one of his ribs bone and left hand's one. Other than these, he just has some scratch here and there. That is one of the reason, why he lost so many bloods, but to his luck we had same group blood here in hospital. It helped him a lot. Now he is good.. " The doctor explains what he knew till then.

Jimin was shocked with the information. He didn't even think about these. He only thought, Jungkook was sick and nothing. But the moment he heard from Jin that Jungkook had accident, he became more and more worry. And now he is here to face with the reality.

"Oh.. " Jimin only let out an Oh.

" Dr. Jeon will be moved to the V.I.P. room soon... " The doctor informs.

"Thank you Doctor. For saving my son. " Mr. Jeon response.

" Ah, No problem. Mr. Jeon.. We respect Dr. Jeon a lot. Because of him, we have became a good companion with other doctors here. Thank you. Also He will be waking up soon. I have to go now, Excuse me... " The doctor replies and left from here.

Jimin sees The surgery room opens again, they comes with his hyung lying on the bed unconscious. They are moving his hyung to VIP room. He followed them with his parents..

Jimin stays outside while looking through the window inside, the nurses are doing their work. His hyung is now unconscious. There is two band-aid on his face. Jimin feels sad seeing his hyung's condition.

The nurses comes out and says " Dr. Jeon will be resting now. You can visit him but one by one.. "

"Okay Thank you.. " Hannah replies. Jimin doesn't even move his face to see the nurse. He Just stays looking at his hyung with sad pouty face..

Mrs. Jeon went inside first to see his son. Then after Mrs. Jeon comes out, Mr. Jeon enters. And last was Jimin's time. He went inside with a teary pouty face. He sat down beside Jungkook's bad.

" How can you be so reckless!! I was so scared.. " Jimin whispers while sniffing.

Jimin hold Jungkook's right hand in his small hand. He whispers again with a teary glare " You are bad! Because you made your minnie cry. I will get my revenge when you wake up!!!"

He sat down there for some moments. Suddenly he feels Jungkook's hand move a little. But Jungkook is still asleep. He again comments " Wake up soon. I miss my hyung so much.. " then he gives a kiss on his hyung's hand and with that he left from the room letting Jungkook rest.

He comes out and sat down by outside seats. His parents come to him. Hannah caresses Jimin's hair and says " Jimin-ah, lets go home. Jin is here for night side, he will look forward to Jungkookie. We can come tomorrow again. You need to eat something. "

" No. I am not going anywhere.. " Jimin replies.

" Jimin-ah... "

" No.. you two can go. I will stay here. Have a good night, Mom and Dad. " Jimin replies while looking at the door of his hyung's room.

" Okay. I will talk with Seokjin and send you foods and you better eat it... " Hannah says worriedly. Jimin doesn't reply anything.. Mr. And Mrs. Jeon left from there.

On the way they saw seokjin coming towards them.

" Oh Jin. Its a good thing you came first. We were going to you too. " Mrs. Jeon says.

" Yes Aunt.. do you need anything?" Jin asks.

" Yes it will be good if you kind of can help us. " Mrs. Jeon says.

" Sure. Anything. " Jin replies.

" You already know Jimin. He is a stubborn boy. He doesn't want to go home. And I heard you are here for your night shift today. So if you can check on Jimin and eats with him later, it will be helpful for us.." Mrs. Jeon says.

" Oh. Its alright. I was also thinking the same. I mean we know Jimin, he won't leave Jungkook easily. Don't worry Aunt. I will take care of him. He is like my younger brother too. " Jin said.

" Thank you so much Jin. We will come tomorrow morning.. We have to go now. Good night Jin. " Mrs. Jeon replies.

" Good night to you too Aunt. Have a safe drive.. " Jin replies. Mrs. Jeon nodded and follows her husband.

Jin continue his walking towards Jungkook's room to Jimin.

After Jin reached there, he saw Jimin standing outside the room while looking at Jungkook by the see-through glass.

"Minnie?" Jin calls from behind. After hearing Jin's voice Jimin look at him with his red eyes that were red from crying.

"Don't cry Minnie. He is alright. He will wake up soon. Now you have to come with me to eat something.. " Jin says.

" No. I am not hungry. " Jimin replies to that.

" I know Jimin, you are hungry. Think about it what will your hyung think when he wake up and get to know that you didn't eat anything. He will feel bad.. Do you want to make your hyung feel bad?" Jin says wisely.

Jimin look at Jungkook's bed one time and then again at Jin and shook his head and whispers a little 'No'

" So, Come with me to eat. I haven't eat also. We can eat together.. " Jin replies.

"Okay" Jimin says with a pout. He doesn't want to leave his hyung alone. But again his hyung will be sad to know that he skips his meal. His hyung will scold him. Or would he be mad with Jimin?

Jin and Jimin walks together to the hospital canteen leaving Jungkook to rest by himself..........

To be Continued...

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