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"learning cooking for hyung's Birthday"

When Jimin wake up next time, he finds himself in soft mattress. Their bed. He already knew Jungkook carried him home. Or who else will be?

Jimin suddenly sat up noticing the clock. He sat up so quickly that he suddenly feels a little dizzy. He looks again at clock and  Its going to be 6pm soon.

He had totally forgotten about Niho and the plan. He went to change. After changing, he went downstairs to eat something before going to Niho's home.

"Good Evening!" Jimin greeted as he is once again energetic. Jimin greeted Jungkook on his way into the kitchen. As Jungkook is so happen to sitting on the living room sofa with his laptop. Working may be or what else..

Jimin wents to kitchen and took some leftovers  and reheat it in oven. Then start eating the foods. After finishing, he again stand up and heads towards their family driver who might be around security guard.

Jungkook noticed Jimin getting out of the mansion alone. He frowns and called Jimin making him stop on his way..

"Wait! Where are you going?" 

"I am going to Uncle Kang to drive me Kim Mansion.." Jimin replied. Niho must have told hyung right? Jimin is pretty sure he did.

" He isn't here  today. I am going to give you lift to Kim mansion." Jungkook replied.

"Huh.. Aren't you busy? " Jimin asked for confirmation.

"Its okay. I will just drive you there and come back again. I can continue this later. And I am sure it will take time doing the projects. So I will pick you up in 4 hours. Is that good? You can have some free times with hyungs." Jungkook replied.

"Oh really? Thanks hyung. Then lets go?" Jimin ushered.

"Hm yes. Lets go." Jungkook said and close his laptop and set it beside before following Jimin to the family parking lot.

They reached Kim Mansion. Jimin get off the car but Jungkook was still seated in car..

Jimin stopped his movement and turned around..

"Aren't you going to come inside? To greet them?" Jimin asked.

"Nah. I will go now. When I come back again, then I will talk with them. Be good to them. Bye. Have fun." Jungkook replied with a smile. Jimin nodded and stand still there.

"What happen? Aren't you going to go inside? Or I can't go home" Jungkook asked in confusion.

"Hyung....." Jimin started.

"Mhmm? Do you want something to tell?" Jungkook asked.

"Hyung, I-I ........ Um nothing. Be careful on your way back home. See you soon." Jimin replied and ran inside Kim Mansion quickly leaving a confuse Jungkook.

Jimin was panting a little when he reached the main door. He doesn't know how to describe the thing either. He just wanted to say I love you hyung. But this time he felt some complication inside him. It made him somehow a little uneasy. So ran from there.

He checked himself a last time before ringing the door bell. Soon the door opened by a surprise Jin.

"Jimin? What are you doing here? At this time.. Come inside." Jin said worriedly.

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