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Cassie's POV

As we got to the house, I looked at the door. Open. This couldn't be happening right now. This was the worst timing ever. "Cam," I said terrified. I didn't know what was taken, if anyone is still here.

He got out and went inside. A few minutes later he came back out. "No one is here anymore, check the cameras." I looked at them and the first thing the intruders did was break them. We called the cops and waited for them.

The kids were still sleeping, and that made me happy. I didn't want them seeing our house like this. The house we dreamed of living in, the house we have done so many renovations to.

Christian's POV

"Well this is just great," I said walking in with Cassie's help. "They stole Brielle's bracelet and what else?"

"Let's not worry about it right now. You need to rest. Cameras are fixed, I have a bunch of companies coming today to fix everything. And we are getting a gate in front. Everything is taken care of." Cas helped me onto the couch and put a pillow under my leg.

She made me a coffee and then gave me some fruit in a bowl. I could tell in her eyes, that she was exhausted. She had been up all night arranging different things to be taken care of.

"Babe," I said and she came over and looked at me. "Can you rub my back?" She nodded and then started rubbing it. I felt her lips against my neck and smiled.

"I am going to find time in my day to give you a haircut." I nodded and then she continued kissing my neck and rubbing my back. Cam and the kids came downstairs.

"Mommy I thought you said Daddy was okay!" Noah yelled and ran over to us.

"I am bud. Just out for a while, but you don't have to worry."

"I'll make them breakfast, and then help you clean and then we can head to the store." Cam said and she nodded.

She rubbed my back a few minutes before getting up and continuing cleaning up. As I went to stand up, she gave me a death glare. I quickly got comfortable again and then went on my phone.

Every now and then I would glance at Cam and Cas rushing around to do stuff. It was unbelievable that our house was broken into, and I couldn't be the man of the house and help Cas. When the doorbell rang, Cam got it and then Cas came over to me.

"How are you feeling right now babe?" She asked and kissed my forehead.

"In a little bit of pain. And I just want to be in my bed so I can have some privacy from all these people coming in and out of the house."

"Okay, first I need you to chill with the attitude please. I'll help you up." It took her a few seconds to get me up. The longest part was getting up the stairs. But we finally made it and I was in the room. "I know it's a disaster. They went through the closet and only took a few things. I'll get everything cleaned up by the end of today. Stay in bed and when you need me, text me."

I nodded and let her go back downstairs. The boys came back up with Brielle and Cam. "How was she last night?" I asked him.

"She's terrified, she's worried for you and the kids. All she wants is reassurance that you four will be safe sleeping in your house." He left the room and then I looked at Noah who was looking at my cast.

"Who are all the people here Daddy?" Mason asked as he played with Brielle's hand.

"Just some people who are helping fix some things in our house. Put on a movie we can watch right now."

A few hours later, Cas came back to the room and laid next to me. "CY, I'm exhausted," She said and cried into my chest.

"Hey beautiful, it's alright. I don't want you to stress. We are going to get through this. I know it's not what we expected but we have Cam here to help and everything downstairs is replaced. We just need to clean our room and I haven't looked at the kids yet." She rubbed her eyes and then looked up at me. "I need you to watch me take a shower, so when you're feeling better let's do that please."

She smiled and helped me up. As I undressed she slapped my butt and I looked back at her. Without saying anything, she wrapped my cast and then helped me in.

While I showered, she sat outside and watched me. "Cam is barbecuing for dinner. We still have our grill left so that's good." I chuckled and continued washing my hair.

When I got out and got dressed, Cas and I cuddled in bed for a few minutes before Cam came in with the kids. "We are all going to go outside in a few minutes. So meet us down there." We nodded and then Cas cuddled closer to me.

Her very quiet snores gave me the hint that she had fallen asleep. And I could barely get out of bed without making a bunch of noise. I let her take a twenty minute nap and then woke her up.

When we got down to the backyard, Cas and I sat at the table with the kids. "Well all we have to do is replace Brielle's ring, the twins bracelets, clean your guys room and everything is back to normal," Cam said.

Normal. That word didn't seem right to use. I looked back at Cassie as she was on her phone. "Ally wants us at her place when we get back to Malibu. She said that she booked us months in advance." I laughed and nodded. "What time do you need to be at the park tomorrow?"

"Ten," I told her and then picked up Mason and sat him on my lap. He played around with my Rolex while Noah poked at my cast. Cam, Cas and I talked while we waited for dinner to be ready.

Cassie's POV

When I finally got the boys and Brielle to bed, I went downstairs and helped Christian to our room. I knew I wouldn't get much sleep because I was worried about the boys, and Christian would probably wake up and tell me that he was in pain.

The two of us laid in bed but Christian fell asleep first. I set my phone down and tried to do the same. By now, Christian was asleep with his arms around my body. He groaned in his sleep and then kicked me with his cast.

"CY," I said and hit his back. He woke up and was mad I hit him. "You kicked me!" I said accidentally raising my voice.

"Sorry I didn't mean to," He said and tried pulling me closer. I sat up against the headboard and then he wrapped his arms around my waist. He always loved sleeping with his arms around me.

I was rubbing Christian's head when my phone started ringing. He let out another loud groan and woke up. "Hey Ally," I said and got out of bed.

"I think I am pregnant!" She yelled and my heart started racing.

"Did you tell Cody?" I asked and there was silence.

"So the thing is, I don't know if he's the baby daddy. I kinda hooked up with someone else while we were dating."

"Ally you know how I feel about cheating, so you're going to deal with this one on your own." I hung up and went back to bed and Christian was already asleep.

I wrapped my arm around him and thought about everything that was going on. I hated being in the middle of things. As much as I love her, I'm not helping her since she cheated. I kissed Christian's head and then went to sleep.

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