I Want to Keep My Hot Dog

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Cassie's POV

Since I woke up this morning, all I've done is wrap Christmas gifts. These kids were nagging at the door wanting to come in, and they won't stop. I already wasn't feeling good and these kids were pushing the limit. Our families better appreciate everything I'm doing for them because I haven't had any motivation, and usually I did.

"My little Brauny," Christian said on the other side of the door. There was some silence. "Why don't you like that nickname?"

"Because I'm not Ryan," I said and then he sighed.

"Okay, can you let me in?"

"Christian it's gonna have to wait a few minutes, I'm wrapping one of your gifts right now."

"Okay I'm going to put the kids down for a nap and I'll be waiting." I nodded like he could see me and then continued wrapping. As soon as I finished I unlocked the door and then laid on the bed.

"Christian," I groaned a little as he laid next to me and put his arm on my hair.

"Sorry," He said and I sat there with my eyes closed for a few seconds. "Take a break babe. I'll wrap the gifts."

"Yeah that's not happening," I said and then looked at him and he was staring at my boobs. "What is it?"

"I just wanted to stare at them, my bad." He slipped his hand under my shirt and rubbed my stomach. "Hi baby," Christian said and I smiled. "So my mom still wants us to go over tonight for dinner."

"Okay does she need us to make anything?"

"She didn't say anything, I can call and ask her if you'd like." I nodded and watched him grab his phone and call Alecia. "Hi mom, do you need us to bring anything over tonight?"

"My cute grand babies and maybe some banana nut bread and brownies because your brothers won't shut up about it." The two of us laughed a little.

"Alright well we will see you later," Christian said and then they both said their goodbyes.

"Alright well I need to start wrapping again," I said and Christian grabbed me before I could get up.

"No you aren't babe. Since my birthday all you've done is stress out about everything and overwork yourself. Just lay in bed and relax for a few hours, your ankles are swollen, you're being obsessed with getting things done Cas."

"Well cause if I don't do them, who is?"

"Me, your husband." He kissed me and I kissed him back for a few seconds. "So stay in bed, turn the TV on, I'll go run and grab you something to eat if you'd like. I'll clean up the house, I'll wrap the gifts."

"You can do everything except wrap the gifts. And I'll take wings and fries. And then maybe you can make me a smoothie as well when you get back."

"Alright anything else you want or need while I'm out?"

"No but can I get another kiss before you leave?" He came over and kissed me and I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him on top of me. Christian moaned into my mouth and I was turned on.

"Babe I have to get going," Christian said trying to get out of my arms but I didn't let him.

"Christian," I whined and he just laughed a little.

"You can get some when I get home if you want it that bad." He gave me one last kiss and then left. I ended up getting up and wrapping more gifts. As Christian walked into the room, he just stared at me and it was awkward because I got caught doing something he asked me not to do right now.

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