Two Out of Three

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Christian's POV

"Hey," I said walking into the kitchen and seen Cam. He glanced at me and then back down to the stove. "You good?"

"Yes but I need to talk to you, and I need to do it before Cas wakes up." I grabbed Brielle's pacifier and put it in her mouth while I made her a bottle.

"What's up then?" I asked and he looked at me. We sat there in silence for at least a minute before he started talking.

"When you started dating Cassie, I had a crush on her. But it eventually went away obviously. I just want someone like her because the way she's made you an even better person than before is crazy to me. You see how she cares for all of us and the kids?"

I laughed a little and I think he was surprised. "I understand man. As long as you don't try to steal her from me. You'll find someone when it's your time. Maybe it won't be running into each other as you turn the corner in a house, but you'll find someone Cam." He nodded and then Cas had came down.

She got nervous and Cam had nodded. "So I guess my dad was right when he said I have the Yelich boys wrapped around my finger."

"Two out of three if anything," Cam said and went back to the stove. "Are the boys going to wake up? Breakfast is almost ready for them." I got up and went to wake them up. When we came back downstairs, we all sat down at the table and ate.

Cassie's POV

"Stay calm today. You'll do amazing," I said and fixed Christian's pants a little. He grunted as I was close to him. I looked up and seen him just staring at the placement of my hands.

"Cassie," He said and I could tell he wasn't happy with what I just did.

"I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to," I said and he adjusted his pants again. "Christian they are crooked." He fixed them himself for the the second time. "Okay better. I love you. See you before the game." He nodded and then kissed me.

"I love you too," He said and grabbed his bag, keys, and food I packed him.

"Stop packing him lunch like he's in second grade," Cam said walking into our room.

I shook my head no and walked into the bathroom. He followed me and sat down on the counter. "If I did the same thing for you, you would be happy." He shrugged a little and then showed me his phone. "Cameron what is this?"

"She went out with another guy," I looked at the picture and felt bad. He was having the worst luck ever with girls. "I hate dating."

"I know it's the worst right?" He glared at me. "Well your brother took forever to ask me to be his girlfriend. I never thought it would happen. I think you'll be finding someone very soon. There's no need to worry."

He got up and left the room. I did my hair and after I got the kids ready. "Daddy has ring," Noah said as I grabbed a jacket since it was going to be a little cold.

"What do you mean?" I asked and he got up and went into one of his drawers. He handed me a box and I hesitated to open it. "I can't look at this. What if its private?" He shrugged a little and then put the box back. "Did Dad tell you what it was for?" He shook his head no.

I looked at the drawer again and debated on opening it. "Cas let's go!" I heard Cam yell. We left the house and started going to the stadium. The boys, Brielle. and I had the opportunity to go onto the field today for Christian because of California Strong.

As Christian took Brielle out of my arms, I thought about asking him about the ring but I didn't want him to think I was being nosey. "You good Cassie?" I nodded and then watched him interact with the twins. "So I want you two to help me get the plaque," He told the boys and they nodded. "Brielle looks so beautiful with this head wrap and the bow." It was a Milwaukee print and I agreed with him.

"Yup, she definitely gets it from her mother." He nodded and then kissed my forehead. We were out there for about ten minutes and then we got to go to our seats.

Christian's POV

"So, I have a question," Cassie said as I walked through the garage door. I was surprised since I barely got home and she was already asking me something. "What is that thing in your drawer?"

"Seriously, you're snooping?" I asked with a little bit of attitude. "I don't understand why you always do that."

"Noah was the one who brought it up and showed me. I didn't look at what was in the box, jeez. I just want to know what it is."

I took her to our room and pulled the box out. "It's a replacement ring for Brielle since hers was stolen." I tossed the box to her since she always assumed something was wrong.

"I'm not going to take all this attitude from you. I will go back to California with our kids and wait for you there. I just wondered what it was because Noah told me about it. I wasn't going around looking for drama. When I seen the box, I thought it was for me."

I laughed a little. "My daughter needed a new ring, do you as well?" She shook her head no and then handed me the box back. I kissed her head and then we went downstairs. "Brielle." She looked around a little and I grabbed her and opened the box.

She babbled a little and I put the ring on her finger. "It's so pretty," Cas said and kissed me. I nodded and then watched Brielle try to take it off. "So my mom went to our place and cleaned it up for us. And within the next month or so, it should be on the market." She frowned a little and sat next to me.

"I'm not ready to leave it yet," She said and I pulled her close.

"Well either we stay there and be squished or move to a house with more room. The house we are at now, with Brielle, the twins will have to share a room and I know they don't want to do that." She nodded and then pulled her phone out. "I've been looking at places, nothing either of us would like."

"Wait you guys are moving back in California?" Cam asked and I nodded and Cas shrugged.

"We don't even have to live in Malibu, it can be back in Westlake. I don't mind I guess." Cam raised his eyebrows because of her attitude. She went to speak but I put my finger over her lip. I didn't want an argument over something small right now. "We could be closer to your Mom." She said when she took my finger off of her lips.

"What about your family as well C," She shrugged. "I feel like your family gets upset with us because we always do stuff with my family, and now we are talking about moving closer to my family."

"Okay, the kids see my family sometimes. I'm sorry your family is more likeable than mine." Cam chuckled a little. "I'm willing to move to Westlake. You tell me, and I'll be there."

"I'll have to keep looking, and I'll let you know what I think is best." She nodded. "I don't care what's best for other people. This is our family Christian and what we need to do is worry about it."

"Serious woman," Cam said and finished eating his bowl of grapes. I agreed. "I don't think you guys want my opinion but I say just try to hang out with Cassie's family more. So then you could move wherever you'd like."

"Not too bad of an idea." Cas agreed with me. Mason and Noah came and laid on top of us.

"Movie night?" Noah asked and we looked at each other. I shrugged. "Candy?"

"Definitely not," I said and then Cassie whispered into their ears. They nodded and the three of them got up.

"Cam go with us," She said and he nodded and they left. I looked down to Brielle and she was looking towards the front door.

"They left us baby," I said and kissed her head. She babbled a little bit and then tried grabbing my hair. She definitely got that from Cassie.

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