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Cassie's POV

"Christian this funk is killing everyone's vibe," I said as he got home for the second day in a row having a bad mood. He nodded and I followed him up to the room. I kissed on his neck as he looked in the mirror.

He started smiling. This was probably the first time in 24 hours that he was smiling. He turned around and we started kissing. When he picked me up, I knew where this was going. His kisses were soft against my skin.

Christian's POV

As Cas and I got finished, I looked at her. "Christian you are amazing." I kissed all over her face and then got out of bed. "Let's take a quick shower and then go hang out with our kids?"

I nodded and then we both went to the shower. I definitely felt a lot better now. Whatever it was, Cas fixed it very fast. As I looked at Cas while she washing her hair, she looked down. "Why is it still like that?"

"Because I get to shower with my beautiful wife." She continued staring at it and I covered myself.

When we got out, we got dressed and then went downstairs to everyone. The two of us laid on the couch together. "I think we should take the kids out tonight, what do you think babe?"

I nodded my head yes and then looked at the boys who were playing on the iPads and Brielle was sleeping on my Mom's chest. "Boys want do you want to do tonight?"

"Dinner and park," Noah told us.

"That's all you guys want to do?" They nodded and I looked at Cas. "Our kids are so boring."

"We shop with Dad's card?" Mason asked and I looked at Cassie. "Mom do it all the time." We all looked at her this time.

"Mason seriously. I'm taking back your new shoes I got you."

"Cas I'm cutting your spending off." She pushed me off of her chest. "You spend way too much."

"I know I do. But you also leave me with three kids so that's what I like to do to control myself from yelling at them." My phone buzzed and Cassie took it out of my pocket. She handed it to me after looking at it.

"Oh fuck," I said and got up quickly.

"Fuck!" Mason yelled and I looked back to see my mom and Cas upset.

I went into our office and opened my laptop. I forgot I had an interview in about five minutes. About five minutes into the interview, I looked at the door opening. Mason and Noah walked in and there was no stopping them now.

"Dad," Noah said and they came over and were in the view of the camera. The guys laughed and waved at the kids. To think this was going to be on TV tomorrow morning.

"Yeah so these are my twins," I said and laughed as they both sat on my legs.

"What about your daughter? Is she around?"

Cas was walking down the hallway and then noticed that the boys were in here. "She is actually right here with my wife." The boys got down and left the room after Cassie handed me Brielle. "Here she is," I said and held her up a little.

She woke up and looked at me and became a little fussy. I kissed her cheek and she started crying some more. The interviewers and I laughed as I rocked her and she stopped crying.

"How is the family Christian? Seems like you have your hands full with three kids."

"Honestly they are a hand full but my wife, my brother and my mom always have it under control. Traveling to the games with the three of them and they never complain about it."

"So how old is your daughter?" Someone else asked and I looked down at her.

"She's about three months." They looked kinda shocked. "She was premature so that's why she's tiny."

A few minutes later we got back to my interview questions. When I was finished, I walked out to the living room and my Mom hit me in the back of my head. "Watch your mouth around the kids."

I nodded and then looked towards Cas. "Come with me outside," I said and she followed me to the backyard. "So I think it's time to move out of the Malibu house."

She looked at me confused. "What makes you want to move? We are right on the beach, the kids love it babe. I love it, that's where you've lived since we've been together. There are many memories there."

"It's not big enough. We are outgrowing it. As much as I would love to stay it's not ideal."

"Ugh I'm not ready. I still want to live on the beach, I want the kids to grow up there. It's just sad but it is your house so I can't tell you what to do."

"Hey it's our house, you have a say in this."

"I know we are outgrowing it but it's just sad. Brielle won't get to be there like the boys were. But if we find a big enough house that will feel like
home, I will be ready to move." I nodded and then went to kiss her but she moved her face. "I don't want to be touched right now."

Why was she bipolar? I looked at her and she leaned back when she changed her mind. She smiled into the kiss. We pulled away when we heard Brielle crying. "So tomorrow Collin and his girlfriend are coming over. I've told the boys we were going to go swimming, so we might as well barbecue. So do you want to head to the store tonight?"

"Yes I want to make the most out of your off day. I want the kids to hang out with you. I want some time with you. It makes me happy getting time with Christian Yelich. I know many girls would die for time like that."

I smiled and picked her up and took her back into the house. The two of us went up to the office and got some work done before deciding we were going to go to the store. "Mase and Noah go with us to the store," I said when I walked into the game room. They got up with the iPads and I took them away.

When I met Cassie outside, she had Brielle in her seat. "Christian you are packing." I covered myself and she just smiled. After putting the kids in, we got in and she looked down at my lap. She reached for my hand and then I gave it to her to hold. "So Noah, can you spell your name so Daddy can hear?"

"M," He started and then Mason cut him off.

"It's N, stupid." Cas and I looked at each other.

"Mason you better watch it. Don't call your brother stupid," I told him.

"Try again Noey," Cas said and she turned and looked at him.

"N, um O?" He questioned and the two of us nodded, "A, and h."

"Good job! How about you Mason?"

"M-A-S-S-O-N!" I looked at Cas and we laughed a little.

"Close enough babe," Cas told him and then let go of my hand. Her phone went off and it was connected to the Bluetooth and she freaked out.

"From Nico," The car said right before she disconnected.

"Cassie," I said and she looked at the phone and started crying all of a sudden. "What's wrong?" I asked and pulled over.

"My family is so fucked up C. We are so dysfunctional," She told me and handed me the phone. As I read the text message my heart hurt for her. I got out and went to her side and made sure she was alright.

Once again, here comes Nico ruining everything for her. And I couldn't even be mad at her because she didn't even reach out to him. Maybe it was just time to block him from her life completely now.

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