Everything Alright?

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Cassie's POV

I woke up not feeling good at all. Christian was gone and the twins were laying in the bed. They probably came in the middle of the night because they were scared.

When I got out of bed, I went to the bathroom as fast as I could and started throwing up. I sat there for about five minutes just emptying my stomach. Could I be pregnant? Christian and I have been having so much unprotected sex that it could be a possibility.

The thought of another child right now, especially when Brielle was only a month old, made my stomach have knots. I wasn't even sure if I wanted more kids. I know Christian wants another one but I'm not sure if he wants one this soon.

Maybe I might not even be pregnant, just feeling sick. After finishing up in the bathroom, I got the boys up and we went to the nursery to get Brielle. When we walked downstairs, all of our family was out there.

"Well good morning to you four," My mom said and took the baby from me. I smiled at everyone and then picked up Noah because he started clinging onto my leg.

"You alright?" Ryan asked and patted my back as he passed behind me in the kitchen. I shrugged and he waited for a response from me and I just didn't answer him.

"Larisa can I talk to you?" I asked and she nodded. I set Noah down and we went upstairs to the game room. "I don't know how to say this but I think I have another little one inside me."

"Cassie!" She yelled and I started to cry. I seemed like I was disappointing everyone right now. "Brielle is literally a month old, and you weren't even suppose to be having sex for six weeks. How long did you guys wait?"

"We did it like the night we got back or the day after and since then it's been a pretty regular thing."

"And what no protection?"

"Pulling out." She covered her face and shook her head with a disappointing look. "I'm nervous Larisa. I'm not ready for another one."

"Cassie you need to be using protection. How do you think Christian is going to react?" I shrugged. I wasn't even planning on telling him. She hugged me and I continued crying. "Go clean yourself up," She said and I nodded. I went back to my room and washed my face and managed to get myself together.

When I went back downstairs, the vibe was off a little. Ryan looked at me with disappointment. He shook his head a little and then looked down at the food he was making. "Larisa," I said and she shrugged and whispered "sorry."

I got the boys to sit at the table and then I gave them some eggs and bacon that Alecia made. We all sat at the table together and then tension between Larisa, Ryan and I was through the roof.

"Everything alright?" My mom asked and I nodded and then grabbed Brielle from Cam. She was sleeping peacefully and I smiled. This little girl was making my entire day better by just holding her.

When we finished, I cleaned up the kitchen and all of us started getting ready. "Mase and Noah let's go shower," I said and they followed me into the room.

I helped the boys shower and then they picked out what they wanted to wear. "Daddy wants you guys to match today. Do you guys want to?"

"No!" Noah yelled and I looked at him.

"Don't yell at me or you'll be in trouble and won't get Daddy's phone or mine." He pouted. "Wear something similar," I said and he found one of his Brewer's shirts. I got one of Brielle's Brewers onesies, and a matching head wrap and then she went back to sleep.

When we were leaving, Cam grabbed the truck keys. "Ryan's taking the truck, you can go in the car with my parents and your Mom."

He groaned because he never got to drive the truck. I got the kids in the car and then we all drove to the stadium. When I was getting out of the car, my stomach started hurting a lot. This feeling would pass soon so I just let it go.

I got Mason and Noah out and then got Brielle's car seat. I walked to everyone and they were all staring at me. "What? Do I have baby food on me?" I asked and looked down.

"Cassie Lynn. You could be pregnant?" My mom asked and I looked at Ryan and Larisa. "And yes we all know."

I shrugged my shoulders. "And Christian doesn't know?" Alecia asked me.

"No I don't know how I would tell him," I said and looked down at Brielle.

"And what were you thinking? Pulling out is not protection!" My dad yelled and I got a little nervous. People in the parking lot could hear this and my kids, nieces and nephews could hear it to.

"I don't want to talk about this right now," I said and started walking with the kids. Well now everyone knows that I am a dumbass who thinks pulling out is protection. 

"Mommy you have baby?" Mason asked.

"I'm not sure," I said and took my phone out so they could scan our tickets. When we got our seats I got the kids situated and then grabbed Brielle so I could hold her.

As she woke up, I decided to feed her. A couple minutes later, everyone came and sat around us. Cam sat next to me and he just looked at me. "So I'm guessing you didn't think the whole house was going to find out?"

"I knew I shouldn't have even brought it up." Christian came to the fence and I jumped a little.

"How is my baby girl doing?" He asked me and I smiled. "Alright then I'll be going." He walked away from me and then I looked at Cam.

"I freaked out," I said and he laughed. "I'm so nervous."

Christian's POV

After the game, I walked out to all of our family and everyone just stared at me. "Hey guys," I said and then kissed Cassie's head and took the car seat from her.

"Hey," My mom said and she looked around and everyone continued looking at me. I was confused what was happening.

"Everything alright?" I asked everyone and they all looked at Cassie. She shrugged a little. "Well can you tell me?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Yes when we are in the car," She said and I was confused. "We still on for lunch?" Cas asked everyone.

"Sure we will follow you guys," Ryan said and then we walked to the car. Mason threw a fit as I was trying to put Brielle, in the car.

"Get in the back!" Cassie yelled at him and he started screaming.

"Mase you're the oldest so get in the back," I told him and he screamed but got in his seat. "So what's up?" I asked and grabbed Cassie's hand as I started driving.

"I might be pregnant." I sat up a little and glanced at her once we reached a red light.

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