Is Daddy Okay?

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Cassie's POV

"Let's get ready to go to Pittsburgh," I told Cam as he came downstairs. Ally left because she just wanted to be home instead. And Cam loved the idea of hanging out again.

"My niece is so perfect," Cam said while he came downstairs holding her. "Have you found out if she's gained anymore weight?"

"At her appointment last week, she was up two pounds," I said and grabbed my phone and we walked out to the car. Mason and Noah got in their seats and we finished putting everything in the car and left.

I put on a movie for the kids so they wouldn't bother Cam and I. Cam was driving us because he didn't want to deal with my driving. "Can we stop before we leave Milwaukee and get something to eat? I'm starving." He nodded and then payed more attention to the road. "So your brother and I were talking, and if you want the room downstairs you can have it unless we end up having another kid. But for now it's all yours, unless you want the entire guest house for yourself for now."

"I don't mind the bedroom downstairs but I better not hear you guys conceiving baby number four."

"You might hear us but we won't be conceiving baby number four. I think we are done."

He didn't believe that for one second. When we went through the drive thru, the boys started screaming what they wanted. Cam just glanced back at them and they stopped.

Christian POV

"Hey boys," I said as the twins ran to me. They hugged me and I picked them up. Mason played with my watch and I watched him. "How's Bri?" I asked Cas after kissing her cheek.

"Very awake right now, she is happy and I'm pretty sure she's hungry." I looked down at the car seat and she moved her arms around a little. I set the boys down and took her out. I kissed her face and she smiled.

"We can feed her and then go out to lunch? There is a salad place down the street." She nodded and then we went up to their room. "What's wrong?" I asked Cassie as she gave me a look while handing me the bottle.

"When you get back home, I'm cutting your hair. Either that or go to the barber shop." Cam laughed at me, "You too Cam. You both live in my house so what I say goes."

"Woah I'm the man of the house," I said and she glared at me.

"I carried the three of your kids, getting your hair cut is the least you can do CY." Cam shrugged and I groaned. I knew she liked my hair shorter but I liked the way it looked with my hat on.

"Not yet babe, in a couple weeks or so." She sighed and nodded. Cas sat next to me and watched as I fed Brielle. "You look beautiful," I said to Cas and she kissed my lips.

"No Mommy," Noah said and she smiled into the kiss. I pulled away from the kiss and handed the baby to Cam.

"Why don't you take the kids down to the lobby, and we will be down soon?" He rolled his eyes and left the room with all of them. Cas got on top of me and started kissing me again.

I kissed on her neck a little and she moaned. "Okay we need to go," Cas said and tried pulling me off but I didn't stop. "Christian. Let's go." She hit my back and I finally let go.

We grabbed the kids some sweaters, and Brielle's seat and then went to the lobby. "Faster than I expected," Cam said and stood up.

"We didn't do anything," Cas said and then picked up Noah. We went out to the car and then we all got in. "So we are going to the salad place?"

"I mean I thought we could have a semi-healthy lunch," I said and looked at Cam and then back at Cas. They nodded and then he drove us. When we got there, I took Brielle and she was still super awake.

Usually after eating, she would take another nap and be out for hours. When we went in, Cas went and sat down with the kids, while Cam and I ordered. While I ordered Brielle grabbed my hair and played with it.

The worker thought it was cute and funny. "Your niece?" She asked and I shook my head. "Daughter?" I nodded this time. "Oh so you're not single?"

"Happily married," I said and took my card out of the machine. She gave me my receipt and then we started walking to our table.

Cam hit me and I furrowed my brows. "I love how you didn't give her any attention."

"I mean I only want Cassie. Like I need her." Cas smiled as we approached the table. Brielle finally let go of my hair and then Cam took her. I kissed Cas for a few seconds before she pulled away.

"What's this about?" She asked.

"The girl working thinks your man is hot," Cam said and she laughed a little. She leaned back in and kissed me for a couple more seconds. "I don't think I've ever seen a person be more petty than you Cas."

She shrugged her shoulders and then scooted closer to me. "I hungry Uncle," Noah told Cam. Cam looked in the bag and pulled a snack out for him.

Cas rubbed my thigh under the table and watched the kids. "So did you talk to Cam?" I asked and she nodded. "You're staying?" Cam nodded this time.

"We need to get some more alcohol. It's going to be a party everyday."

"And that's a big no. You're going to break your ankle again." She rolled her eyes and then squeezed my thigh. When they brought our food, we started eating. "Mase what do you think, should we do some shopping?"

"Yes!" He yelled as he handed me the rest of the food he didn't want to eat.

"No, they need to take a nap before we go to the game," Cas said and they got upset and started whining. We finished eating quickly so we could take them back to the hotel.

"I love you, I'll see you at the game," I told Cas when we got back to the room. She kissed my cheek and then gave me my bag.

Cassie's POV

When we got to the stadium, we were a few minutes late, but still managed to be at Christian's first at-bat.

As he hit the ball, I tensed up as he ran to second. The ball was beating him as he slid into the tag and then grabbed his knee. "Fuck."

"Is Daddy okay?" Noah asked and I ignored the question. I watched as the trainer ran out there. This was going to be bad. Especially since he's hurt his knee before.

They took him out of the game and I texted him immediately even though he probably wouldn't see it. To my surprise, he answered about fifteen minutes later. I got escorted down to the clubhouse and seen Christian.

"Hey CY," I said and kissed his forehead. He smiled at me and then looked down at the guy who was examining his knee. The guy barely moved his leg and he grabbed onto my arm. "Christian does it hurt that bad?"

"Yes Cas," He said and continued squeezing my arm. I guess this was payback from squeezing his hand during my entire labor process. They decided to take him back to get an x-ray.

As I waited, Alecia texted me asking for updates as soon as we knew anything. It took about fifteen minutes and they were back. I could tell by Christian's face it wasn't good news. "So he fractured his knee cap again. No surgery once again. You're very lucky Christian, but we will put a cast on and you will be able to fly home within the next day."

We had a few moments alone and I finally got the courage to look at him. "What?" He asked with an attitude.

"Sorry grumpy," I said and texted Alecia. "Well we will leave tonight so we can meet you back at home."

"Alright, tell Noah not to stress too much." I laughed and nodded. We kissed for a few seconds before I left to go meet with Cam and the kids.

"Is Daddy okay?" I nodded even though he wasn't. Noah tended to worry a lot whenever Christian had the smallest pain. He definitely got that from me.

"He fractured his knee cap again. So let's go back to the hotel and then we can leave so we will be home when he gets back tomorrow." Cam nodded and then we left.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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