Why Would You Say That?

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Cassie's POV

I've felt so horrible during this pregnancy and it feels like Christian nor the kids get it. "Mommy," Noah nagged at the door while I got ready.

"Noah I'm getting ready, go talk to your dad." His little footsteps left the door and I finished getting dressed. When I went downstairs, Christian was trying to do something with the kids.

"You ready beautiful?" He asked and I nodded. As I approached him he kissed my lips.

"Where you go?" Mason asked us.

"To go Christmas shopping with Ally and Cody," Christian told the kids

"We go too?" I shook my head no. "Why not?"

"We have to buy you guys presents. And it's just a no kids day." They didn't argue back and I was happy because I didn't want to keep explaining it to them.

"What do you say, a quickie before we head to the mall?" Christian asked after dropping off the kids.

"No I'm not in the mood for it right now," I said and he furrowed his brows at my attitude, "I'm sorry, I just don't feel the best."

"It's okay Cas. If I'm annoying you, just let me know. I don't want to be like our kids and do the same thing." I laughed a little.

As we got to the mall, I needed a coffee. Christian and I had agreed on me not drinking coffee during this pregnancy so I was gonna have to talk him into this. "CY," I said and he looked at me. "Can I get a coffee?"

"You know we talked about this," He said and I groaned a little.

"Christian come on, I need it."

"Grab a water," He said and I felt the hormones coming on again. I had to bite my tongue because I would've said something so mean.

We got in line and he got me a water and I was pissed off. When we met up with Cody and Ally, I hugged her and she whispered in my ear. "Let's leave the guys?" I nodded. "We are heading to the lady's room," She said and we tried leaving but they stopped us.

"We will wait here for you guys," Cody said.

"That's not necessary," Ally said and I agreed.

"You two aren't dropping us that easy," Christian said and we both sighed. He wrapped his arm around me and we started walking around.

"So like are you guys going to Christmas this year?" Ally asked and we nodded.

"Yup, this is the first Christmas Cody is coming to our family's so of course. And I just feel bad, we always go to Christian's side of the family's stuff and not mine. But we are only going for a couple hours."

"Boo you whore," Ally said and I laughed. Christian and I had shopped for each other first and then the kids together. We dropped the stuff off at home and then I went to Ryan's house, and Christian picked up the kids.

"Hey baby sis," Ryan said as he let me in.

"Hey Ry," I said and hugged him, "Where's my sister?"

"Took the kids out to her friends house," He said as we sat on the couch. I closed my eyes for a second and I let out a big huff. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just annoyed with Christian."

"You're pregnant," He said and my eyes went wide. "I'm just kidding."

"Ry why would you say that!" I yelled getting upset that he almost really found out.

"I was joking around. What does he do that annoys you?"

"I don't know, it might be my period or something. So you know in Arizona we never went out with Steve. Like we hardly ever talk, like do you know why he's been distant?"

"Because Christian asked Dad and I, if he could marry you. He never included him."

"What the fuck. That's stupid, Christian just needed Dad's approval, he was nice enough to ask you, no offense Ry."

"I know but he's hurt."

"Oh my gosh, that happened a long time ago. Almost three years ago and he's still upset?" Ryan nodded and then I rolled my eyes. Today everyone was annoying me and I just couldn't handle it. Ryan and I hung out a while longer before I had to leave.

Christian's POV

As Cassie walked in the front door, I noticed a coffee in her hand. "You know how coffee affects your pregnancy Cas."

"I didn't even take a fucking sip. I'll just throw it away," She said and tossed it in the sink and it splattered everywhere. Now she wasn't the only one annoyed.

"Why have you been acting like this all day? You're literally in the worst mood."

"Christian I'm in pain, and I just want a damn coffee and I can't have it. I'm exhausted, my ankles are swollen. My boobs are hurting and now you're mad at me."

"Cas I know you're pregnant babe that's why we said you weren't going to drink it because one it's bad and two the miscarriage risk goes up. I'm not trying to be mad but when you throw coffee and it gets all over the counter. You know I want what's best for you C."

She wrapped her arms around me and cried on me. "I'm sorry for being such a bitch during my pregnancies and just in general."

"You're not babe, and you shouldn't have to worry about it. Go upstairs, get changed into something comfortable and come back down here, and I can make you a milkshake and heat you up some banana bread." I kissed the top of her head before she walked away.

"Mama okay?" Mason asked and I nodded.

"She's just going through a hard time Mase," I said and started taking out the stuff I needed. Cassie came downstairs and laid on the couch and waited for me to be done. As I handed her the stuff and sat next to her, she laid her head on my lap.

"Thank you Christian," She said and I nodded.

"You know when you lay on me like this, this usually isn't what's happening."

"You're telling me you want me to suck your dick?" She asked and the boys looked at me.

"That's a bad word, we don't say that," I told them so they weren't just saying that to everyone.

"Dad what's this?" Noah asked and pointed to his area and I covered my face because I didn't want to talk to them about this yet.

"It's a hot dog," Cas said and we laughed a little.

"A hot dog?" They asked and we both nodded.

"So was that what you were saying?" I shrugged my shoulders and she moved her hands a little and I shifted my body because I didn't think this was the time to do it, especially in front of our kids. "Stop moving," She said and slipped her hand under my boxers.

She rubbed me a little and I grabbed a blanket and put it over my lap because there was no way she was going to stop now.

"Cas," I said and moved a little bit.

"Already hard? The things I do to you," She said and stopped.

"Cassie you're literally the biggest tease ever," I told her and moved over so she couldn't lay on me anymore.

"So what do you want for sure babe?" She asked getting close to me again.

"A girl but if we have a boy, I will be just as excited. What about you Mase and Noey?"

"Boy!" The both of them yelled.

"I'm still not sure, I keep changing my mind."

"No mommy!" The kids yelled at Cassie. She told them to quiet down because she was getting a headache from them. For the rest of the day we ended up watching Netflix and cuddling on the couch.

Hey guys, I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday. Online school has been overwhelming and I obviously want good grades. And I also want to have good uploads so I'm going to try my best with uploads. And please tell me what you would like to read about in this book? What do you want Christian and Cassie to have?

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