Tiny Crush

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Cassie's POV

"Watch Daddy Bri," I said and sat her up on my lap. She started babbling a little and looked around. As Christian swung, he pulled it foul. When he stepped back into the box, I looked at his butt.

Damn, that thing never failed to amaze me. I payed attention again and watched him hit the ball down the left field line. On his way to second, I became nervous. When he popped up from his slide, he looked at us and laughed a little.

He knew I would be worried. Nico caught Christian looking at me and then he looked towards me as well. After the game, I got all the kids to sleep and had Cam take them home with him. When Christian walked out to his truck, he seen me standing by the driver's side.

"And you are?" I asked him.

"Come on, like you don't know who I am?" The two of us laughed. "We have got to stop re-enacting the night we met." I agreed with him and then hugged him.

"You did great," I said and went around to my side. As the two of us got in, I looked at him as he set his stuff down. "So Mason had a request for you to make mac n cheese for dinner. But he's asleep now, and I don't know when he's going to wake back up."

"Okay, this makes me happy because they're finally expanding what they like to eat. Mac n cheese rather than chicken nuggets and cupcakes all day." I nodded and then watched him drive home.

When we got home, the boys were both up and just playing with toys. "Daddy, you do good!" Noah yelled and ran to him.

"Thanks buddy," He said and kissed his cheek. "Do you want mac n cheese too?" He asked and Noah nodded. As Christian and I walked to the kitchen, I jumped onto Cam's back.

"So what's going on with Lily?" I asked him and he shrugged. "Cameron, what's wrong?"

"I think I just got way too ahead of myself. She's not really wanting anything, or so she says. It might've been having three kids on a date last night." He laughed a little and rubbed his head. "How did you not get ahead of yourself after your first date?"

"Slept with her. They will always come back," Christian blurted out and Cam dropped me and turned around and looked at me.

"You guys slept together on the first date?" He asked and I got up. I shrugged a little and then walked over to Christian and hit him. "That's news I never expected," He said and just laughed.

"Christian I already told you, I wasn't going back for a second date but you caught me at the bar and I went back to you." Cam's jaw dropped. "Not a word from either of you."

I went to the laundry room and started folding Christian's and the kids clothes.

"Leftovers from last night?" Christian asked while walking into the laundry room.

"That's fine with me," I said and handed him a pile of clothes to take to his closet.

"I love you." He kissed my cheek and then left the room. One of the twins walked in and wrapped their arms around me. I looked down and seen Noah.

"Mommy my pee pee hurts." That's a Christian problem. I picked him up and took him to Christian. "Daddy. It hurts," He said and pointed down there.

I left the two of them and continued doing laundry. After I headed back to the living room and grabbed Brielle. She started babbling a little and Mason got excited. He wanted to play with her so he sat on the floor with her as she tried to roll over on her back.

When Christian came downstairs, I looked at him and he was on his phone. "Babe come here," He said and I got up and followed him. "Look at it." I looked at Noah and there was a bump.

"Christian this is a you and Cam situation. You guys are the men and know about that. As much as I would love to help this is a father son situation. Maybe put a cream on it or look it up."

He nodded and then I went back down to Mason and Brielle. Mason continued to play with her until his food was ready. As the kids ate, Christian heated our food up. "Would you guys like a beer?" I asked and they nodded. As I got up, the doorbell rang.

When I opened it, there was Ally and Nico. Christian got up, and stood there with me. "So what do you guys want?" He asked and they were still silent. "Talk or get off my property."

"I wanted to apologize about the fight."

Christian's POV

I looked down at Cassie and she let go of my hand. "It's too late to say sorry. If I had the chance, I'd rock your shit again," I covered her mouth. When I looked back down at her with a death glare she nodded. As I uncovered it again she thought of what to say. "Maybe that was uncalled for, but I don't want to talk to either of you. I don't want either of you on our property again. Don't contact us and stay away from us."

"Cas come on."

"It's Cassie to you. If you want me to be happy, you'll leave my family and I alone." The two of them turned around and walked away.

"I'm not happy with the way you handled the first part, but the second part, I'm seeing some improvement babe." She laughed and hugged me. The both of us grabbed a couple beers and took them back to the table. After dinner, we all watched a movie in the living room.

"So I booked your guys vacation," Cam said and showed us his laptop. Cas and I got excited about our trip to Bora Bora. We both looked at the laptop and read the details.

Cassie's POV

"Cam," I said and shook him so he could wake up and go to his room. "Cameron," I said and adjusted Brielle in my arms. He started mumbling in his sleep.

"They aren't like Cas," He said and I stopped and tried processing what he said. A couple seconds later, he woke up and seen my face.

"Cameron, what were you talking about?" Fear filled his eyes and he never ever showed this around me. "Gosh damn it Cameron! What did you say?"

"Cas it's not like what it seems." I waited for him to continue. "At first, when you started dating Christian, I had a tiny crush on you for a couple months. Now I obviously don't, but I want someone like you. You care so much for my brother, and do anything for him. I don't know why I can't find someone like you."

"Cam, I understand that. But when the time is right, you'll find your person. It might not be someone like me but I will be there for you as well. Not in a romantic way, because I'm already committed to your brother," I said and flashed him my ring, "And cause I've never had feelings for you like that."

He nodded and got up to go to his room. Before he shut his bedroom door I heard him say, "Don't tell Christian please."

"Tomorrow morning you'll have to talk to him. I don't want this to be a secret." Brielle got fussy so I went upstairs. I put her in her crib before heading to my room. Christian was already asleep as I got into bed. But as soon as he felt my body lay in bed, he grabbed onto me and pulled me close.

"You barely came up?" He mumbled and I thought about the mini conversation I had right now.

"Yes I wanted Cam to head to his room." He nodded and then kissed my cheek.

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