Are You Peeing On Me?

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Cassie's POV

Christian and I took separate cars to the park because I didn't want to wait on him after the game. So when he came through the bedroom door, I smiled and patted the bed. "I know I had you a couple nights ago, but can I have you right now?"

He smiled and nodded his head. Christian locked the door and got back into bed with me. His fingers gently touched my skin and then he slowly took off my shorts and underwear. As he stuck his tongue in, I went to grab his hair but my belly stopped me once again.

I ended up grabbing the sheets and moaned a little. He was the best at making me feel good. Christian added a finger and I gasped a little and tried moving a little but he didn't let me. This time he didn't take as long as he usually did, but he started on the best part of the night.

His hands rested on the sides of me and he positioned himself and slid in. "Damn ," He said and bit his lip when he looked down. I pulled him close to me and started kissing him. I moaned into his mouth because it felt amazing. Christian suddenly pulled away from me. "Did you finish already?" I shook my head no and was confused.

"What are you talking about babe?" I asked and was slightly offended that he thought I was done.

A disgusted look appeared on his face, "Are you peeing on me then?" I moved a little and Christian got up. He looked at me and I looked down at myself. "Well hello, Cas tell me."

"No I'm not peeing," The two of us watched the liquid continue coming out. "Christian!" He didn't move his eyes but made a 'hmm' sound. "I think my water broke."

"Cassie what do you mean? It's only April and you aren't due until August."

"Well seems like your kid has other plans," I said and he helped me up. "We don't even have bags packed and we don't have anyone to watch the kids."

He ran into the closet and packed bags for us and the kids. "Lorenzo will take them," Christian said and helped me get dressed. We went to the kids room and Christian got them up and we went out to the garage. "Truck?"

"If you want all my liquids coming out in there, then sure." He grabbed my car keys and got the kids in the car.

Christian's POV

We just dropped the kids off and then we were on our way to the hospital. "Call my Mom," Cassie said and then grabbed her stomach. Voicemail. "Noooo, she went out to Tahiti with Ryan and Larisa and the kids. My mom can't miss my birth."

"I'll try my best to get ahold of them but for now we have to call my family." After a few rings my Mom answered, "Cassie's going into labor."

My mom laughed a little and realized I wasn't joking when all she could hear was silence. "We will get a flight right now and be there as soon as possible." She hung up the phone. I kept calling Cassie's parents and no one answered. Larisa for sure would answer.

"Hey Christian, we are heading to dinner so sorry if it's kinda loud. What's up?"

"Cassie's water broke and we are going to the hospital right now. Tell your family please." I could hear her talking to everyone and everyone sounded like they were in a panic.

The call ended, so I assumed they were going to rush to get here. I'm not sure if they'll make it, it depends on how fast she dilates. She didn't dilate fast last time so I'm not sure if it'll be the same today.

"We haven't even discussed names," She said in the passenger seat and she cried a little. I grabbed her hand, "I wasn't even ready to become a mother of three. I still needed those four months to wrap my head around it." She let go of my hand and then felt the towel under her. "Oh my gosh, why is there so much?"

"I don't know," I said and then looked back at the road. Possibly tomorrow, I can be a parent of three. It was crazy to think of but I was ready. As we got to the hospital they checked us in and they hooked Cas up to a machine.

"You're dilated at a two right now, so tomorrow or the next day might be the day you give birth," The nurse said and Cassie looked stressed, "Have you been stressing a lot? Because if you have, your baby can feel it too and that's why you might be super early in labor."

"I have," She said and then looked down at her stomach. The nurse talked to her for a few minutes and then left. "The twins are going to be the death of me. Christian the kid is four months early."

"I know Cas but there's nothing we can do about it now. We just have to pray everything will be fine with him." She grabbed my hand as a contraction came. I went to look at her but she glared at me. "I'm sorry."

Cameron's POV

"Did we miss the birth?" I asked as we walked into the room. Cassie groaned and shook her head no.

"She's barely at a three. Five hours and she's dilated from a two to a three," Christian said and she closed her eyes. "Her family is on a flight to get back here but I don't know if they'll be back in time. And she doesn't have the support system she had when she had the twins, so we were wondering if you guys could stay in here while she gives birth."

"And watch my nephew be born!" I asked and they nodded. "I can't look at her vagina." Cassie laughed a little.

"Please, my Mom isn't here, Larisa isn't here. I have no one besides your Mom and Christian." Collin and I looked at each other and shrugged and then nodded. "Don't judge please."

"We won't," I said and was very nervous that I was going to watch a birth I wasn't planning on watching. I sat down on the couch and watched Christian and Cassie.

He lifted the blanket up and looked at her and she got mad at him and hit him. "I just want to see down there, how expanded it is." She rolled her eyes at him. "How are you feeling? You want some ice chips?"

"I want food," She said and looked towards me. I would be the one to sneak food to her if anything. "Can I get food?" Christian and my mom shook their heads no.

"So are you getting an epidural?" I asked trying to take her mind off of food. She shook her head no and then sat up.

"My vagina hurts so much," She said and then grabbed Christian's hand. "I don't know what we are going to name our kid either. I'm so stressed right now."

"Hey don't worry about it. We have until you leave," My mom said and patted her back gently. Watching this wasn't easy. Her contractions were intense and she wasn't dilating fast. Another few hours passed by and she moved to a four. "What were you guys doing when you even noticed your water broke?" Cassie and Christian looked at each other.

The two of them laughed a little, "We were kinda in the middle of some romantic time," Christian said and I was about to throw up. Collin and I looked at each other and shook our heads. Just like the beginning of the relationship, not able to keep their hands off of each other.

As time passed, I became more and more nervous. I didn't want to sit and watch a baby come out of Cassie. But since her family isn't here I wanted to be her support.

"Oh fuck, I don't feel good," She said and Christian started rubbing her back. I wasn't feeling too good either, but I had no reason to complain compared to what she was going through.

This was going to be a long scary process, I wasn't ready for.

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