I Don't Want to Talk

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Christian's POV

"Last time we were here. you guys were so small," I told the kids as we walked into our Arizona apartment.

"Like this?" Mason asked and held his hand up and made a small space between his fingers.

"Maybe not that small bud," I said with a laugh. I looked back at Cassie and she seemed sad. "What's up C?"

"I don't really want to talk," She said and I was confused why but I decided not to touch on it right now.

"Come here boys, I want to play a game with you," I said and took them to the couch. Cas didn't stay out here with us and I was confused to why she was in a mood right now.

After finishing playing for a little bit, I put the boys down for a nap and then went to our bedroom. Cassie was laying on the bed crying. "Hey beautiful what's wrong?" I asked and helped her sit up. She just put her face on my chest and continued to cry.

"Christian I really don't want to talk about it with you," She said and I was really confused.

"Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt your feelings?" She shook her head no and I thought about it. "Do you want to talk to your brother?" She shook her head no again. "Then who baby?" She looked up at me and I wiped her tears. "Talk to me."

"Christian I'm sad because we've literally tried for the past month and nothing. Every single day babe."

"Hey, I told you I didn't want you to be discouraged. Cassie we know it's hard, we've been through this before."

"I am really sad Christian." I lifted her chin and kissed her lips. I looked at her and she was about to let another tear out.

"Don't let it fall babe," I said and she wiped it away. The two of us laughed and then she smiled. "What can I do to make you feel better? A back rub, suck on your toes?" She hit me and I just laughed.

"I just want a positive pregnancy test," She said and I just rubbed her cheek.

"We're trying our best babe," I told her and she just looked down.

"Is Cam coming down?" She asked.

"He's actually already here. Why, do you want to see him?"

"Yes if it's possible. I need to talk to my bestie." I just laughed and texted him. Cassie laid on top of me and I just rubbed her back. "I'm sad the season is starting back up and that you're going to be gone a lot."

"You can always travel with the kids." She shook her head no.

"They don't know how to act when it's just me. But as soon as you get home they're little angels."

"I'm going to have a talk with my boys and they better act right." She just looked in my eyes and didn't say anything. "Cas when you're sad, you make me sad. I really just want you to be happy."

"Well Christian I'm not happy. I'm really sad right now, and I'm sorry you and the kids have to see me this way but it's just like this right now." I felt horrible that she felt this way.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too Christian." We just laid together until Cam got here.

"Where are my nephews at!" Cam yelled while walking in. We went in their room and they were both up and excited to see him. After he hugged them and took them out of their cribs he asked, "Where's Cas?"

"Laying in bed, go in there and see her." He nodded and went to the room.

Cassie's POV

"Hey Cam," I said as he laid in bed with me.

"Hey what's wrong?" I cuddled into his chest and looked at him.

"I can't get pregnant that's what's wrong."

"You're kids are only a year old, why are you trying to have another?"

"Think about it like this, a pregnancy lasts ten months, so if I was to get pregnant now, the kids would be two years apart and that's what I want."

"Hey it's gonna happen soon. But for now, you have two very cute little boys that love to be with you all the time. Even though they do annoy you a lot, you know you love them."

Cam was right but I was still sad. I hugged him and we just laid there. "Mama," I heard and the boys came in with Christian.

The three of them laid on the bed with us. "Do you guys want to go out to dinner tonight?" Christian asked us and we both nodded.

"Of course, when do we skip eating?" Cam asked and I just laughed at him.

"Mase, can I have a kiss?" I asked him and he nodded and kissed me. "Noah?" He came over and kissed me. "Christian?" He kissed me and then Cam stopped us. "And now a hug from my bestie." His hugs were amazing.

We all laid in the bed and just talked for a while.

Ry 🤍 - So you know Steve is in town?

Me - Okay, and what's your point Ry?

Ry 🤍 - He wants to go out to dinner with us tonight. Just like old times

Me - Well I'm going out to dinner with Christian, Cam, and my kids. So either you guys can tag along or we can go out another night.

Ry 🤍 - Maybe another night then

I was confused why they didn't want to come along but I was fine with it at the same time. "I'm going to get dressed and then we can head out?"

Cam got up and took the kids out of the room and Christian stayed with me. "Come here," Christian said and grabbed my waist.

"What baby?" I asked him and looked at myself in the mirror that was behind him.

"Give me attention," He whined and I looked him in the eyes. Christian was worse than the kids sometimes. "I hope you're feeling better." I rolled my eyes and tried walking away but he stopped me. "Cas come on."

"Christian I'm not just going to feel better. That's not how it works. I really don't want to talk about it babe." I leaned in and kissed him for a few seconds. "I promise you I'll be alright, it's just a hard thing to deal with."

He nodded and we went out to the living room. "Let's go," Christian told them and we all left. When we got to the restaurant, I held both the kids hands.

"Mama, ice cream?" Noah asked and I looked at Christian and he shrugged.

"Maybe at the end. You guys have to be good the entire time we are here."

The two of them got excited as we set them down in the the high chairs. Christian and I sat together, and Cam sat on the other side by himself.

"So what are you hoping for?" Cam asked.

"Girl," Christian and I said and smiled.

"I want another nephew," Cam said and we both glared at him. "I mean a niece would be nice, but I love these two so much. But if you were to have a girl, I would still love her just as much." We laughed at him because his explanation made him sound nervous.

"Mom has been wanting us to have a girl really bad." Christian said and I looked at Mason and Noah. I really thought we would have at least one girl.

"Whatever we have, I will be super happy," I said and kissed Christian's cheek. Christian made me feel so safe and I loved that about him.

At the end of dinner, we got the boys ice cream since they had acted good. "So are you going to be good?" Cam asked me as I walked him to his hotel room.

"Yes, maybe not right now but eventually I will be."

"I love you Cas," He said and hugged me. "Please text me if you need me to come out to Milwaukee."

"I will Cam. And I love you too." I said and then left. When we got back home, Christian laid on top of me.

"What do you want?" I asked and wrapped my arms around him so I could keep texting.

He kissed my neck and I set my phone down because it felt good. I'm pretty sure he was leaving hickies all over my neck. "Do you want to tonight?" I nodded my head and let him continue. I really hope it will work tonight.

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